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/ Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection / BS1 part 50.zip / BS1 part 50 / Lijst maand mei 94.adf / Saucer1-05-1994
Text File  |  1990-02-19  |  556KB  |  7,089 lines

  1. aflic202.lha P  43197  05-01-94  ami fli player version 2.02
  2.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4. amicd110.lha P 188860  05-01-94  AmigaCDROM - CDROM filesystem for Amiga     
  5.                                  Version 1.10 (29-Apr-94)                    
  6.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  7.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  8. bootman.lha  P  36094  05-01-94  Bootcontroler ! Key for your system , only
  9.                                  "registered" users can start Your computer!
  10.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  11.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  12. bsm-stor.dms P 297920  05-01-94  ©°°°FucK°°© B-SuM CrEW ¦ RElEaSeS ©°°YoU°°°©
  13.                                  ©       sTOrm ACRoss EuRoPE Aga FIxEd      ©
  14.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  15.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  16. bsm-stor.inf N   1716  05-01-94  ”””FucK”” B-SuM CrEW ¦ RElEaSeS ””YoU”””
  17.                                         sTOrm ACRoss EuRoPE Aga FIxEd
  18.                                           INFO FILE!
  19.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  20.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  21. dlt-smtr.dms P  16503  05-01-94  ______    ________.  /\    ______.__________
  22.                                  \____ \/\/  _  /  |_/\/\/\/ ___/ |  \  __  /
  23.                                  |:  /   //    /\  | \_ \\  /  \     \\/  \/
  24.                                  |______/_______/_____/___\____/__|___/____\
  25.                                  +-------------(TrAiNeD ToDaY)-----------mk-+
  26.                                          Super Methane Brothers (+9)
  27.                                    + Fix Memory For The FastMem Computers
  28.                                         All Done By BlackBird/Delight
  29.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  30.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  31. dmsgui01.lha P  37707  05-01-94   _  __   _____  _____ _____  _____ _____ __
  32.                                  /.\ \.\ /  _  \/.....\  __ \/.....\ ___//./
  33.                                  \..\/..\  (_) /../\../ /__\/../\..//__ /./
  34.                                   \__.../    _/...\/./ /(_ \...\/./ __//./
  35.                                  /\_/../ /\  \../\../  \_/ /./\../  \_/\.\_/\
  36.                                  \____/_/  \_/_/ /_/\_____/_/ /_/______/____/
  37.                                   DMS & FMS GUI interface by YRAGAEL (v0.1)
  38.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  39.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  40. eqx-cnd.txt  N  11138  05-01-94    __/\________ ___/\____     _/\__   ___
  41.                                    \_   ._____/ \_    .  \    \    \ /  .\
  42.                                    /    ___)_   _/    :   \_   \    Y  / /
  43.                                  _/    :     \_ |     `    /   /.   |  \ \
  44.                                  |     ·______/ |      ___ \  //    :   \ \
  45.                                  `------'       `------'  \/  \\___/ \____/
  46.                                  <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> ¶®e$eNt$ <-=-=-=-=-=-=->
  47.                                  Commodore is not dead! There is still hope!
  48.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  49.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  50. fci-crts.dms P 626436  05-01-94  Flying Cows Inc. Present their charts...
  51.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  52.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  53. god-qn21.lha P  10620  05-01-94    ______/\________ _____/\ ________________ 
  54.                                    \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/ 
  55.                                      \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/   
  56.                                        \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /     
  57.                                  EXPRESS\__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/DESIGN
  58.                                  <---------\/- ·p·R·E·S·E·N·T·S· -\/-------->
  59.                                         QuickNew V2.1 by CALYPS0/G0D !
  60.                                  The update to the ultimate util ! Pure ASM !
  61.                                  <------------------------------------------>
  62.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  63.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  64. god-week.lha P  12213  05-01-94    ______/\________ _____/\ ________________ 
  65.                                    \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/ 
  66.                                      \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/   
  67.                                        \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /     
  68.                                  EXPRESS\__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/DESIGN
  69.                                  <---------\/- ·p·R·E·S·E·N·T·S· -\/-------->
  70.                                          WeekTop V1.0 by CALYPS0/G0D !
  71.                                     ASM XIM Door ! Many nice features and
  72.                                    fully configurable ! Use it ! Love it !
  73.                                  <------------------------------------------>
  74.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  75.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  76. hcc_ae38.lha P 908769  05-01-94  .   __ ___.____   ______     ______   _ _.
  77.                                  |_.| _/  _|   .\_/    _/____/    _/____.|_._
  78.                                  .|_./    \_    \\_    \     |    \     :._|.
  79.                                  |_.\\_____|      /__________|__________||mAZ
  80.                                  «---------l_____/--( hEAVY cOOl cRACKS )---»
  81.                                             (-÷P÷R÷E÷S÷E÷N÷T÷S÷-)
  82.                                  AmiExpress V3.38 100% FULLY CRACKED BY BORRE
  83.                                  All Update's, doc's, rev's a.s.o is included
  84.                                  NOW it work's 100%, not like the fucked up
  85.                                  Obscene release! DL and use this one instead
  86.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  87.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  88. jr_20.lha    P 130933  05-01-94   /\_ ___ /\__/\____/\____:___ __/\__ __/\_  
  89.                                   \_ Y  /(__)_  _ \_  __\ |  / \ __ / \   /  
  90.                                   /  l  \/  / __/_/|  |\/ l_ \ / l  \ /  /_  
  91.                                   \     /  /  \  \_|  |/      \  __  \  /  \ 
  92.                                    \___/\__\__/\  /l__|\______/___l__/______\
  93.                                  ===============\/===========================
  94.                                   THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR       
  96.                                   JR-COMM 2.0 RELEASE DATE (NOT YET SET)     
  97.                                   GRAB IT NOW  NO DOCS (NOT WRITEN YET)      
  99.                                    NØ MAJOR CHANGES  NO BUGS NOW  !!!!       
  100.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  101. lsd-glad.dms P 459540  05-01-94     _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___
  102.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S
  103.                                  ¦M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ :  
  104.                                  ¦R _|   / \\_ | \\_ ¦  \\_  Gladiators of
  105.                                  ¦V \  ______/_____/____  /   Dagania PAL
  106.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/  Fixed/1 Disked!
  107.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  108.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  109. mpfake.lha   P   8585  05-01-94  @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZX×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×
  110.                                  ×  X-ACT's M¡RAGe-PACKER ¡S A B¡G FAKE  ×
  111.                                  X>-------------------------------------<X
  112.                                  ×     READ ALL ABOUT TH¡Z LAMENESS!!    ×
  113.                                  X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X
  114.                                  @END_FILE_ID.DIZ
  115.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  116.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  117. ne-mueu.dms  P 520061  05-01-94   __ ___/\____/\_____/\___/\_______________.
  118.                                   _ ____  \  ____        _  \              |
  119.                                     /  /  /  _)_/  /  /  /  /   Presents   |
  120.                                    /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /   ~~~~~~~~~~  |
  121.                                   /  /__(___  (___  (__/  /   MUSIC-X      |
  122.                                  (__/       \/    \/  (__/   MXExaples1.1  |
  123.                                                              MXUTILITIES   |
  124.                                  EXEMPLES AND UTILITY - PACK               |
  125.                                  ------------------------------------------´
  126.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  127.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  128. ne-musi.nfo  N   8493  05-01-94   __ ___/\____/\_____/\___/\_______________.
  129.                                   _ ____  \  ____        _  \              |
  130.                                     /  /  /  _)_/  /  /  /  /   Presents   |
  131.                                    /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /   ~~~~~~~~~~  |
  132.                                   /  /__(___  (___  (__/  /   MUSIC-X      |
  133.                                  (__/       \/    \/  (__/   Info about    |
  134.                                                              this.. .      |
  135.                                  Music-X  Exelent MIDI - Music-programm    |
  136.                                  ------------------------------------------´
  137.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  138.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  139. ne-prve.dms  P 742959  05-01-94  PROVECTOR 2.1 
  140.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  141.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  142. ne-ticu.dms  P 769851  05-01-94  TIGER CUP - THE UNIQUE, EASY TO USE,
  143.                                  MUSIC-SEQUENCER THAT CCAN MAKE YOU
  144.                                  A HIT MUSICAN.
  145.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  146.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  147. op23_000.lha P 477487  05-01-94  OPAL PAINT V2.3 UPDATE 68000 VERSION
  148.                                  `------------------------------[Seven /\/\]'
  149.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  150.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  151. opalr3d2.lha P   4061  05-01-94  THIS IS THE OPAL R3D2 LIBRARY
  152.                                  `------------------------------[Seven /\/\]'
  153.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  154.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  155. pdy-smb1.dms P 850019  05-01-94  _____________________ ______________________
  156.                                  \_______ \____ \___ _\/\_ _ /__/.____/__ / /
  157.                                  :  / ____/    _/  / //  \ //  // /  /  /  /:
  158.                                  | /__/  /__/  /_____/____ /__/____ /_____/ |
  159.                                  |.::::::::/___ /::::::::\/:::::::\/:::Sk!n.|
  160.                                  +------------\/P r e s e n t s ------------+
  161.                                    SUPER METHANE BROTHERS from APACHE [1/2]
  162.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  163.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  164. pdy-smb2.dms P 670477  05-01-94  _____________________ ______________________
  165.                                  \_______ \____ \___ _\/\_ _ /__/.____/__ / /
  166.                                  :  / ____/    _/  / //  \ //  // /  /  /  /:
  167.                                  | /__/  /__/  /_____/____ /__/____ /_____/ |
  168.                                  |.::::::::/___ /::::::::\/:::::::\/:::Sk!n.|
  169.                                  +------------\/P r e s e n t s ------------+
  170.                                    SUPER METHANE BROTHERS from APACHE [2/2]
  171.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  172.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  173. results.txt  N   2636  05-01-94     SATURNE PARTY 2 - PARIS
  174.                                  ---   The Official Competitions Results!  --
  175.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  176.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  177. rm612ep.lha  P 148650  05-01-94  ZyXEL Firmware Release 6.12 for U-1496E+
  178.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  179.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  180. smidge.exe   N 140084  05-01-94  Smidge - fun platform game
  181.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  182.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  183. stxpfix.lha  P 286780  05-01-94  protracker 2.3a  AGA-fix version 2
  184.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  185.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  186. sum.lha      P  17558  05-01-94  Sum up numbers in formated ascii files.
  187.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  188.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  189. tvpaint.lha  P 281843  05-01-94  .    /\  _____________________   .
  190.                                  :   /  \/  ___       ______   \  :
  191.                                  |  /        \/  _|   \|   |\   \ |
  192.                                  |_/    \/    \  \_    \   :/    \|
  193.                                  |\_____||     \__|     \_ /     /|
  194.                                  `-------|______/-|______/______/-'
  195.                                   ><>MuTuAl AsSuReD DeStRuCtIoN<><
  196.                                   ><>    TVPAINT 2.0.2 12654   <><
  197.                                   ><>       NOT DEDONGLED      <><
  198.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  199.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  200. uniq.lha     P  19399  05-01-94  Convert ados filenames to unique msdos.
  201.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  202.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  203. waggle2.exe  N 154912  05-01-94   __________/\___________ /\____  _/|________
  204.                                  |  ___)_  (__)  _  \   /(__)  _)|_ |___  __/
  205.                                  |  _)  _  |  |  |  /  /_|_ | (   /    |  |  
  206.                                  |  ||__|  |__|  |__\  ___/ |_   /__|  |SP|  
  207.                                  `--'   `--'  `--'   \/  `--' \_/   `--`--'
  208.                                  waggle o mania 2 from team 17!
  209.                                  by MEMORY!
  210.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  211.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  212. zterm092.lha P 182854  05-01-94  ZeeTerm v0.92, a 100% danish developed      
  213.                                  communications tool for the Amiga.          
  214.                                  It provides EMSI and IEMSI support, a       
  215.                                  special dos-handler that works much like    
  216.                                  the known AUX: handler, screen-memory,      
  217.                                  X- Y- and Z-modem, and much much more.      
  218.                                  This is an update to the v0.91 released     
  219.                                  in march '94. Shareware.                    
  220.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  221.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  222. zyxelref.lha P  25606  05-01-94  ZyXEL Quick Reference Guide
  223.                                  updated for v6.12
  224.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  225.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  226. proa114r.lha P 100963  05-01-94  Great registered ANSI editor. Try it!
  227.                                  PuMpEd Up bY Escobeer
  228.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  229.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  230. rus201.lha   P 181733  05-01-94  ------------------------------------------- 
  231.                                   The latest and final version of Russifier  
  232.                                   for any  AMIGA.  New  features, New fonts  
  233.                                   including XeN fonts for MagicWB, built-in  
  234.                                   keyboard/mice locker.Now with IFF xamples  
  235.                                   »»»>  Written by Horny Pie / RuSSiA  <«««  
  236.                                  ------------------------------------------- 
  237.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  238.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  239. RLX-CDEA.TXT N  13925  05-01-94                       
  240.                                       __________________________________
  241.                                  :::::\      \   __/   __/ /   __/  |  /::::
  242.                                  :::::/  :\  /  __/    _/ /   __/      \::::
  243.                                  ::::/   |   \  | \   |   \/\ | \   .   \:::
  244.                                  :::/____|____\____\__|______\___\__|____\::
  245.                                  +==============[ PRESENTS! ]==============+
  246.                                  +     C= IS DEAD ! THIS IS OFFICIAL !!    +
  247.                                  +=========================================+
  248.                                           GiVeD By : [-LePRoSy-]/ReFLeX!     
  249. DMSV203R.LHA P  56117  05-01-94  DMS V2.03 - CRACKED!
  250.                                  COMMANDLINE-VERSION!
  251.                                  [-------------------[         condor]------]
  252. BATTEST.LHA  P  74876  05-02-94  Got a battery in your clock in your computer
  253.                                  ????????????????????????????????????????????
  254.                                  Then this will tell you how good it is !
  255.                                  ................................aParntly!
  256.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  257. FUNKY44.LHA  P 115480  05-02-94  Funky v4.4 - Mathplotter.                   
  258.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  259. MLM-VS1.DMS  P 531231  05-02-94  _____    /\________.       ___|__ |
  260.                                  \___ \  / ______   |      /   __/ |
  261.                                   /  \ \/ /  \/     |_____/    |   |
  262.                                  /    \  /    \_  __/    /     :   |
  263.                                  \_____\/______/_________\_________;
  264.                                  .::::> MILLENIUM ^ DELIGHT ! <::::.
  265.                                  - VECTORSTORM FROM INNOVATRONICS - [1/2]
  266.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  267. N&B_RCG.DOC  N  37909  05-02-94  __ .  :  _ _______  _:__:__    :___._ ______
  268.                                    \|  |_.  _  ___/A \____  \___|_  |__  ___/
  269.                                   \    | |  |   \_N  _|  /   / _  \_;  \  \_
  270.                                  __\___| ;  |__  / D \  ____/  |   /_  /_  /
  271.                                  .-÷e÷\_____|--\/-----\/---\______/--\/--\/-.
  272.                                    rYDEr cUP gOLF fULL MaNUaL bY sHARd/N&B
  273.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  274. PDART.LHA    P 178415  05-02-94  PUBDARTS , dhareware darts game
  275.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  276. 0800-BB.LHA  P  15537  05-02-94  A BBS in the UK that is on an 0800 number
  277.                                  so you can call it 4 free!         [Huk/PSX]
  278.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  279. AA1-2.LHA    P  55817  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  280.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  281.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  282.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  283.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  284.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  285.                                    Amiga Addicts online v1.2. Diskzine in
  286.                                    Amiga Guide format.
  287.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  288. TV-LINGO.LHA P 304896  05-02-94  LINGO !!!! 4 all u Lingo lovers !!!!!!!
  289.                                  Great game !!! he he he he . . . . 
  290.                                  ············································
  291.                                  RAVAGE WHQ +46(340)35674 !!!!!!!
  292.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  293. ULIB3951.LHA P  76590  05-02-94  Unpack.library V39.51 - Recognizes
  294.                                  OVER 150 different crunchers! Including DMS 
  295.                                  and LHA.
  296.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  297. UPCAT13.LHA  P  80377  05-02-94  A disk catalog program.
  298.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  299. USACALL.TXT  N   5920  05-02-94  Another way for free calls to USA
  300.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  301. RT22BUSR.LHA P 174876  05-02-94  REQUESTERTOOL V2.2B USER VERSION.
  302.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  303. ACD-MED1.DMS P 601946  05-02-94  ACTION DIRECT NEW DEMO [DISK1/2]
  304.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  305.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  306. ACD-MED2.DMS P 671701  05-02-94  ACTION DIRECT NEW DEMO [DISK2/2]
  307.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  308.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  309. AMS421.LHA   P  26890  05-02-94  *************** AMS 42.1 **************** 
  310.                                  This is a collection of DataType classes.  
  311.                                  It includes a Sun audio DataType, a X-
  312.                                  Bitmap picture DataType, and an upgrade 
  313.                                  to the picture.datatype that provides 
  314.                                  better color remapping.  
  315.                                  These classes work with all Amigas and 
  316.                                  require a minimum 3.0 (V39). 
  317.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  318.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  320.                                  [1/2]  - NEEDS 2 DRIVES
  321.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  322.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  324.                                  NEEDS 2 DRIVES - [2/2]
  325.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  326.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  328.                                   INFO FILE
  329.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  330.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  331. CEI.TXT      N   6015  05-02-94  Contents of fax sent to amiga
  332.                                  dealers on Satuday April 30, 1994
  333.                                  from Creative Equipment International
  334.                                  USA largest Amiga distributer
  335.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  336.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  337. CLIPHIST.LHA P  37811  05-02-94  ClipHistory v1.0
  338.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  339.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  340. CSMCONF.LHA  P  11663  05-02-94  **************************************
  341.                                  Capture of an Open Forum On Compuserve
  342.                                  Sunday 5-1-94 9:00 EST
  343.                                  With Mike Levine from the
  344.                                  Commondore Shareholder's Movement
  345.                                    ABOUT THE FATE OF THE AMIGA
  346.                                  -Edited By Cygnus.23 of Mayhem-
  347.                                  **************************************
  348.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  349.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  350. DISKR105.LHA P  28657  05-02-94  Diskripper V1.05
  351.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  352.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  353. DMSGUI02.LHA P  26467  05-02-94   _  __   _____  _____ _____  _____ _____ __
  354.                                  /.\ \.\ /  _  \/.....\  __ \/.....\ ___//./
  355.                                  \..\/..\  (_) /../\../ /__\/../\..//__ /./
  356.                                   \__.../    _/...\/./ /(_ \...\/./ __//./
  357.                                  /\_/../ /\  \../\../  \_/ /./\../  \_/\.\_/\
  358.                                  \____/_/  \_/_/ /_/\_____/_/ /_/______/____/
  359.                                   DMS & FMS GUI interface by YRAGAEL (v0.2)
  360.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  361.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  362. DVN_HURT.TXT N  19467  05-02-94  .________ (__) ___!   _(__) _____  _______ .
  363.                                  |\____  _\/  \/_  |   //_ \/  .  \/  ___  \|
  364.                                  ! /   \  \\   \\  !   //   \  !.  \  !____/!
  365.                                  | \_______/___/\_____/\____/__|!   \______!|
  366.                                  |                             !____/  EL?  |
  367.                                  :        ELRiC? oF DiViNE pReSENTS..       |
  368.                                  | ..a nEW aSCII cOLLECTION cALLED - "hURT" |
  369.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  370.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  371.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  372. EXEPT46.LHA  P  11479  05-02-94  ExecPatch 4.6  - 2.0/3.0 speedup patch
  373.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  374.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  375. FBL66.LHA    P   6990  05-02-94  fASTERblIT 6.6 - 2.0/3.0 speedup patch
  376.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  377.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  378. FNT-REFL.DMS P 198498  05-02-94  .______.   .__  __.    .______.__.     
  379.                                  :    __¡___:  \!  :____¡_    _¡__:____:
  380.                                  ¦   ._| _  ¡   :  ¡  _  ::  :B.__¡   _¡
  381.                                  ¡   ::  _  |  :   |  _  ¡¡  ¦z:  |  |_ 
  382.                                  |___¡¦__¦__|__¡\__|__¦__||__¡R¡__|____|
  383.                                  [============( pRESENTs )====] BzR [==]
  384.                                  REFLECT REVOLUTION & THE MEETINGS INTRO
  385.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  386.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  387. FONTPR20.LHA P  12777  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  388.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  389.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  390.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  391.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  392.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  393.                                  Font prefs clone v2.0. Replacement for 
  394.                                  fonts prefs. Shows font sample
  395.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  396.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  397. FORGE.LHA    P 288532  05-02-94  The FORGE-interactive texture generator and
  398.                                  animation program for 3d users             
  399.                                  supports Imagine and 24 bit anims
  400.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  401.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  402. GFXLT365.LHA P   5099  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  403.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  404.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  405.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  406.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  407.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  408.                                       GFXList v36.5 by THJ/TechnoLogic.
  409.                                     Shows useful info on graphics files.
  410.                                     Supports BMP/GIF/JPEG/ILBM/ANIM/PCX
  411.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  412.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  413. GOD-SCAN.LHA P  12934  05-02-94    ______/\________ _____/\ ________________ 
  414.                                    \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/ 
  415.                                      \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/   
  416.                                        \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /     
  417.                                  EXPRESS\__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/DESIGN
  418.                                  <---------\/- ·p·R·E·S·E·N·T·S· -\/-------->
  419.                                         Best-Scan V1.0 by CALYPS0/G0D !
  420.                                  The FASTEST and BEST-LOOKING Newfiles Door !
  421.                                   Fully configurable, new features ! GREAT !
  422.                                    ASM XIM POWER ! Why use something else ?
  423.                                  <------------------------------------------>
  424.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  425.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  426. LARD_DESIGN  N  86916  05-02-94  Lard Dezign's NEW Demo
  427.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  428.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  429. MGNMAY94.LHA P  65438  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  430.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  431.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  432.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  433.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  434.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  435.                                            Micro Guerilla News v1.2.
  436.                                     Another diskzine in Amiga Guide format
  437.                                                   May 94 issue.
  438.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  439.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  440. MTN-BANS.LHA P 456887  05-02-94                 tErmInaTor oF                
  441.                                  __/\ ___/\____/\___ ___/\____/\ ___     _   
  442.                                  \_  V¬\_   ¬\_    ¬l¬\_   ¬\_  \ ¬l\\tS//\__
  443.                                   l\___/l   l l  l  |  l   l l \ \ |  \//    
  444.                                   |  l  |   | |  |__|  |   | |  \  |         
  445.                                   |  |  |   | |  |  |  |   | |  l\ |  bRiNGS:
  446.                                   |  |  |   | |  |  |  |   | |  |  |     _   
  447.                                   l__|  |_____l__l  l__l_____l__|  |\\  //\__
  448.                                      l__l                       l__l  \//    
  449.                                     BANSHEE PREVIEW - A1200/2MB HD VERSION   
  450.                                      works now FULL on a standard A1200..    
  451.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  452.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  453. MTN-BANS.NFO N   4507  05-02-94       Info File to the BANSHEE PREVIEW !!    
  454.                                          -_->  READ THIS FIRST ! <-_-
  455.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  456.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  457.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  458. MWBBCK.LHA   P 159254  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  459.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  460.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  461.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  462.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  463.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  464.                                           4 Backdrops for MAGIC W/B.
  465.                                     Cyborg   Brunette    Redhead    Surfer
  466.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  467.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  468. NOC-AF10.LHA P  11047  05-02-94    · _______  __  ____________  __  ______   
  469.                                    : \_____ \/  \/ __/ __/ /  \/  \/ ____/   
  470.                                    :___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / __/  ·   
  471.                                    \  // / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / //\ :   
  472.                                    |\/ \/\/\__/\__/\/\__/\/  \/\/\__//__\¦   
  473.                                    `=----------------------[ design ]---='   
  474.                                          ·-= /X noC-AutoFree V1.0 =-·        
  475.                                    .=-----------------------------------=.   
  476.                                    | Automatically makes  uploaded files |   
  477.                                    ¦   with certain prefixes FREE DL's   ¦   
  478.                                    :   By nocTurne deSign/MST in 1994    :   
  479.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  480.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  481. NOC-CP10.LHA P  15103  05-02-94   __ ____________________________________  : 
  482.                                   \//____/\__________  ________/\__  ___/d ¦ 
  483.                                    ____ /  \__ \/ __/ / / /   /  \/ __/¦ e | 
  484.                                    \  // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | s | 
  485.                                     \// / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / /  | i | 
  486.                                   /\ / / /\  /\  / /\  / / / / /\  //\ | g ¦ 
  487.                                   noC\/\/  \/  \/\/  \/\/  \/\/  \//__\| n : 
  488.                                   .- -- -------------------------------'   : 
  489.                                   :   -÷< /X noC-Coupon Version 1.00 >÷-     
  490.                                   ¦   A comprehensive, easy to use sysop     
  491.                                   |   and cosysop free-download creator.     
  492.                                   |    By nocTurne deSign/MST in 1994        
  493.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  494. NOC-SD10.LHA P  12073  05-02-94    · _______  __  ____________  __  ______   
  495.                                    : \_____ \/  \/ __/ __/ /  \/  \/ ____/   
  496.                                    :___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / __/  ·   
  497.                                    \  // / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / //\ :   
  498.                                    |\/ \/\/\__/\__/\/\__/\/  \/\/\__//__\¦   
  499.                                    `=----------------------[ design ]---='   
  500.                                           ·-= /X noC-SDOPP V1.0 =-·          
  501.                                    .=-----------------------------------=.   
  502.                                    |   Senseless Destruction of Public   |   
  503.                                    ¦ Property WALL XIM. Very attractive! ¦   
  504.                                    :   By nocTurne deSign/MST in 1994    :   
  505.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  506.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  507. NOC-WH10.LHA P  27248  05-02-94   __ ____________________________________  : 
  508.                                   \//____/\__________  ________/\__  ___/d ¦ 
  509.                                    ____ /  \__ \/ __/ / / /   /  \/ __/¦ e | 
  510.                                    \  // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | s | 
  511.                                     \// / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / /  | i | 
  512.                                   /\ / / /\  /\  / /\  / / / / /\  //\ | g ¦ 
  513.                                   noC\/\/  \/  \/\/  \/\/  \/\/  \//__\| n : 
  514.                                   .- -- -------------------------------'   : 
  515.                                   :    -÷< /X noC-WHO Version 1.00 >÷-       
  516.                                   ¦ One of the most *EASY TO INSTALL* and    
  517.                                   | FULL-FEATURED Ami-X who doors to date    
  518.                                   |    By nocTurne deSign/MST in 1994        
  519.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  520. OL-MUSI.NFO  N   9741  05-02-94         ne-mu11.dms & ne-ticu.dms            
  521.                                    =o=================================o=     
  522.                                     :   ______  /|  ___.___________   :      
  523.                                     :   \__/ .\/ |  \__:  __/ .\__/   :      
  524.                                     :    \/  | \ |__/  |  \/  | \/    :      
  525.                                     :    /   __/\|  \  |   \  __/\    :      
  526.                                     :    \______/___/\_|___/_____/    :      
  527.                                     :                                 :      
  528.                                    =o=================================o=     
  529.                                        * tHe eLiTe of tHe eLiTe *            
  530.                                              Happy Birthday                  
  531.                                   Music-X 1.1 & Tiger Cub are 3 yrs old today
  532.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  533. PCICN103.LHA P  92994  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  534.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  535.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  536.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  537.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  538.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  539.                                                   Pic Icon v1.03. 
  540.                                     Takes an IFF image (ILBM or ANIM) and 
  541.                                   creates an icon image showing the contents 
  542.                                   of the file
  543.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  544.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  545. PDX-HM2.LHA  P  16064  05-02-94  ____/:___/\____/\____/\____/\_ __/\___/\ /\ 
  546.                                  \  ___  \__ /\_  _ \ __ /\_ _ \\ __ /\_ Y / 
  547.                                   \/__/  /l  \/ __/_/ l_ \/ _j  \ l_ \/  _ \ 
  548.                                   / \___/ __  \ \  \_ __  \     /     \  /  \
  549.                                   \   |\___l__/_/\  /__l__/____/______/_/_NeB
  550.                                  ==\__:===========\/======================\/=
  551.                                            FULL DOCS FOR HEIMDALL 2          
  552.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  553.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  554. PS30NEWS.TXT N  20833  05-02-94  Latest news on the Pagestream 3.0 update
  555.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  556.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  557. REBELLIO.DMS P 155458  05-02-94     ____  ____  ____  __  ____  ____  ____
  558.                                     /    \/  _ \/    \/  \/  _ \/    \/  __\
  559.                                    /      \     \  T  \   \     \  ___\     \
  560.                                   /  |  |  \ T   \ |   \   \ T   \     \___  
  561.                                   \__|__|__/_|___/_|___/___/_|___/LZR__/_____
  562.                                   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  563.                                   :::::::::: PREsENTs -: REBEllION ::::::::::
  564.                                   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  566.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  567.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  568. SCX_PD1.TXT  N  44139  05-02-94   /\____________________________________ __/\
  569.                                  M\   _  / _  / _  |  _  ____ \  ____   |   /
  570.                                  b/\_ \_/  \_/  |  |  |  |  |  \ _/\ \_ _ _/ 
  571.                                  /  /  \     |  |  |  !  |  ___/ |  \/  |  \_
  572.                                  \______\____|_____|_____|  | \_____/___|___/
  573.                                                          `--'
  574.                                             -PSYCHEDELIC DREAMS-
  575.                                  the latest colly from Snuffy!!!
  576.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  577.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  578. SETFF175.LHA P  30240  05-02-94  SetFF v1.75 100% for Fusion Forty.
  579.                                  FPU will now work on all boards without
  580.                                  crashes or freezes (even pre-plug'n'go).
  581.                                  Amax support added as well.
  582.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  583.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  584. SETMN10G.LHA P  14970  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  585.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  586.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  587.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  588.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  589.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  590.                                  Setman v1.0G/Setmanager v1.0D - SetFunction
  591.                                  Manager. Patches set Function() to new 
  592.                                  better one.
  593.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  594.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  595. SFF176A.LHA  P  21915  05-02-94  SetFF 1.76 ALPHA - This will ONLY currently
  596.                                  work if kicking from a KS file image.  New
  597.                                  "FORCE" option for forcing KS file to 
  598.                                  replace current kicked KS without need for
  599.                                  an extra disable reboot.
  600.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  601.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  602. SLOGIK.TXT   N  32735  05-02-94  SOFT-LOGIK answers to commonly asked
  603.                                  questions about populer Soft-Logik
  604.                                  programs like PageStream 3.0 (King of
  605.                                  DTP, any plateform!), Art Expression,
  606.                                  TypeSmith
  607.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  608.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  609. TDS_COM2.LHA P 136671  05-02-94             _.       ._
  610.                                          __/ l_    __| \_   ______
  611.                                     +-- (__  __)  (___  _) (_ ____) ----+
  612.                                     |    /   l___ /  |  ¬\ /___  ¬\¡N 94|
  613.                                     !FnM/    /  ¬\   l    \    \   \    !
  614.                                     :  (______  t \____  d \____  s \   :
  615.                                     .=======\______)=\______)=\______)==.
  616.                                     .  ---===]the DøøDLeS^SHøCK[===---  .
  617.                                     .= PrøUDLY ============== PrESENTS =.
  618.                                     :    - CHiP'o'MATiC - iSSUE 2 -     : 
  619.                                     +-----------------------------------+
  620.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  621.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  622. TOOLM21G.LHA P 182818  05-02-94  Toolmanager v2.1g 
  623.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  624.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  625. TP.LHA       P   8870  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  626.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  627.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  628.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  629.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  630.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  631.                                  TP - Task priority. Changes the priority of 
  632.                                  the shell it runs in. Does not clash with 
  633.                                  the Enforcer, unlike other similar progs.
  634.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  635.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  636. a-jehova.dms P 213860  05-02-94    _________________________________________.
  637.                                  _/    _ _/    _ _/    ! _/    ___/    _____|
  638.                                  \_  __¡ \_    _ \______ \______ \______    |
  639.                                   |  \__  |    !  |    !  |    !  |    !    |
  640.                                   l____|  l____   l____   l____   l____arise|
  641.                                  <--kRml____|--\____|--\____|--\____|--\____|
  642.                                   presents 4 you a new intro called "Jehova"!
  643.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  644.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  645. callfree.txt N   4036  05-02-94  .------------------------------------------.
  646.                                  | cALL fOR fREE ! nEW wAYS oF pHREAKING    |
  647.                                  | bRINGS tHE sWEDISH sCENE tOGETHER!       |
  648.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  649.                                  | An easy way (legal?!) to call the swedish|
  650.                                  | 'pardy-lines' for FREE! Do you want to   |
  651.                                  | have conferances with the swedish scene!?|
  652.                                  | Get this down NOW! And remember who      |
  653.                                  | brought it to you = THE SiLENCER / TDS ! |
  654.                                  | >> THIS IS 100% ## TRUE! ## NO FAKE! <<  |
  655.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  656.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  657.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  658. cbe31.lha    P  44047  05-02-94  Clipboard enhancer v3.1
  659.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  660.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  661. chuckyrp.txt N   3674  05-02-94  +-----------------------------------+
  662.                                  |CHUCKY'S LAMENESS ST¡NKS!!!!!!!!!!!|
  663.                                  |THIS IS THE REPLY TO HE'S LAME     |
  664.                                  |REPLY IN THE SERIES FROM THE FILE  |
  665.                                  |CLEASCEN.TXT AND CLSCNRP.TXT!!!!!!!|
  666.                                  |***WHY MESS WITH ZONDERKOMMANDO?***|
  667.                                  +-----------------------------------|
  668.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  669.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  670. commgone.txt N  15477  05-02-94  Sorry to have to share this...Commodore Intl
  671.                                  is DEAD, GONE, AND BURIED!!! Read and mourn 
  672.                                  for the loss of the BEST computer around!!
  673.                                  Commodore is no longer.......
  674.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  675.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  676. dcr_v1_1.lha P  27962  05-02-94  .-----------------------------------------.
  677.                                  | Decrunch v1.1 - Lets you decrunch lots  |
  678.                                  | of sorts of packed executables.         |
  679.                                  `---------------------------------Exodous-'
  680.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  681.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  682. dsm-cr.dms   P 115345  05-02-94  DISARM cracked CAVE RUNNER new version!
  683.                                  a1200 compatible and bug-fixed!
  684.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  685.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  686. formul1.dms  P 387650  05-02-94             _                         
  687.                                   _________(_)___  ____  _____________
  688.                                  /    ___  \ / _ \/ ___\/ __\   ____ 
  689.                                  \____  \ +| | | | ____/ ___/__  \     
  690.                                    / |   \_/ | | |    /___ \/ |   \    
  691.                                    \  ___/|| | | / __/ / / /\  ___/    
  692.                                     \_/ \_/\_/\_/\_/ \/  \/  \_/       
  694.                                   BrInGs yOu: FøRmUlA øNe cHaLLEngE
  695.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  696.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  697. hadeups.lha  P   6402  05-02-94  HADES NEW UPLOADERS RACE, EVERYONE WELCOME!
  698.                                                            From May 1st to
  699.                                                            June 1st. Prize
  700.                                                            $150! 
  701.                                  =-=-=-=-=-=-\-\ADES-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  702.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  703.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  704. imperial.dms P 167993  05-02-94  IMPERIAL! MAH-YONGG/SHANGHAI CLONE!         
  705.                                  VERY GOOD !!! GEDDIT IF YA LIKE IT!!!       
  706.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  707.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  708. its-over.txt N  14687  05-02-94  +-----------------------------------------+
  709.                                  |                                         |
  710.                                  |  --C-O-M-M-O-D-O-R-E--I-S--D-E-A-D-!--  | 
  711.                                  | |                                       |
  712.                                  |-+- and this is unfortunately not yet    |
  713.                                  | | another evil rumour. This is a fact.  |
  714.                                  | |                                     :(|
  715.                                  +-----------------------------------------+
  716.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  717.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  718. members.txt  N  24983  05-02-94  The new memberlist !! it has to be checked
  719.                                  too !! please do it as fast as possible SDD
  720.                                  --= BlackBird/MLM&DLT Training Division =--
  721.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  722.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  723. pdarts.lha   P 179070  05-02-94  SHAREWARE DARTS GAME.
  724.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  725.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  726. pestcap.txt  N  17681  05-02-94        __  _____.________. ______ __.
  727.                                        \ \/  /__|\  _/l__|/ _ \  \| |
  728.                                       ::\   /|  |/\  \|  | (/ /  \  |::
  729.                                       :::\_/:l__|\___/l__|\__/l__|\_|::
  730.                                  ············································
  731.                                   dIE tELEKOM cAPTURED aLLE nUMMER 8o tAGE !
  732.                                             vERBIETET eS iHNEN ! 
  733.                                  »»»»»»»»»» for German guys only ««««««««««««
  734.                                  ·························[$T®Å|GHT/7/|$|ðN]·
  735.                                  [···········> cREATOR - vISION <···········]
  736.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  737.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  738. reqask.lha   P  13291  05-02-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  739.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  740.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  741.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  742.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  743.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  744.                                  ReqAsk. Designed for handling batch scripts
  745.                                  Works the same as C='s Ask command, but 
  746.                                  uses a system requester for the I/O.
  747.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  748.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  749. risiko30.dms P 904029  05-02-94  RISIKO V3.0 UPDATE !! NO FAKE !!
  750.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  751.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  752. rqtls22b.lha P 410643  05-02-94  Requestertools v2.2 update THE requestertool
  753.                                  kit!
  754.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  755.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  756. rtxasc03.txt N  39723  05-02-94  Rotox 3rd ascii collection for boards
  757.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  758.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  759. sih2.ad5.lha P  20989  05-02-94         Somewhere In Holland ][      
  760.                                      - The Amiga Convention 1994 -   
  762.                                               Advert V5.00           
  764.                                  --==>>)) By Dope/SpaceBalls ((<<==--
  765.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  766.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  767. smf-wedd.exe N  49484  05-02-94  ===========================================
  768.                                         DA -*-*-*-*SMURFERS*-*-*-*-*-       
  769.                                  ===========================================
  770.                                  "SMURFERS GOES TO WEDDING!!!!!!!!!"        
  771.                                  OLDIESCHMURF WEDS LAURA PALMER!!           
  772.                                  EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  773.                                  ===========================================
  774.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  775.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  776. sr-gong.lha  P 217044  05-02-94  .------------------------------------------.
  777.                                  | ______ O O     (Parental advisory)       |
  778.                                  |/  ___/_  __  _____             ///       |
  779.                                  |\___ \/ \ \ \/ ___/             oO        |
  780.                                   ___ \ \  \/ / /  __             C         |
  781.                                  |\  \_\ \   /\ \__\ \            --        |
  782.                                  | \_____/\_/  \_____/ R0W (HATA ASCII)     |
  783.                                  |                                (tm)      |
  784.                                  | In Cooperation with Laban Warez presents |
  785.                                  |                                          |
  786.                                  |             [- G O N G -]                |
  787.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  788.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  789. sthlmmay.txt N  22057  05-02-94  . ____________________________   .
  790.                                  | \   _    /\   _      /\    /\  |
  791.                                  |=//  /   /\    /_____/\    /_/==:
  792.                                  |/       / /   _____/\\/   /\ ¬\ |
  793.                                  /___/____\/____\____\//_________\|
  794.                                  \___\__ __\_____\ -jT \__________\
  795.                                  `-pRESENTS:-THE STOCKHOLM LIST---'
  796.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  797.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  798. tskforce.dms P 166656  05-02-94  Task Force                               1/1
  799.                                  This game maybe small but it is brill
  800.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  801.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  802. yacdp11.lha  P  72019  05-02-94  Yet Another CD Player v1.1                  
  803.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  804.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  805. AGAMORPH.LHA P 711812  05-03-94  Morphy the Magic Man AGA Only Eric Schwartz 
  806.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  807. ECSMORPH.LHA P 487644  05-03-94  Morphy the Magic Man  ECS Latest by Eric 
  808.                                  Schwartz
  809.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  810. tetduel.lha  P 304356  05-04-94  Tetris Duel
  811.                                  Tetris Duel is an AGA only game that is
  812.                                  fully WB3.x compliant.
  813.                                  1 or 2 player
  814.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  815.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  816. C=LIVES.TXT  N   9160  05-04-94  +-----------------------------------------+
  817.                                  |                                         |
  818.                                  | ONLY COMMODORE INT (IE C= USA) IS DEAD! |
  819.                                  |                                         |
  820.                                  |  COMMODORE SCANDINAVIA WILL PROCEED AS  |
  821.                                  |  NOTHING HAS HAPPEND!                   |
  822.                                  |                                         |
  823.                                  |        C= is dead, Long live C=         |
  824.                                  |                                         |
  825.                                  +-----------------------------------------+
  826.                                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [-LePRoSy-]/rEFLEX! >>>>>
  827.                                  ==========================[ToDaY!]==========
  828. clicx.lha    P  11243  05-04-94  A  592 byte CLI replacement for the standard
  829.                                  CBM  Exchange  utility.  The only difference
  830.                                  is  that  Exchange  has  a  graph- ical user
  831.                                  interface   while   CLIExchange   has   been
  832.                                  designed  to be called from CLI so it can be
  833.                                  used   within   scripts,   menus,  docks  or
  834.                                  hotkeys.   You  need  at  least  2.04 system
  835.                                  release.
  836.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  837.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  838. cn30creg.lha P  37037  05-04-94     C-Net v3.05c Register yourself! done by
  839.                                               ___________                    
  840.                                     /________/   .  \    \___________/______.
  841.                                    /   ___  /        \    \__     __/       |
  842.                                   /\___   \/_____|   \\____\/     |/        |
  843.                                  /________/-rS!  |_____\   /      /________.:
  844.                                                           /_______|         :
  845.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  846.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  847. heimdall.txt N   2546  05-04-94  ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  848.                                  <           HEIMDALL II   ( HD )           >
  849.                                  >                                          <
  850.                                  < To get this to work successfully on HD,  >
  851.                                  > dont bother with fixes.  But do this !!! <
  852.                                  < Take Setpatch out of your startup, then  >
  853.                                  > Disable your Fastmem (if U have any),    <
  854.                                  < Turn Off CPU cashes. Now go to Workbench >
  855.                                  > and run Setpatch. ie: Setpatch  Now the  <
  856.                                  < Game should run and play as it should !! >
  857.                                  ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  858.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  859.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  860. im3_2.dms    P 566563  05-04-94  Imagine III By Impulse Inc. 1994 - [2/3]
  861.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  862.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  863. im3_3.dms    P 508428  05-04-94  Imagine III By Impulse Inc. 1994 - [3/3]
  864.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  865.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  866. l-galaga.dms P 193576  05-04-94      __/\_ __/\____/\____/\____/\ ___/\__    
  867.                                   \\ \_  /\\_ _____ _____ _____ \\ \_ __ \ \\
  868.                                      /  /_// __/\/ /_  / __/\/  /\ /   / /\  
  869.                                  +--/   ~ / /  ~/  ~/ / /  ~/  /  /   / / /-+
  870.                                  | /_____/_____/_____/_____/__/__/_____/ /::|
  871.                                  | \_____\_____\_____\_____\__\__\_____\/:::|
  872.                                  +-------------------------------------[ts]-+
  873.                                  [*]=( - DE LUXE GALAGA V1.5. ECS/AGA - )=[*]
  874.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  875.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  876. rlx-li10.lha P  22204  05-04-94       __________________________________
  877.                                  :::::\      \   __/   __/ /   __/  |  /::::
  878.                                  :::::/  :\  /  __/    _/ /   __/      \::::
  879.                                  ::::/   |   \  | \   |   \/\ | \   .   \:::
  880.                                  :::/____|____\____\__|______\___\__|____\::
  881.                                  +==============[ PRESENTS! ]==============+
  882.                                    lOGONINFO v1.o - A New Kind of FrontEnd!
  883.                                   Includes Logon Batch, Sysop in/out & More!
  884.                                              Written in 100% ASM!
  885.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  886.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  887. rmd-eni2.lha P 148199  05-04-94   /\_______________ +REMEDY!+ /\_____________
  888.                                  /__________    _ /___ __ ___/_________   _ /
  889.                                  Sk¡n_____./    //    \\//    | /     /   //:
  890.                                  :. /     |\     \     \/     |/     /   o/::
  891.                                  ::/______|:\_____\   \  .    /_________ /:::
  892.                                  [---------------|_____\/_____|--------\/---]
  893.                                          -=* The EnigmaII Project *=-
  894.                                      A powerfull HD-Realtime-Crypter V1.4
  895.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  896.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  897. skick343.lha P  91282  05-04-94  SKick 3.34 run all kickstarts on amiga machi
  898.                                  nes
  899.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  900.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  901. spark253.dms P 599104  05-04-94  newest version of SPARKS, particle animation
  902.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  903.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  904. vfstsale.lzh P   9019  05-04-94          V.FAST is available NOW!
  905.                                  Read about how to order your V.FAST MODEM!
  906.                                  Several types available, such as:
  907.                                   USrobotics, MicroCom, Hayes, Zoom, Boca
  908.                                   Supra, Motorola .
  909.                                            Get HIGH! ON 3300CPS
  910.                                  V.FAST=3300CPS! HST=1800CPS!  V.FAST WINS!!
  911.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  912.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  913. xpk25dev.lha P 173515  05-04-94  XPK v2.5 - Developers Kit!
  914.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  915.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  916. ams.lha      P  27790  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  917.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  918.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  919.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  920.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  921.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  922.                                     Datatypes for MultiView - Sun Audio, 
  923.                                   X-Bitmap and an improved picture.datatype
  924.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  925.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  926. api_demo.lzh P 314756  05-05-94  REal3D Tool Demo-Version
  927.                                  .
  928.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  929.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  930. ays-dld1.dms P 148525  05-05-94      __________  __._______________          
  931.                                  --_/  _ _/  _ )/  ! _/  ___   ___///--------
  932.                                  \\\_  _ \_  _ \____ \____ \____  |  aBYSS   
  933.                                     |  |  |  !  |  !  |  !  |  !  | -------  
  934.                                  kRml__|  l__   l__   l__   l__   |   '94    
  935.                                  ------l__|--\__|--\__|--\__|--\__|----------
  936.                                  ..ABYSS presents today DizneeLand Issue #1..
  937.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  938.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  939. bsm-stor.lha P   1624  05-05-94  Storm Across Europe *AGA FIXED* info
  940.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  941.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  942. cbe23.lha    P  66140  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  943.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  944.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  945.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  946.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  947.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  948.                                     Clipboard Enhancer v2.3. Adds history
  949.                                     to the Clipboard device
  950.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  951.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  952. cool-bbs.lha P 159544  05-05-94      _________________  ________________
  953.                                  THE/   / / / __/_ _/ \/\   \ _ \ _ \   \S
  954.                                    / / / / / __/   /   ¯¯\ \ \  ¯\ \ \__¯\d
  955.                                   /___/___/___/_/_/_______\___\_\_\___\___\N
  956.                                   \___\___\___\_\_\_ _____/___/_/_/___/___/
  957.                                  <«»=%=%P·R·O·U·D·L·Y  P·R·E·S·E·N·T·S%=%=«»>
  958.                                  .------------------------------------------.
  959.                                  |          Cool Corona BBS Buttro          |
  960.                                  |                                          |
  961.                                  |  Sorry no time for a REAL BBStro! You're |
  962.                                  |Gonna have to do it with this peace'o shit|
  963.                                  `-----------[ oVerLordS 1994 ]-------------'
  964.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  965. ddeluxe.lha  P  10699  05-05-94   Date Deluxe ersatz fuer denn DATE Befehl
  966.                                   der Workbench
  968.                                   Distributed by Dream Dealer Software
  969.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  970.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  971. dpaint45.lha P 290707  05-05-94     ___________________________________      
  972.                                   =/      /  \   /  \       /     \   |======
  973.                                    \  .   \   \__\   \_   _/   ___/   |____  
  974.                                  ==/  |\  \\   \_/   //   \\   \__|        \=
  975.                                   /        \\       //     \\     \   ___   \
  976.                                  /   ______/=\_____/=\_____/=\____/   \ |   |
  977.                                  \__/ D    R    E    A    M    S  |___/ |___|
  978.                                  +---------------------------------[WHW]----+
  979.                                  delta (dpaintIV.....(only Aga)......)
  980.                                  *****
  981.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  982.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  983. emp280.lha   P 108801  05-05-94  Latest version of Empire for CNet3.0x
  984.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  985.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  986. fishtrip.exe N 159712  05-05-94  Fishingtrip Inftro mOvement/KefRens
  987.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  988.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  989. god-ffcd.lha P2271590  05-05-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________  
  990.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/  
  991.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/    
  992.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /      
  993.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/       
  994.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  995.                                       "Fury Of The Furries CD-32/AGA"
  996.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  997.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  998. god-ffcd.nfo N   8087  05-05-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  999.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  1000.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  1001.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  1002.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  1003.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  1004.                                  ..."Fury Of The Furries CD-32/AGA - Info"...
  1005.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1006.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1007. god-hmcd.lha P2931282  05-05-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________  
  1008.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/  
  1009.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/    
  1010.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /      
  1011.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/       
  1012.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  1013.                                      "Humans AGA/CD-32 + 160 New Levels !"
  1014.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1015.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1016. god-hmcd.nfo N   4323  05-05-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  1017.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  1018.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  1019.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  1020.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  1021.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  1022.                                  "Humans AGA/CD-32 + 160 New Levels ! - Info"
  1023.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1024.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1025. h&v-mtwb.lha P 281239  05-05-94  .------------------------------------------.
  1026.                                  |ML___ /\  : ¡  /\ _____                   |
  1027.                                  |\__  Y  \-+-+-/  Y  __/-------------------|
  1028.                                  ||/___!_  \¡a|/   |   \ *hUMANE.aND.vANITY*|
  1029.                                  |/ \____   \N/    |    \ *iN.cO-OPERATION* |
  1030.                                  |\    T    /d\    !    /  *rELEASED.1994*  |
  1031.                                  |+\___|___/+-+\_______/--------------------|
  1032.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1033.                                  MORTON - WB FIX - 1 MB CHIP NEEDED
  1034.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1035.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1036. hlm_h2tr.lha P 101516  05-05-94       .__:                      .            
  1037.                                    ___|  |      /\________:     |\____  /\'94
  1038.                                    \  |  |/\   / \\    \  |  .__| \   \/  \  
  1039.                                    /     // \_/    \_.  \ |__|  |  \  \/   \ 
  1040.                                   /   |_/    \____/  |  / |  \_____/  |l____)
  1041.                                  (____|\______/  (_____/______)   (___|      
  1042.                                     Heimdall II Minitrainer (ALL VERSIONS)   
  1043.                                  Include also the PDX fix! Trained by Chronos
  1044.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1045.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1046. hlm_za1f.dms P 755489  05-05-94       .__:                      .
  1047.                                    ___|  |      /\________:     |\____  /\'94
  1048.                                    \  |  |/\   / \\    \  |  .__| \   \/  \
  1049.                                    /     // \_/    \_.  \ |__|  |  \  \/   \
  1050.                                   /   |_/    \____/  |  / |  \_____/  |l____)
  1051.                                  (____|\______/  (_____/______)   (___|
  1052.                                    Zool II AGA Final Release - Disk [1/2]
  1053.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1054.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1056. im3_fix.lha  P  14116  05-05-94       Imagine III  NTSC/PAL fix.
  1057.                                       Removes the NTSC/PAL CHECK!
  1058.                                         Done By Blackhawk/Paradox
  1059.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1060.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1061. imadocs.lzh  P 175468  05-05-94  Imagine Docs.
  1062.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1063.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1064. money015.txt N  13947  05-05-94  MONEY INC. DIGEST #15
  1065.                                  The death of Commodore and you....
  1066.                                  (The whole story, don't bother D/Ling
  1067.                                   all those C= is dead files!)
  1068.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1069.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1070. msqwk44f.lha P 293085  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1071.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1072.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1073.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1074.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1075.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1076.                                     MS-QWIK OS2 v4.4F from Metal software.
  1077.                                         The BEST Amiga QWK Reader.
  1078.                                   This is a fix file apparently(!) for the
  1079.                                   original version 4.4.
  1080.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1081.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1082. setup216.txt N  60859  05-05-94  All You Need To No About The Setting Up Of
  1083.                                  The USR 21.6 Modem's..
  1084.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1085.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1086. suprasys.lha P  17005  05-05-94  Supra Modem special pricing for sysops on
  1087.                                  new VFast 28.8 modems... 169 bux !!!
  1088.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1089.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1090. trsi-lev.lha P  44414  05-05-94   /\______________  _____________            
  1091.                                   \        ____   \/   _________/   TRiSTAR  
  1092.                                    \/    \/   _  _/\____  \/    \ RED SECTOR!
  1093.                                  +-/RtX!  \   |   \_   |   \     \----------+
  1094.                                  | \  ____/___|__  /_____  / ____/  pRESENTs|
  1095.                                  +--\/-----------\/------\/\/---------------+
  1096.                                  40K Leviathan Intro from the polish division
  1097.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1098.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1099. trsi-nus.lha P 139824  05-05-94   /\______________  _____________            
  1100.                                   \        ____   \/   _________/   TRiSTAR  
  1101.                                    \/    \/   _  _/\____  \/    \ RED SECTOR!
  1102.                                  +-/RtX!  \   |   \_   |   \     \----------+
  1103.                                  | \  ____/___|__  /_____  / ____/  pRESENTs|
  1104.                                  +--\/-----------\/------\/\/---------------+
  1105.                                    New User Server 1.o - by [-Dr.Dre!/tRSi]  
  1106.                                  ............................................
  1107.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  1108.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  1109. trz-he23.dms P 768772  05-05-94  _______________ _________                   
  1110.                                  \  _    ____   \____    /------------------.
  1111.                                   \/    |  _/  _/    ___/   TRSi ^ ZeNiTh!  |
  1112.                                   /     |__\    \_  |   \_ proudly present: |
  1113.                                  /______|÷e÷\____/_______/------------------'
  1115.                                  HEiMDALL 2 / CORE DESiGN MULTiLANGUAGE [3/4]
  1116. twit.lha     P   6372  05-05-94  Are You A Modem-Lamer ?  Read About It !
  1117. als-term.dms P 133440  05-04-94  Terminus latest verson 100% crcked
  1118. chaoscd.dms  P 314168  05-04-94  ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  1119.                                  <       CHAOS ENGINE CD32/AGA ( HD )       >
  1120.                                  >                                          <
  1121.                                  <         Fixed 100%  -  Including         >
  1122.                                  >                                          <
  1123.                                  <<<( A1200 with 2 Meg Only !  BOOT DISK )>>>
  1124.                                  >                                          <
  1125.                                  <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  1126. isz.bye      N      0  05-04-94  Ice Station Zebra OFFLINE?  Read Dis...
  1127. rm612all.lha F 795574  05-04-94  New ZyXEL release roms V6.12 all models
  1128. chipfutr.txx N   2964  05-05-94  POSSIBLE FUTURE OF AMIGA CHIPSET.  MENTIONS
  1129.                                  THE NAMES OF SONY, HP AND A FEW OTHERS.
  1130.                                  INFO FROM CONVERSATION WITH A PERSON AT
  1131.                                  SCALA.   PLEASE  S P R E A D.
  1132.                                  LOOK FOR MORE UPDATED NEWS BROUGHT TO YOU
  1133.                                  HERE FIRST.
  1134. flt-vdkr.skl N  22924  05-05-94   __________/\___________ /\____  _/|________
  1135.                                  |  ___)_  (__)  _  \   /(__)  _)|_ |___  __/
  1136.                                  |  _)  _  |  |  |  /  /_|_ | (   /    |  |
  1137.                                  |  ||__|  |__|  |__\  ___/ |_   /__|  |SP|
  1138.                                  `--'   `--'  `--'   \/  `--' \_/   `--`--'
  1139.                                  VIRTUAL DREAMS OF FAIRLIGHT PRESENTS A NEW
  1140.                                                    INTRO
  1141. jamiga.txx   N   5769  05-05-94  Some People trying to save CBM
  1142. rm612all.lha F 795574  05-05-94  New ZyXEL release roms V6.12 all models
  1143. im3_1.dms    P 627591  05-05-94  Imagine III By Impulse Inc. 1994 - [1/3]
  1144.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1145.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1146. blh-smbp.dms P   3993  05-05-94  _|\____  __  _______/\__     __  ______|\
  1147.                                  \|  |  \/  \/      /  \ [MY]/  \/    \ | \
  1148.                                   |  /  / __ \  \__/   / | _/ __ \_\__/ _  \
  1149.                                  _|__\  \ _/  \ / |\   \_|/  \_/  \\  \ |   \
  1150.                                  \______/_|\  /___||\  /_____/|\  /___/_|_  /
  1151.                                  =pReSeNtS:=\/==|__|=\/=========\/========\/=
  1152.                                  SUPER METHANE BROTHERS BYTE-BUG PATCH BY LTD
  1153.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1154.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1155. fmath403.lha P  20617  05-05-94  Fast Math Libraries 40.3 (1-May-94)
  1156.                                  The fastest libs for 68881/82 or 68040!
  1157.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1158.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1159. rise-pre.lha P1937585  05-05-94   RISE OF THE ROBOTS PREVIEW
  1160.                                  256 COLORS ANIMATION OF THIS
  1161.                                       GREAT BEAT'EM UP!
  1162.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1163.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1164. vn_top14.lha P  19119  05-05-94    ________                      ______      
  1165.                                  T \_     / ______  ___________ |   __/______
  1166.                                  H /     /\/   _  \/   _  \    \|   \   ____/
  1167.                                  E/     /  \   |   \   |   \    \   /\___  \ 
  1168.                                  /     /    \_ |    \  |    \      /    |   \
  1169.                                  \___________/______/_______/ \___/_________/
  1170.                                  o- by )/ideo /\/asty ---|____|----------Mb->
  1171.                                  | TopSecret v1.4 Now MultiNode & FiXED!    |
  1172.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1173.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1174.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1175. vn_wal13.lha P  16382  05-05-94    ________                      ______      
  1176.                                  T \_     / ______  ___________ |   __/______
  1177.                                  H /     /\/   _  \/   _  \    \|   \   ____/
  1178.                                  E/     /  \   |   \   |   \    \   /\___  \ 
  1179.                                  /     /    \_ |    \  |    \      /    |   \
  1180.                                  \___________/______/_______/ \___/_________/
  1181.                                  o- by )/ideo /\/asty ---|____|----------Mb->
  1182.                                  | NastyWall v1.3 Now MultiNode & FiXED!    |
  1183.                                  | New Options NEVER used before on a WALL  |
  1184.                                  | Optional Spray Cans & anonomous Entries  |
  1185.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1186.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1187.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1188. DLE-DC2.EXE  N 140840  05-05-94      ___    __  ____  ________________
  1189.                                     /   \/\/  \/    \/   \         /  \
  1190.                                    /  :  \/  __\    /     \/\   /\/  __\
  1191.                                   /   |   \  ___\  /__     \/   \/   ___\
  1192.                                  /    |    \     \    \     \    \       \
  1193.                                  \_________/_____/____/_____/____/_______/
  1194.                                   \_____________________________________/
  1195.                                       PREsENTS T0 Y0U .. DuAl ChEsS II
  1196.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  1197. IM30D1.LHA   P 600221  05-05-94  IMAGINE 3.0 install disk/support files
  1198.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  1199. IM30D3.LHA   P 492079  05-05-94  IMAGINE 3.0 FPU VERSION-& support filez
  1200.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  1201. INS-COS.DMS  P 775568  05-05-94  iNSANE: CHAMBERS OF SHAOLIN [CD3²/AGA ØNLY]
  1202.                                  HD-INSTALLABLE - 100% BUGFIXED - ONE DISKED
  1203.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  1204. ac-sky00.dms P 588425  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1205.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1206.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1207.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1208.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1209.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1210.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [0/15]
  1211.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1212.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1213.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1214. ac-sky01.dms P 459282  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1215.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1216.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1217.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1218.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1219.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1220.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [1/15]
  1221.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1222.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1223.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1224. ac-sky02.dms P 663185  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1225.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1226.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1227.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1228.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1229.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1230.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [2/15]
  1231.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1232.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1233.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1234. ac-sky03.dms P 370035  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1235.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1236.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1237.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1238.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1239.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1240.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [3/15]
  1241.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1242.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1243.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1244. ac-sky04.dms P 397025  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1245.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1246.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1247.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1248.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1249.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1250.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [4/15]
  1251.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1252.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1253.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1254. ac-sky05.dms P 627409  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1255.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1256.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1257.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1258.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1259.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1260.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [5/15]
  1261.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1262.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1263.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1264. ac-sky06.dms P 320897  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1265.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1266.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1267.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1268.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1269.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1270.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [6/15]
  1271.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1272.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1273.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1274. ac-sky07.dms P 756012  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1275.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1276.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1277.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1278.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1279.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1280.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [7/15]
  1281.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1282.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1283.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1284. ac-sky08.dms P 587396  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1285.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1286.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1287.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1288.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1289.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1290.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [8/15]
  1291.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1292.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1293.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1294. ac-sky09.dms P 497448  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1295.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1296.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1297.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1298.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1299.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1300.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [9/15]
  1301.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1302.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1303.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1304. ac-sky10.dms P 617659  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1305.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1306.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1307.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1308.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1309.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1310.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [10/15]
  1311.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1312.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1313.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1314. ac-sky12.dms P 593505  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1315.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1316.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1317.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1318.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1319.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1320.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [12/15]
  1321.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1322.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1323.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1324. ac-sky13.dms P 539790  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1325.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1326.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1327.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1328.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1329.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1330.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [13/15]
  1331.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1332.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1333.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1334. ac-sky14.dms P 549756  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1335.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1336.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1337.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1338.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1339.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1340.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [14/15]
  1341.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1342.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1343.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1344. ac-sky15.dms P 775515  05-05-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1345.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1346.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1347.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1348.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1349.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1350.                                       BENEATH THE STEEL SKY %100 [15/15]
  1351.                                   NB. THERE IS NO DISK 11 WITH THE ORIGINAL
  1352.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1353.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1354. asm2.5.fix   N    548  05-05-94  Fix
  1355.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1356.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1357. blh-hdtr.lha P 129000  05-05-94  _|\____  __  _______/\__     __  ______|\
  1358.                                  \|  |  \/  \/      /  \ [MY]/  \/    \ | \
  1359.                                   |  /  / __ \  \__/   / | _/ __ \_\__/ _  \
  1360.                                  _|__\  \ _/  \ / |\   \_|/  \_/  \\  \ |   \
  1361.                                  \______/_|\  /___||\  /_____/|\  /___/_|_  /
  1362.                                  =pReSeNtS:=\/==|__|=\/=========\/========\/=
  1363.                                  HEIMDALL II FROM CORE DESIGN TRAINER BY LTD.
  1364.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1365.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1366. dagisdwn.txt N  22876  05-05-94   _ _ ______  __/\  _______ __  ______
  1367.                                  \\\\\\_    \ \_  \ \_  __/ \_|/ ____/
  1368.                                        |  \  \/    \/  /__  / |\___  \
  1369.                                        |  l\  \ /\  \  l  \/  |   j   \ _ _
  1370.                                        ¦______///____\_____\__|_______//////
  1371.                                        :   / _/ DaGcEnTRaL 9o21o is down
  1372.                                            \/  forever! Read all about it!
  1373.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1374.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1375. ex3_3b16.lha P  94695  05-05-94  Exorcist! v3.0 BETA 16 - for /X v3.xx
  1376.                                  First public beta!
  1377.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1378.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1379. freemem.lha  P  22294  05-05-94  ******************************
  1380.                                  *  FREEMEM v1.0 by EINSTEIN  *
  1381.                                  *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  *
  1382.                                  *      MEMORY - RETURN       *
  1383.                                  *    CHIP OR FASTMEMORY      *
  1384.                                  *                            *
  1385.                                  ******************************
  1386.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1387.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1388. muiricon.lha P 112926  05-05-94  Replacement for Info util from the WB
  1389.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1390.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1391. not-over.txt N  39062  05-05-94  ** MORE NEWS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMIGA! **
  1392.                                   THERE SEEM TO BE A ASIAN BUYER, AND JIM
  1393.                                  ' EMPLANT ' DREW IS GATHERING DEVELOPERS IN
  1394.                                  ORDER TO BUY AMIGA!
  1395.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1396.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1397. packit14.lha P  56245  05-05-94  PackIt! V1.14. *UPDATE*
  1398.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1399.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1400. pbmplusb.lha P 233081  05-05-94                          .       .___
  1401.                                  RD___________  ______  /|   ____|  /
  1402.                                   / .__/ . \_ \/\___  \/ |__/ ___| / 
  1403.                                  /  |____|  /   /\ ___/  | /  __   \ 
  1404.                                  \_________/  \/__\|  \____\___/ |__\
  1405.                                  +--------(___/-----Presents--(__|--+
  1406.                                   Grafikfomat wandler & modivizierer
  1407.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  1408.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1409.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1410. pbmplusc.lha P 238118  05-05-94                          .       .___
  1411.                                  RD___________  ______  /|   ____|  /
  1412.                                   / .__/ . \_ \/\___  \/ |__/ ___| / 
  1413.                                  /  |____|  /   /\ ___/  | /  __   \ 
  1414.                                  \_________/  \/__\|  \____\___/ |__\
  1415.                                  +--------(___/-----Presents--(__|--+
  1416.                                   Grafikfomat wandler & modivizierer
  1417.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  1418.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1419.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1420. pbmplusd.lha P 289321  05-05-94                          .       .___
  1421.                                  RD___________  ______  /|   ____|  /
  1422.                                   / .__/ . \_ \/\___  \/ |__/ ___| / 
  1423.                                  /  |____|  /   /\ ___/  | /  __   \ 
  1424.                                  \_________/  \/__\|  \____\___/ |__\
  1425.                                  +--------(___/-----Presents--(__|--+
  1426.                                   Grafikfomat wandler & modivizierer
  1427.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  1428.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1429.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1430. pbmpluse.lha P 224175  05-05-94                          .       .___
  1431.                                  RD___________  ______  /|   ____|  /
  1432.                                   / .__/ . \_ \/\___  \/ |__/ ___| / 
  1433.                                  /  |____|  /   /\ ___/  | /  __   \ 
  1434.                                  \_________/  \/__\|  \____\___/ |__\
  1435.                                  +--------(___/-----Presents--(__|--+
  1436.                                   Grafikfomat wandler & modivizierer
  1437.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  1438.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1439.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1440. s8-ste93.dms P 267020  05-05-94    _________¦\  ______/\  ______/\________   
  1441.                                  :/   ____  | \(___)  \ \(___)  \ \  ____/:::
  1442.                                  :\___  \   _  \   |   \ \   |   \ \ \__ |:O:
  1443.                                  :/      \  |mRV\  |  \   \  |  \   \    |:O:
  1444.                                  /_______/__l___/__|___\__/__|___\__/____|:::
  1445.                                  +------------  - -÷PRESENTS÷- -  ----------+
  1446.                                    Amiga Steuerprofi 93 [ProfiSoft] 1/1 
  1448.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1449.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1450. tfasmfix.lha P   1823  05-05-94                                              
  1451.                                  FIX FOR TFASM-ONE BY THE CITRUS FREE CODERS 
  1452.                                    =o=================================o=     
  1453.                                     :   ______  /|  ___.___________   :      
  1454.                                     :   \__/ .\/ |  \__:  __/ .\__/   :      
  1455.                                     :    \/  | \ |__/  |  \/  | \/    :      
  1456.                                     :    /   __/\|  \  |   \  __/\    :      
  1457.                                     :    \______/___/\_|___/_____/    :      
  1458.                                     :                                 :      
  1459.                                    =o=================================o=     
  1460.                                        * tHe eLiTe of tHe eLiTe *            
  1461.                                   JUST COPY THIS FILE TO YOUR PREFS/ENV....  
  1462.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1463. usr_mrp.txt  N  13034  05-05-94  IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT VFAST UPGRADES/MODEMS
  1464.                                  READ WHEN THEY ARE AVAILABLE AND HOW MUCH 
  1465.                                  THEY WILL COST IN THE SYSOP DEAL PROGRAM!!
  1466.                                  REALLY HOT INFORMATION [4TH OF MAY 1994]!!!!
  1467.                                  [T.F.A.]-----------[MR.P]-----------[T.F.A.]
  1468.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1469.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1470. whocalls.txt N  10756  05-05-94  --------------------------------------------
  1471.                                  A TEXT IN SWEDISH ABOUT  TELIA INTRODUCING A
  1472.                                  NEW  SERVICE AT THE  END OF THIS YEAR.  THIS
  1473.                                  NEW SERVICE ACTUALLY  MAKES IT POSSIBLE  FOR
  1474.                                  YOU  TO SEE  FROM WHICH NUMBER  THE  CURRENT
  1475.                                  PHONE  CALL IS DIALED FROM, BEFORE YOU  HAVE
  1476.                                  PICKED UP YOUR PHONE!    (TYPED BY PHA¡LURE)
  1477.                                  --------------------------------------------
  1478.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1479.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1480. 7HEAVEN.DMS  P 815216  05-05-94           Digital Dreams: 7th Heaven
  1481.                                  MegaDemo for A1200, Dance, 5 minutes, C00L !
  1482.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  1483. pdx-bsd1.dms P 464102  05-06-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  1484.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  1485.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  1486.                                    /   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  1487.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  1488.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  1489.                                   Brutal Sports Football AGA Delux 1/3
  1490.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1491.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1492. pdx-bsd2.dms P 363996  05-06-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  1493.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  1494.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  1495.                                    /   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  1496.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  1497.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  1498.                                   Brutal Sports Football AGA Delux 2/3       
  1499.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1500.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1501. pdx-bsd3.dms P 392636  05-06-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  1502.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  1503.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  1504.                                    /   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  1505.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  1506.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  1507.                                   Brutal Sports Football AGA Delux 3/3
  1508.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1509.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1510. addpower.lha P  13221  05-06-94  ¡ AddPower Version 37.6 ©1993 Ian J.Einman ¡
  1511.                                  | AddPower is a utility that adds several  |
  1512.                                  | small features to the operating system.  |
  1513.                                  | adding new powers to DOS, enhancing the  |
  1514.                                  |  look of screens and menus, and more.    |
  1515.                                  `--* FROM A.U.I. SUPERDISK # 36, MAY 94 *--'
  1516.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1517.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1518. bimbam2.dms  P 429200  05-06-94  »Spasm "Bim Bam Issue:2"« + AGA intro
  1519.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1520.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1521. cbe31a.lha   P  36203  05-06-94  ClipBoard Enhancer V3.1A
  1522.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1523.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1524. cncd-fun.dms P 652375  05-06-94  COOL MEGA DEMO...WERZ THE FUCKEN FILE ID
  1525.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1526.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1527. cpt-bea1.lha P 889908  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1528.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1529.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1530.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1531.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1532.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1533.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1534.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1535.                                  Beavers CD 32 for a 1200/4000 DISK [1/3]
  1536.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1537.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1538. cpt-bea2.lha P 806365  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1539.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1540.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1541.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1542.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1543.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1544.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1545.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1546.                                  Beavers CD 32 for a 1200/4000 DISK [2/3]
  1547.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1548.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1549. cpt-bea3.lha P 914568  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1550.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1551.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1552.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1553.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1554.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1555.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1556.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1557.                                  Beavers CD 32 for a 1200/4000 DISK [3/3]
  1558.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1559.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1560. cpt-don8.lha P 596038  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1561.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1562.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/ 
  1563.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1564.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1565.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1566.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1567.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1568.                                  11.Workbench:> 
  1569.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! [8/8]
  1570.                                       CD 32 for a 1200/4000 HD Only...
  1571.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1572.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1573. cpt-donk.nfo N   5815  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1574.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1575.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/ 
  1576.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1577.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1578.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1579.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1580.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1581.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! 
  1582.                                  ------------- Release Info FIle ------------
  1583.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1584.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1585. drew_com.txt N  12829  05-06-94  Jim Drew/UUI Willing to Buy
  1586.                                  Amiga Rights.  Looking for Developers.
  1587.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1588.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1589. dskmat41.lha P 159510  05-06-94  Diskmate version 4.1
  1590.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1591.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1592. exe.tobein   N 750540  05-06-94  COOL TO BE IN DEMO......
  1593.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1594.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1595. files3.0.lha P  43862  05-06-94     __________    _______
  1596.                                     \___  ___/   /      /
  1597.                                        /  \     /  ____/
  1598.                                       /    \   /  |____ 
  1599.                                      /      \  \       \
  1600.                                      \______/he \______/ylons 
  1601.                                         Proudly Present
  1602.                                          FILESHOW  3.0
  1603.                                        Dopus/Rexx script
  1604.                                     Now with LHA,DMS,LZH,ZIP
  1605.                                  Super-update with FILE.ID.diz
  1606.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1607.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1608. cpt-beav.nfo N   5101  05-06-94  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1609.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1610.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1611.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1612.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1613.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1614.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1615.                                   Beavers CD 32 for a 1200/4000 Info FIle
  1616.                                  ------- Release Info File read it ----------
  1617.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1618.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1619. cpt-don2.lha P 370242  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1620.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1621.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1622.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1623.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1624.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1625.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1626.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1627.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! [2/8]
  1628.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1629.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1630. cpt-don3.lha P 397575  05-06-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1631.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1632.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1633.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1634.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1635.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1636.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1637.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1638.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!!
  1639.                                       CD 32 for a 1200/4000 HD Only...
  1640.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1641.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1642. cpt-don7.lha P 785975  05-06-94  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1643.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1644.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1645.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1646.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1647.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1648.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1649.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! [7/8]
  1650.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1651.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1652. hcc-lame.txt N  11154  05-06-94  Borre cracked /X 3.38 with LSD`s AERegister
  1653.                                  read the truth about this lamer, who again
  1654.                                  shows his lameness to the scene!
  1655.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1656.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1657. ifft101.lha  P  91556  05-06-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1658.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1659.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1660.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1661.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1662.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1663.                                     IFF Trasher v1.01. the ultimate IFF 
  1664.                                     Converter for OCS/ECS/AGA.
  1665.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1666.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1667. im3_fix2.lha P  14515  05-06-94                P A R A D O X
  1668.                                        Imagine III 100% PAL/NTSC update
  1669.                                  PREVIOUS FIX MADE IT ONLY OPEN NTSC SCREENS
  1671.                                    Now it opens a PAL SCREEN on PAL SYSTEMS
  1672.                                   ARCHIVE CONTAINS FIXES FOR BOTH INT & FPU
  1674.                                         Done By Blackhawk/Paradox
  1675.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1676.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1677. irmast22.lha P 114421  05-06-94  IR-Master V2.22
  1678.                                  ir controller software
  1679.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1680.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1681. irslav11.lha P  38759  05-06-94  IR-SLAVE V1.10
  1682.                                  IR controller
  1683.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1684.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1685. jetset.dms   P 361822  05-06-94  jetset game like elete
  1686.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1687.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1688. manches1.dms P 718196  05-06-94  Manchester soccer (disk one).
  1689.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1690.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1691. md17b1.lha   P 168435  05-06-94  MicroDot AGA V. 1.7 
  1692.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1693.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1694. ml-csm.txt   N  24828  05-06-94  Perhaps all isn't lost!!!
  1695.                                  Read this online conference from Compuserve
  1696.                                  with the leaders of CSM. Perhaps there will
  1697.                                  be a joint effort to save the Amiga!
  1698.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1699.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1700. most156.lha  P 152893  05-06-94  *****************************
  1701.                                  MOST V 1.56
  1702.                                  One of the best Textreaders
  1703.                                  (Update)                (WTG)
  1704.                                  ****************************
  1705.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1706.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1707. nlt-spy.txt  N  13162  05-06-94  .------------------------------------------.
  1708.                                  |  * NO LIMIT BBS * iNFORMATION CENTER II  |
  1709.                                  |  ······································  |
  1710.                                  |  We found the Name and Address of the    |
  1711.                                  |  main Dude who bust BBS and Traders and  |
  1712.                                  |  make MONEY WITH US.. Kill him or CALL   |
  1713.                                  |  him NOW!.. MCI!                         |
  1714.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1715.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1716.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1717. pdy-ta5.dms  P 817470  05-06-94  TORNADO AGA  from  DIGITAL INTEGRATION [5/5]
  1718.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1719.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1720. peb-ch01.lzh P  58869  05-06-94  .     ___________________                  .
  1721.                                  :    /  _   /  ____/  __ \  The BBS That   :
  1722.                                  :   /  /_/ /  /_  /  /_/ /  Brings You Even:
  1723.                                  |  /  ___ /  __/ /  __ _/   The Utils You  |
  1724.                                  | /  /   /  /___/  /_/ /        Need ...   |
  1725.                                  |/__/   /______/______/         With       |
  1726.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1727.                                  Checker v0.1 : Checks what is diffrent
  1728.                                  between 2 filelists and tells you what the
  1729.                                  difrence is.
  1730.                                  Great traders tool!!!!
  1731.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1732.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1733. phxas371.lha P  50027  05-06-94  Phx Assembler V3.71
  1734.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1735.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1736. picupv19.lha P 265759  05-06-94  PicassoII Software update V1.9
  1737.                                  directly from Expert Services, USA
  1738.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1739.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1740. pscsi007.lha P  26614  05-06-94  ProbeSCSI V0.07
  1741.                                  SCSI device peeker - latest update
  1742.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1743.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1744. showrev.lha  P  11325  05-06-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  1745.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  1746.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  1747.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  1748.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  1749.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  1750.                                  Showrev v1.3. Allows you to find a file,
  1751.                                  show the name, size, protection, date and 
  1752.                                  (if possible) the version number of it.
  1753.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1754.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1755. tornaga2.dms P 746885  05-06-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  1756.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  1757.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  1758.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  1759.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  1760.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  1761.                                   TORNADO *AGA* SALES VERS. / Digital Interg.
  1763.                                   [ 2 OF 5 ]
  1764.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1765.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1766. tornaga3.dms P 625470  05-06-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  1767.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  1768.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  1769.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  1770.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  1771.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  1772.                                   TORNADO *AGA* SALES VERS. / Digital Interg.
  1774.                                   [ 3 OF 5 ]
  1775.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1776.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1777. a!bxr216.lha P  69148  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  1778.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  1779.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  1780.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  1781.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  1782.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  1783.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[ Brainfile for BootX v 5.23b ]÷÷÷÷«»
  1784.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Safe Hex International]÷«»
  1785.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  1786.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1787.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1788. a!cbm.lha    P  30118  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  1789.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  1790.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  1791.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  1792.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  1793.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  1794.                                  <«»÷[ Amiga's Future after C='s Death ]÷÷«»>
  1795.                                   A compilation of articals, postings, and
  1796.                                   statements from people at places like
  1797.                                   GVP. News from MicroTech, C= Canada,
  1798.                                   Scala, CEI, ect.
  1799.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  1800.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1801. a!mwb-bg.lha P 143060  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  1802.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  1803.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  1804.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  1805.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  1806.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  1807.                                  <«»÷÷÷[ new backgrounds for MagicWB ]÷÷÷÷«»>
  1808.                                   ten new backgrounds for your MagicWB and
  1809.                                   one  special for 68040-users
  1810.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Torsten Hiddessen]÷«»>
  1811.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  1812.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1813.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1814. a!pas371.lha P  57435  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  1815.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  1816.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  1817.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  1818.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  1819.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  1820.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ PhxAss v3.71 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  1821.                                   680x0/68851/6888x Macro Assembler
  1822.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Frank Wille]÷«»>
  1823.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  1824.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1825.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1826. a!pma143.lha P  36151  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  1827.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  1828.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  1829.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  1830.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  1831.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  1832.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ PublicManager v1.43 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  1833.                                   pubscreen-tool with configurable menus
  1834.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Michael Watzl]÷«»>
  1835.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  1836.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1837.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1838. atx-fftr.lha P  10452  05-07-94  ____ _  _________.__.______________  _______
  1839.                                  \__// \ \___ \      | \__   / . \  \/  /\__/
  1840.                                   \// : \/  |  \/ |  _  \/  /  |  \    /RD\/
  1841.                                    /  |  \  :  /  :  :   \  \  :  /    \ 
  1842.                                    \__|__/\_|_/\__|__|___/\  \___/  /\__)
  1843.                                  +------------- [ AMiGA ] -\__/-\__/--------+
  1844.                                    FURY OF THE FURRiES CD32 MiCRO-TRAiNER
  1845.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1846.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1847. b-mine16.dms P 217826  05-07-94    |\_____/\____  _/\__ _/\____/\ ___/\__    
  1848.                                  \\|   \\_ ____|  |    \|  _  |  \ \_ ___\_\\
  1849.                                    | |\ \| __)_   | |/ /| | | | \ \ |   | |  
  1850.                                    | | ! | | ~ |  |    \| | | |  \  |   | |  
  1851.                                   <| |/  |     |  | |\  | |_| |  |  |     |> 
  1852.                                    l____/l____/   l____/l_____l__|__l_____|  
  1853.                                  --------------------------------------------
  1854.                                   DE BOND PRESENTS TODAY : BOND MINE 16      
  1855.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1856.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1857. chnk2pln.lha P  47194  05-07-94  Some assembly sources for fast chunky to
  1858.                                  planar conversion.
  1859.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1860.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1861. cpt-don1.lha P1129817  05-07-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1862.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1863.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1864.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1865.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1866.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1867.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1868.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1869.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!!
  1870.                                       CD 32 for a 1200/4000 HD Only...
  1871.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1872.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1873. cpt-don4.lha P1347888  05-07-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1874.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1875.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1876.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1877.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1878.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1879.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1880.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1881.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! [4/8]
  1882.                                       CD 32 for a 1200/4000 HD Only...
  1883.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1884.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1885. cpt-don5.lha P 605152  05-07-94  +-------------------------------------------
  1886.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________ 
  1887.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/
  1888.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |    
  1889.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |    
  1890.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|    
  1891.                                  |                                       MaXX
  1892.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «-------------
  1893.                                       CD 32 for a 1200/4000 HD Only...
  1894.                                          Donk the Duck Samurai !!!!! [5/8]
  1895.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1896.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1897. disaster.dms P 622790  05-07-94  SUbMANiA PARtY PACk fROM
  1898.                                  \(o_o)/ diSAStER \(o_o)/
  1899.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1900.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1901. dms212r.lha  P  74961  05-07-94  FORGET LAME DMS 2.03 204 EVALUTAION !!
  1902.                                   GET THE REAL THING !! DMS 2.12 REG !
  1903.                                        P.H.U.N.  R.U.L.E.Z. !!
  1904.                                  ----------------------------_---------
  1905.                                    THIS IS DMS EXTRA TURBO V2.12 !!
  1906.                                  --------------------------------------
  1907.                                        P.H.U.N.  R.U.L.E.Z. !!
  1908.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1909.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1910. dw2.lha      P 163091  05-07-94  DirWork v2 Latest Release 100% (registered) 
  1911.                                  [-=-[ DaRK SuN ]-=-[ MyStiC^MeDeLLiN ]-=-]  
  1912.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1913.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1914. emcmine1.dms P 220527  05-07-94  EMC Mine Number 1
  1915.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1916.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1917. god-tr17.dms P 522569  05-07-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________  
  1918.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/  
  1919.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/    
  1920.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /      
  1921.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/       
  1922.                                  <--------\/-- GL0BAL 0VERD0SE --\/--------->
  1923.                                      "tIME rUNNERS 17 - MULTILANGUAGE -"
  1924.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1925.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1926. hansiv17.dms P  84394  05-07-94  HyperAnsi1.7
  1927.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1928.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1929. ital693.lha  P 167941  05-07-94  Latest version of famous translator         
  1930.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~øBsCeNe CoUriErS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1931.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1932.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1933. megablk2.dms P 412399  05-07-94  Mega Block Out ][                        1/1
  1934.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1935.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1936. mst-cf23.lha P  64891  05-07-94   _/\___/¦___/\___/\___/¦_/\__.-------------.
  1937.                                   \   /\ | /\ __/\ . /\ |\ . /| BOBO/MYSTiC |
  1938.                                   / V \/_. \/_.¬\/_| \/ |/ |_\|     AND     |
  1939.                                  /  |  \¬|  \¬¦  \¬|  \ |  ¦ ¬\LOOBY/iNSANE!|
  1940.                                  \__¦  /__  /__  / ¦__/_¦___  /  PRESENTS:  |
  1941.                                  .---\/---\/---\/-/X-Power!-\/^-------------|
  1942.                                  |:.Conference Top Uploaders (Version 2.3).:|
  1943.                                  |:The Ultimate Weektop-Tool for Amiexpress:|
  1944.                                  |:Bug-Fixed and alot of new options added!:|
  1945.                                  |:100% Compatible with S-Express & /X2.33+:|
  1946.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1947.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1948.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1949. mst-ed10.lha P  24567  05-07-94   _/\___/¦___/\___/\___/¦_/\__.-------------.
  1950.                                   \   /\ | /\ __/\ . /\ |\ . /| BOBO/MYSTiC |
  1951.                                   / V \/_. \/_.¬\/_| \/ |/ |_\| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
  1952.                                  /  |  \¬|  \¬¦  \¬|  \ |  ¦ ¬\  PRESENTS:  |
  1953.                                  \__¦  /__  /__  / ¦__/_¦___  /  ~~~~~~~~~  |
  1954.                                  .---\/---\/---\/-/X-Power!-\/^-------------|
  1955.                                  |:.::EALL-Delete! (CLI) - (Version 1.0)::.:|
  1956.                                  |:This will delete all your old EALL msgs.:|
  1957.                                  |:Features: Fast! (2000 msgs - 6 seconds)::|
  1958.                                  |:configable, nice design and everything!.:|
  1959.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1960.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1961.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1962. mst-wt10.lha P  25398  05-07-94   _/\___/¦___/\___/\___/¦_/\__.-------------.
  1963.                                   \   /\ | /\ __/\ . /\ |\ . /| BOBO/MYSTiC |
  1964.                                   / V \/_. \/_.¬\/_| \/ |/ |_\| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
  1965.                                  /  |  \¬|  \¬¦  \¬|  \ |  ¦ ¬\  PRESENTS:  |
  1966.                                  \__¦  /__  /__  / ¦__/_¦___  /  ~~~~~~~~~  |
  1967.                                  .---\/---\/---\/-/X-Power!-\/^-------------|
  1968.                                  |:.Upload Activities (WHAT) (Version 1.0).:|
  1969.                                  |:  Intended for Multinode systems only!  :|
  1970.                                  |:!This command/door should be a standard!:|
  1971.                                  |:  Compatable with S-Express and /X2.xx  :|
  1972.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  1973.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1974.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1975. pbmplusa.lha P 154831  05-07-94                          .       .___
  1976.                                  RD___________  ______  /|   ____|  /
  1977.                                   / .__/ . \_ \/\___  \/ |__/ ___| / 
  1978.                                  /  |____|  /   /\ ___/  | /  __   \ 
  1979.                                  \_________/  \/__\|  \____\___/ |__\
  1980.                                  +--------(___/-----Presents--(__|--+
  1981.                                   Grafikfomat wandler & modivizierer
  1982.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1983.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1984. pornomi1.dms P 256524  05-07-94    |\_____/\____  _/\__ _/\____/\ ___/\__    
  1985.                                  \\|   \\_ ____|  |    \|  _  |  \ \_ ___\_\\
  1986.                                    | |\ \| __)_   | |/ /| | | | \ \ |   | |  
  1987.                                    | | ! | | ~ |  |    \| | | |  \  |   | |  
  1988.                                   <| |/  |     |  | |\  | |_| |  |  |     |> 
  1989.                                    l____/l____/   l____/l_____l__|__l_____|  
  1990.                                  --------------------------------------------
  1991.                                    DE BOND PRESENTS TODAY : PORNO MINE # 1   
  1992.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  1993.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  1994. pornomi2.dms P 321485  05-07-94  L  |\_____/\____  _/\__ _/\____/\ ___/\__   
  1995.                                  \\|   \\_ ____|  |    \|  _  |  \ \_ ___\_\\
  1996.                                    | |\ \| __)_   | |/ /| | | | \ \ |   | |  
  1997.                                    | | ! | | ~ |  |    \| | | |  \  |   | |  
  1998.                                   <| |/  |     |  | |\  | |_| |  |  |     |> 
  1999.                                    l____/l____/   l____/l_____l__|__l_____|  
  2000.                                  --------------------------------------------
  2001.                                    DE BOND PRESENTS TODAY : PORNO MINE # 2   
  2002.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2003.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2004. ral33.lha    P 127095  05-07-94  RexxArpLib.library v3.3
  2005.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2006.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2008.                                  ³            Brought to you by            ³
  2009.                                  ³         ·Ä· ·Ä· ·Ä· ·Ä· ·Ä· ·Ä·         ³
  2010.                                  ³         ºÄº º   º   ºÄ  ÓÄ· ÓÄ·         ³
  2011.                                  ³         ½ Ó ½Ä½ ½Ä½ ½Ä½ ½Ä½ ½Ä½         ³
  2014.                                  The SCRAMBLER v2.0.... Password encrypt
  2015.                                  your HD. Now uses a 8 digit number instead
  2016.                                  of the 4 in version 1... PC compatible
  2017.                                  version is also included in this archive.
  2019.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2020. sniglusi.dms P 536333  05-07-94  A SNIGLUSI RELEASE!
  2021.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2022.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2023. soamiga.txt  N   6892  05-07-94  .------------------------------------------.
  2024.                                  | SONY HAS MADE IT OFFICAL!! INSIDE INFO!! |
  2025.                                  :          JUST GRAB THIZ FILE!!!!         :
  2026.                                  .READ! NEW AMIGAS WITH RISC BASED CPU &MORE.
  2027.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  2028.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2029.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2030. stonemin.dms P 171560  05-07-94  STONE MINE WB
  2031.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2032.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2033. symph.lha    P 635383  05-07-94  .                                           
  2034.                                        WORLD PREMIERE                        
  2035.                                      ------------------                      
  2036.                                      Symphonie 1.0 Demo                      
  2037.                                  .                                           
  2038.                                   Performing  64(!) Channels                 
  2039.                                        OS3.0+,CPU 020+                       
  2040.                                  .                                           
  2041.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~øBsCeNe CoUriErS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2042.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2043.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2044. toolsem1.dms P 107112  05-07-94  Emerald Tools [1/2]
  2045.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2046.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2047. toolsem2.dms P 268097  05-07-94  Emerald Tools [2/2]
  2048.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2049.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2050. tornaga4.dms P 840262  05-07-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  2051.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  2052.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  2053.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  2054.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  2055.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  2056.                                   TORNADO *AGA* SALES VERS. / Digital Interg.
  2058.                                   [ 4 OF 5 ]
  2059.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2060.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2061. tornaga5.dms P 815566  05-07-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  2062.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  2063.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  2064.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  2065.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  2066.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  2067.                                   TORNADO *AGA* SALES VERS. / Digital Interg.
  2069.                                   [ 5 OF 5 ]
  2070.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2071.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2072. a!gurubk.lha P  32476  05-07-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  2073.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  2074.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  2075.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  2076.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  2077.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  2078.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ The Amiga Guru Book ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  2079.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Ralph Babel]÷«»>
  2080.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  2081.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2082.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2083. born.lha     P  15097  05-07-94  Birthday reminder for cli.
  2084.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2085.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2086. cd320594.lha P  21746  05-07-94  CD32 Bits May 94
  2087.                                  CD32Bits issue two.
  2088.                                  CD32 news magazine in Amigaguide format.
  2089.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2090.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2091. flcas151.lha P  13926  05-07-94  Picasso only FLI/FLC animplayer
  2092.                                  This is an update to version 1.5
  2093.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2094.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2095. ged0987.lha  P 748476  05-07-94  GOLDED V0.987 UPDATE! (30-Apr-94)
  2096.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2097.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2098. gedchang.lha P  10000  05-07-94  GOLDED V0.987 (UPDATE) PROGRAMM HISTORY
  2099.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2100.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2101. hohd.lha     P 522345  05-07-94  hacker's version of Knocking on Heavens D.
  2102.                                  1MB CHIP.
  2103.                                  by KEO/Ecthelion
  2104.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2105.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2106. irmas222.lha P 122084  05-07-94  IR-Master V2.21
  2107.                                  Send Infra-Red commands w/ your Amiga!
  2108.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2109.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2110. irsla110.lha P  46430  05-07-94  IR-Slave V1.10
  2111.                                  Control the Amige w/ a remote control
  2112.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2113.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2114. itc-9405.lha P 116525  05-07-94  *=»____     wORTH wAiTiNG fOR !! ____    «=*
  2115.                                  | /___/\_______________________ /___/\_____|
  2116.                                  | \___\/  --  / ---  /    --- /\\___/¯    /\
  2117.                                  |/¯   //  ___//  ___/__    __//¯¯  // ___/ /
  2118.                                  /____//  __///  __/\\_//  /\_/____// /___\/|
  2119.                                  \___/___/\_/___/\_\/ /___/ / \___/_____/\  |
  2120.                                  «===\___\/=\___\/=pRE\ __\/SENTS=\_____\/==»
  2121.                                        « tHE gOTHENBURG tRADER cHART »
  2122.                                        * iNClUDiNG nFOs & sCENE nEWS
  2123.                                          * tHREE mAJOR iNTERViEWS! *
  2124.                                              m » tHE mAY iSSUE « 
  2125.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2126.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2127. macv43.dms   P 644223  05-07-94  Emplant Version 4.3 includes support for 
  2128.                                  MEDIA UU's new Disk Drive Device !!
  2129.                                  Also solves some 040 hang ups!!
  2130.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2131.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2132. magwbbr.lha  P 143286  05-07-94  11 new backgrounds for MagicWB
  2133.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2134.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2135. pfs2.lha     P  42588  05-07-94  The professional filing system (PFS) has the
  2136.                                  o High performance, write: 2-3 times faster
  2137.                                    read: 50% faster
  2138.                                  o directoryscan: 10-20 times FFS, 3 times FF
  2139.                                  o delete/rename/protect etc: 10-20 times fas
  2140.                                  Other features:
  2141.                                  o full AmigaDos compatibility
  2142.                                  o up to 10% more data on a disk
  2143.                                  o better fault tolerance
  2144.                                  o parallel access without performance loss
  2145.                                  o disks NEVER get invalidated.  This version
  2146.                                    floppy disks only.  Both double and high d
  2147.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2148. prbscsi7.lha P  34263  05-07-94  ProbeSCSI V0.07
  2149.                                  New tool to read your SCSI settings.
  2150.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2151.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2152. qdisk210.lha P  53182  05-07-94  QDisk 2.10
  2153.                                  Monitor All Drive Space Usage From WorkBench
  2154.                                  update to QDisk 2.01
  2155.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2156.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2157. s-vappu.lha  P 236384  05-07-94   ________________/\____ .__   ___  _______/\
  2158.                                  /  _____/\_____ ¶\____ \| ¶\_/. ¶\// ._____/
  2159.                                  \_____ ¶\//   /\   \/¶\ \   \_|  /   || ¶\ á
  2160.                                  //   |   \    \/   /   \ \   /:  \   |    \m
  2161.                                  \________/\___/___/\___|\___/\___/\_______/R
  2162.                                   ~ø^º›*.S0N¨C PSSE K¨SSE$ ASS W¨Th.*›º^ø~ 
  2163.                                           -= The VAPPU-Collection =-
  2164.                                                   Featuring: 
  2165.                                     Fish'N'ChipS #3 And A Brand New Intro!!
  2166.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2167.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2168. scpfl10b.lha P  33068  05-07-94  Simplifies CD file access & execution
  2169.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2170.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2171. sirdg34.lha  P  87165  05-07-94  SIRDS maker with lots of functions. Kick3.0+
  2172.                                  This is V3.4 of SIRDS_GEN; an update to V3.3
  2173.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2174.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2175. sis12000.lha P 116024  05-07-94  z-funct plotter 68000bin (need Common)
  2176.                                  Update 1.2
  2177.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2178.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2179. sis12020.lha P 116647  05-07-94  z-funct plotter 68020bin (need Common)
  2180.                                  Update 1.2
  2181.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2182.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2183. sis12com.lha P  74039  05-07-94  z-funct plotter - Common files
  2184.                                  Update 1.2
  2185.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2186.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2187. sis12exm.lha P 426768  05-07-94  z-funct plotter - Exemples (need Common)
  2188.                                  Update 1.2
  2189.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2190.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2191. thor122.lha  P 245043  05-07-94  THOR 1.22 OLR maintainance release.
  2192.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2193.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2194. twl-bv.lha   P 342380  05-07-94  o--                              ----------o
  2195.                                  |_____________  ____                       |
  2196.                                  \ _  _ /\_ /_/  \  /     ThE WaR LoRdS     |
  2197.                                  |\/  \/ / /\ \  / /_                       |
  2198.                                  |/    \/      \/    \  PrOuDlY  PrEsEnTs   |
  2199.                                  |\____/\__/\__/\____/                      |
  2200.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  2201.                                             "BeAvErS aGa/Cd32 DoCs"          
  2202.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2203.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2204. twl-donk.lha P 308219  05-07-94  o--                              ----------o
  2205.                                  |_____________  ____                       |
  2206.                                  \ _  _ /\_ /_/  \  /     ThE WaR LoRdS     |
  2207.                                  |\/  \/ / /\ \  / /_                       |
  2208.                                  |/    \/      \/    \  PrOuDlY  PrEsEnTs   |
  2209.                                  |\____/\__/\__/\____/                      |
  2210.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  2211.                                              "DoNk AgA/Cd32 DoCs"            
  2212.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2213.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2214. twl-furi.lha P 425655  05-07-94  o--                              ----------o
  2215.                                  |_____________  ____                       |
  2216.                                  \ _  _ /\_ /_/  \  /     ThE WaR LoRdS     |
  2217.                                  |\/  \/ / /\ \  / /_                       |
  2218.                                  |/    \/      \/    \  PrOuDlY  PrEsEnTs   |
  2219.                                  |\____/\__/\__/\____/                      |
  2220.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  2221.                                       "FuRy Of ThE FuRrIeS AgA/Cd32 DoCs"    
  2222.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2223.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2224. twl-huma.lha P 812200  05-07-94  o--                              ----------o
  2225.                                  |_____________  ____                       |
  2226.                                  \ _  _ /\_ /_/  \  /     ThE WaR LoRdS     |
  2227.                                  |\/  \/ / /\ \  / /_                       |
  2228.                                  |/    \/      \/    \  PrOuDlY  PrEsEnTs   |
  2229.                                  |\____/\__/\__/\____/                      |
  2230.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  2231.                                             "HuMaNs AgA/Cd32 DoCs"           
  2232.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2233.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2234. vewbm131.lha P  20594  05-07-94  Picasso only 4/8/24 Bit BMP viewer
  2235.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2236.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2237. vidmax43.lha P 332834  05-07-94  VideoMaxe 04.33
  2238.                                  THE_ OS 2.1+ video database
  2239.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2240.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2241. viepcx10.lha P  20820  05-07-94  Picasso only 1 to 32 Bit PCX viewer
  2242.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2243.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2244. vwpnm131.lha P  20544  05-07-94  Picasso only PBM, PGM and PPM viewer
  2245.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2246.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2247. l-bbinfo.lha P   1711  05-07-94  SOME INFO ON HOW TO INSTALL BODY BLOWS PRE
  2248.                                  TO YOUR HARDDISK !! --- A LEGEND RELEASE ---
  2249.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2250.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2251. l-bbpcd1.dms P 148083  05-07-94   ___. ________________________ ._________   
  2252.                                   \_ | \_ ___/\_ ___/\_ ___/\_ \| ___     \  
  2253.                                   /  |/\  _)__/ \_  \/  _)__/   \  \|  \   \ 
  2254.                                  /   /  \ l   \  l   \  l   \  \    \  l\   \
  2255.                                  \  _____\____/______/______/__|\___/_______/
  2256.                                  >\/-----------------------------------DzG--<
  2257.                                      ULTIMATE BODY BLOWS CD32/AGA PLAYABLE   
  2258.                                          PREVIEW FROM TEAM 17  [1/2]         
  2259.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2260.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2261. l-bbpcd2.dms P 734945  05-07-94   ___. ________________________ ._________   
  2262.                                   \_ | \_ ___/\_ ___/\_ ___/\_ \| ___     \  
  2263.                                   /  |/\  _)__/ \_  \/  _)__/   \  \|  \   \ 
  2264.                                  /   /  \ l   \  l   \  l   \  \    \  l\   \
  2265.                                  \  _____\____/______/______/__|\___/_______/
  2266.                                  >\/-----------------------------------DzG--<
  2267.                                   ULTIMATE BODY BLOWS CD32/AGA PREVIEW [2/2] 
  2269.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2270.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2271. RLX-CRT1.LHA P  12781  05-07-94    _.____ ______  .     .   _ _______./\____
  2272.                                   _.____ ___    \ :     ._______     |     /.
  2273.                                  .c  ___ __/ ___/_¦     :    _/ \__  :  __/ .
  2274.                                  .r_:     __     /|     |    \ _/   ___   \_:
  2275.                                  :t ¦______/_____\|___________\\_____¦_____/:
  2276.                                  `-refLex--------------------------preSents-'
  2277.                                     Crypth's 1:st Ascii collection called :
  2278.                                      -^ F L E X I B L E   E C S T A S Y ^-
  2279.                                  [«»]                FRaNky Reflex     [«»
  2280. TRZ-UPQ1.DMS P 878195  05-08-94  The Ultimate Pinball Quest...            1/3
  2281.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  2282. TRZ-UPQ2.DMS P 875192  05-08-94  The Ultimate Pinball Quest...            2/3
  2283.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  2284. TRZ-UPQ3.DMS P 431048  05-08-94  The Ultimate Pinball Quest...            3/3
  2285.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  2286. ipt-la.nfo   N    614  05-08-94  LEMMINGS * AGA * from PSYGNOSIS  INFO!
  2287.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2288.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2289. ipt-la1.dms  P 657337  05-08-94   _____  _____ ______  ______ _____________
  2290.                                   \\   \/     \\___  \/ ____//   ____    //
  2291.                                    \\/  \      \  |   \ |  \/   /   /  \//
  2292.                                  __//    \ \_/  \   __/     \   \/\/    \\___
  2293.                                  |=\\    /  |   /   \   |   /      \    //=|=
  2294.                                  =|=\\  /___|__/\___/\__|__/\______/\  //=|=|
  2295.                                  |=|=\\/=|=|  PRoUdLY PrEsEnTs:  |=|=\//=KaT=
  2296.                                  LEMMINGS * AGA * from PSYGNOSIS  DISK [1/2]
  2297.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2298.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2299. ipt-la2.dms  P 670316  05-08-94   _____  _____ ______  ______ _____________
  2300.                                   \\   \/     \\___  \/ ____//   ____    //
  2301.                                    \\/  \      \  |   \ |  \/   /   /  \//
  2302.                                  __//    \ \_/  \   __/     \   \/\/    \\___
  2303.                                  |=\\    /  |   /   \   |   /      \    //=|=
  2304.                                  =|=\\  /___|__/\___/\__|__/\______/\  //=|=|
  2305.                                  |=|=\\/=|=|  PRoUdLY PrEsEnTs:  |=|=\//=KaT=
  2306.                                  LEMMINGS * AGA * from PSYGNOSIS  DISK [2/2]
  2307.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2308.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2309. SECURLST.TXT N 106158  05-08-94    [---------SECURELIST ISSUE #1----------]
  2310.                                    :A NEW KIND OF TRADERLIST BY APHEX/ZZc!:
  2311.                                    :  OVER 10000 CHANGES SINCE LAST LIST  :
  2312.                                    [------------GET IT NOW!---------------]
  2313.                                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [-LePRoSy-]/rEFLEX! >>>>>
  2314.                                  ==========================[ToDaY!]==========
  2315. 5d-ed121.lzh P  52126  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2316.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2317.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2318.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2319.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2320.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2321.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2322.                                         5D-Edit v1.21 coded by sTc/5D!
  2323.                                              - Known bugs fixed -
  2324.                                            - Design changed a bit -
  2325.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2326.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2327. 5d-em009.lzh P  28848  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2328.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2329.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2330.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2331.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2332.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2333.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2334.                                       5D-EnterMsg v0.09 coded by sTc/5D!
  2335.                                          - Full alphabetical sorting -
  2336.                                            - Design changed a bit -
  2337.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2338.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2339. 5d-lo014.lzh P  32299  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2340.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2341.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2342.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2343.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2344.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2345.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2346.                                        5D-LogOff v1.14 coded by sTc/5D!
  2347.                                               - PW bug fixed -
  2348.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2349.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2350. 5d-nf033.lzh P  38432  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2351.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2352.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2353.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2354.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2355.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2356.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2357.                                       5D-NewFiles v0.33 coded by sTc/5D!
  2358.                                              - Known bugs fixed -
  2359.                                            - Design changed a bit -
  2360.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2361.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2362. 5d-tc002.lzh P  22148  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2363.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2364.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2365.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2366.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2367.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2368.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2369.                                     5D-TodayCallers v0.02 coded by sTc/5D!
  2370.                                         - Shows ALL users which have -
  2371.                                           - called at the one day, -
  2372.                                           - Fully coded in AmigaE! -
  2373.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2374.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2375. 5d-wh300.lzh P  27564  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2376.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2377.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2378.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2379.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2380.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2381.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2382.                                          5D-Who v3.00 coded by sTc/5D!
  2383.                                                 - New design -
  2384.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2385.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2386. 5d-zs003.lzh P  30177  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2387.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2388.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2389.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2390.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2391.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2392.                                  `---------------\/-----\/----·presents·----'
  2393.                                         5D-ZippySearch v0.03 by sTc/5D
  2394.                                                 - New design -
  2395.                                              - Known bugs fixed -
  2396.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2397.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2398. 5d^dc010.lzh P  21297  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2399.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2400.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2401.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2402.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2403.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2404.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2405.                                       5D^DupeCheck v0.10 coded by sTc/5D!
  2406.                                          - Memory allocate bug fixed -
  2407.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2408.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2409. 5D^DL001.LZH P  22241  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2410.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2411.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2412.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2413.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2414.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2415.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2416.                                       5D^Download v0.01 coded by sTc/5D!
  2417.                                             - Shows user status -
  2418.                                              - at the download -
  2419.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2420.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2421. 5D^QA005.LZH P  21939  05-09-94        _______   _______           _______   
  2422.                                  ______\     /__|      /___________\___  /___
  2423.                                  \_____ \  _/   /     /__\   ____/  _ /_/   /
  2424.                                  _/   /  \___  /\    /__/ \____ \_  \/___  /|
  2425.                                  \ 5TH    / / /\ \_ / \    / _/  /  |   / / |
  2426.                                  |\______/___/_|\  /___\  /_____/___|____/Rpd
  2427.                                  `---------------\/-----\/------------------'
  2428.                                       5D^QuickAnsi v0.05 coded by sTc/5D!
  2429.                                          - Memory allocate bug fixed -
  2430.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2431.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2432. A!CDV103.LHA P 174752  05-09-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  2433.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  2434.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  2435.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  2436.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  2437.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  2438.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ CD32View - 1 May 94 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  2439.                                   monthly magazine covering the CD32
  2440.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Sean Caszatt]÷«»
  2441.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  2442.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2443.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2444. CODIFF06.LHA P  45115  05-09-94   _  __   _____  _____ _____  _____ _____ __
  2445.                                  /.\ \.\ /  _  \/.....\  __ \/.....\ ___//./
  2446.                                  \..\/..\  (_) /../\../ /__\/../\..//__ /./
  2447.                                   \__.../    _/...\/./ /(_ \...\/./ __//./
  2448.                                  /\_/../ /\  \../\../  \_/ /./\../  \_/\.\_/\
  2449.                                  \____/_/  \_/_/ /_/\_____/_/ /_/______/____/
  2450.                                  Coder's Converter v0.6 (AGA "iff-converter")
  2451.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2452.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2453. CPT-Z210.LHA P1321242  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2454.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2455.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2456.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2457.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2458.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2459.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2460.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2461.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2462.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2463.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2464.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2465. CPT-Z211.LHA P 300144  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2466.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2467.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2468.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2469.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2470.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2471.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2472.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2473.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2474.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2475.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2476.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2477. CPT-Z2_1.LHA P1337223  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2478.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2479.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2480.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2481.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2482.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2483.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2484.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2485.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2486.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2487.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2488.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2489. CPT-Z2_2.LHA P1338230  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2490.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2491.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2492.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2493.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2494.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2495.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2496.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2497.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2498.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2499.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2500.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2501. CPT-Z2_3.LHA P1338230  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2502.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2503.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2504.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2505.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2506.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2507.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2508.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2509.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2510.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2511.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2512.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2513. CPT-Z2_4.LHA P1321242  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2514.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2515.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2516.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2517.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2518.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2519.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2520.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2521.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2522.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2523.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2524.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2525. CPT-Z2_6.LHA P1318818  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2526.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2527.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2528.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2529.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2530.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2531.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2532.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2533.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2534.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2535.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2536.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2537. DIZNEE1.EXE  N  69904  05-09-94  abyss : diznee land 1                  INTRO
  2538.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2539.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2540. ESK-FF.DMS   P 295994  05-09-94  ********************************************
  2541.                                  *             E-S-K-I-M-O-S                *
  2542.                                  *
  2543.                                  *   LATEST DEMO CALLED FLAVOR FUN!         *
  2544.                                  ********************************************
  2545.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2546.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2547. FLIPP.LZH    P 123617  05-09-94  Unreleased Pinball Dreams Track
  2548.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2549.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2550. ICONS+.LHA   P 257127  05-09-94  Over 850k of 8 + 16 Colour Icons.
  2551.                                  Includes a NEW Batch of Superb 8 Colour
  2552.                                  Icons.
  2553.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2554.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2555. INTRA.LHA    P 107596  05-09-94  Intra is a database program designed specif-
  2556.                                  cally for invoices and to be easy to use.
  2557.                                  Not bad if you want to keep track of your
  2558.                                  finances etc.
  2559.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2560.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2561. LGC-NFIC.LHA P  22017  05-09-94             __.
  2562.                                   ______.  /__|__ __________.::. __________
  2563.                                   \__   | / \___ \\__ _    /`::' \__ _    /
  2564.                                    /    |/___.|   \/ __\__/_....  /   \__/_.
  2565.                                   /   __/    |!    \_\___   |:::_/    !    |
  2566.                                   \__________|______/_______|·::\_______dZG|
  2567.                                  «-------------------------- · : -----------»
  2568.                                  »  NFiComment v0.98 © 1994 cCs^eQx/LOGiC!  «
  2569.                                  «--( The Only Comment Door You'll Need! )--»
  2570.                                  »  Lightbar/Conf_Relative/Small/Fast/Sexy  «
  2571.                                  «------------------------------------------»
  2572.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2573.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2574. LSD_F&I.LHA  P1380289  05-09-94     _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___
  2575.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S
  2576.                                  |M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ :
  2577.                                  |R _|   / \\_ | \\_ H  \\_ fIRE & iCE cD32
  2578.                                  |V \  ______/_____/____  /  A1200/A4000/HD  
  2579.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/  
  2580.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2581.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2582. LSD_F&I.NFO  N   2810  05-09-94     _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___
  2583.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S
  2584.                                  |M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ :
  2585.                                  |R _|   / \\_ | \\_ H  \\_ fIRE & iCE cD32
  2586.                                  |V \  ______/_____/____  /   iNFO fILE
  2587.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/  
  2588.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2589.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2590. MACV43LT.LHA P 121775  05-09-94  PicassoVideo Video Drivers lite
  2591.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2592.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2593. MOA102.LHA   P 112855  05-09-94  The Module Administrator v1.02, specifically
  2594.                                  designed for use with DeliTracker 2+ but has
  2595.                                  other uses to.
  2596.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2597.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2598. UNIVWARR.DMS P 505178  05-09-94  <---Universal Warrior Disk [1/1]---         
  2599.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2600.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2601. VIRUSPRO.DMS P 127254  05-09-94  An old classic game re-released and trained
  2602.                                  for ALL Amigas (a1000 - a4000), fun for all
  2603.                                  the familly!!!!
  2604.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2605.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2606. X_CAD1.DMS   P 320239  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  1/7
  2607.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2608.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2609.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2610. X_CAD2.DMS   P 315837  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  2/7
  2611.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2612.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2613.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2614. X_CAD3.DMS   P 180786  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  3/7
  2615.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2616.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2617.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2618. X_CAD4.DMS   P 174731  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  4/7
  2619.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2620.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2621.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2622. X_CAD5.DMS   P 127518  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  5/7
  2623.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2624.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2625.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2626. X_CAD6.DMS   P 370578  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  6/7
  2627.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2628.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2629.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2630. X_CAD7.DMS   P 306446  05-09-94  X-CAD Proffessional * final update *  7/7
  2631.                                  <-------- ByteBro's = U.B & J.R ---------->
  2632.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2633.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2634. cpt-z2_7.lha P1321242  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2635.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2636.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2637.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2638.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2639.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2640.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2641.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2642.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2643.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2644.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2645.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2646. A!VMA433.LHA P 325303  05-09-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  2647.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  2648.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  2649.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  2650.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  2651.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  2652.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ VideoMaxe v4.33 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  2653.                                   OS 2.1+ video database
  2654.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Stephan Sürken]÷«»>
  2655.                                  `----------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS
  2656.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  2657. MLW-SS.LHA   P  13497  05-09-94  . . .__  __ .____ ._. _. ____ .___  ___ . ..
  2658.                                  .' ./  \/  \/  __|/ \/ \/    \/   ||   \ .. 
  2659.                                  .'./   \/   \  _>/   \__\__O  \   /\   /. ..
  2660.                                   :.\__ ||___/____)_____/__/___/\_ /\  /. . .
  2661.                                  . .   Y       -=*(PRESENTS)*=-   Y  \/   . .
  2662.                                  .   <<!<(((=-  SCSI Stop V1.0  -=.))>>>>   .
  2663.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  2664.                                  |  Stops the A590 HD When Not Using The HD |
  2665.                                  |    AutoTurn On When Doing HD Activity    |
  2666.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  2667.                                  UPloaded From Da -* MeLLoW *- Party  (Day 3)
  2668.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  2669. cpt-z2_9.lha P1316998  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2670.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2671.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2672.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2673.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2674.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2675.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2676.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2677.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2678.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2679.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2680.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2681. cpt-zooi.lha P  65038  05-09-94  +------------------------------------------+
  2682.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________|
  2683.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/|
  2684.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |   |
  2685.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |   |
  2686.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|   |
  2687.                                  |                                    MaXX! |
  2688.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «------------+
  2689.                                  |  Zool 2 Install File . Important ! Read! +
  2690.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  2691.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2692.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2693. cpt-zool.nfo N   5380  05-09-94  +------------------------------------------+
  2694.                                  |   ________ _____ ________________________|
  2695.                                  |   )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___/|
  2696.                                  |  // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |   |
  2697.                                  | //     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |   |
  2698.                                  | \______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|   |
  2699.                                  |                                     MAXX!|
  2700.                                  +------------» PRESENTS TODAY «------------+
  2701.                                  |   Zool 2 CD 32 for a12/4000 INFO File    |
  2702.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  2703.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2704.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2705. hcc-oxgg.dms P 218780  05-09-94  .   __ ___.____   ______     ______   _ _.
  2706.                                  |_.| _/  _|   .\_/    _/____/    _/____.|_._
  2707.                                  .|_./    \_    \\_    \     |    \     :._|.
  2708.                                  |_.\\_____|      /__________|__________||mAZ
  2709.                                  «---------|_____/--( HEAVY COOL CRACKS )---»
  2710.                                   OLYMPiC HOCKEY GAMES 1994 (c) GENiUS [1/1]
  2711.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2712.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2713. lsd_lib.lha  P  33726  05-09-94     _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___
  2714.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S
  2715.                                  |M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ : fIRE & iCE cD32
  2716.                                  |R _|   / \\_ | \\_ H  \\_ aDDITIONAL lIBS
  2717.                                  |V \  ______/_____/____  / tHAT wHERE nOT
  2718.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/ iN tHE mAIN fILE
  2719.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2720.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2721. tornaga1.dms P 650259  05-09-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  2722.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  2723.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  2724.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  2725.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  2726.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  2727.                                   TORNADO *AGA* SALES VERS. / Digital Interg.
  2729.                                   [ 1 OF 5 ]
  2730.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2731.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2732. cpt-z2_8.lha P1327140  05-09-94  +----------------------------------------+
  2733.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  2734.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  2735.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  2736.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  2737.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  2738.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  2739.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  2740.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  2741.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  2742.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2743.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2744. 5d^sa001.lzh P   8433  05-10-94   /\_______/\___/\____\/____ __________/\    
  2745.                                  /_____ _ /  / /___ _ /\  _/_\  ___\  \  \   
  2746.                                    /  / //__   /  / //o \___  \\ \  \___ \\  
  2747.                                   /  / ./  /  /  /  //   \  \  \  \  \  \ .\ 
  2748.                                  /____ /_____/__/__/ 5tH. \_____\__\  \_____\
  2749.                                  Sk¡n\/   _ __ _ _/________\_ _ __ _         
  2750.                                                  / PrESENTS \
  2751.                                    >×·  5D^SysOpAvail v0.01 by sTc/5D   ·×<
  2752.                                    >×·  Fully able to be made resident  ·×<
  2753.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2754.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2755. a!hdfr38.lha P 136359  05-10-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  2756.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  2757.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  2758.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  2759.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  2760.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  2761.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ HD Frequency v38.076 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  2762.                                   Harddisk recording system
  2763.                                   4Track HD-sequencer included
  2764.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Michael Bock]÷«»>
  2765.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  2766.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2767.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2768. bsc-test.dms P 559580  05-10-94  ©°°°FucK°°© B-SuM CrEW ¦ RElEaSeS ©°°YoU°°°©
  2769.                                  ©           Test Drive Aga FIxEd           ©
  2770.                                  ©°°°LeThaL/BsC ----- StRikEs ----- AgaiN°°°©
  2771.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2772.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2773. bsc_test.txt N   6237  05-10-94  ©°°°FucK°°© B-SuM CrEW ¦ RElEaSeS ©°°YoU°°°©
  2774.                                  ©           Test Drive Aga FIxEd           ©
  2775.                                  ©°°°LeThaL/BsC ----- StRikEs ----- AgaiN°°°©
  2776.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2777.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2778. coder.lha    P  11676  05-10-94  +____. ___________________________________-+
  2779.                                  |    |_\_______ "\   _  ___/  _____  | __/ |
  2780.                                  |    |  "\    "   \ /    \    ___)_     "\ |
  2781.                                  |    |    \   |    \      \   V   "\ |    \|
  2782.                                  |_______  /___|__  /  ____/______  /_|__  /|
  2783.                                  +-÷e÷--+\/-------\/-\/-released:-\/-----\/-+
  2784.                                  |Coder | RDB-Coder for optimum & fast      |
  2785.                                  |V3.0  | HD-Protection. 100% Security!     |
  2786.                                  |      | Kick v1.2-3.0 - Asm - incl.Docs   |
  2787.                                  +------+-----------------------------------+
  2788.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2789.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2790. eqx-iad.dms  P 652639  05-10-94  ø---/\_------/\_------/|___----------------ø
  2791.                                  ø-_// ¬\---_// ¬\_--_//|  ¬\---------------ø
  2792.                                  ø/¬  ¯¯¯\ /¬  |  ¬\/>-- ---<---PRESENTS:---ø
  2793.                                  /*U* |¯¯¯¯\   |   \\   |   \\--------------ø
  2794.                                  \_________/_____   /___|____/--------------ø
  2795.                                  ×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷\__\×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×ø
  2796.                                  A NEW EQUINOX DEMO: IN A DREAM (1MB CHIPMEM)
  2797.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2798.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2799. ind-sswc.dms P 256562  05-10-94  SIERRA SOCCER WORLD CHALLENGE - Play. Prev.
  2800.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2801.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2802. l-garpre.dms P 418818  05-10-94      __/\_ __/\____/\____/\____/\ ___/\__    
  2803.                                   \\ \_  /\\_ _____ _____ _____ \\ \_ __ \ \\
  2804.                                      /  /_// __/\/ /_  / __/\/  /\ /   / /\  
  2805.                                  +--/   ~ / /  ~/  ~/ / /  ~/  /  /   / / /-+
  2806.                                  | /_____/_____/_____/_____/__/__/_____/ /::|
  2807.                                  | \_____\_____\_____\_____\__\__\_____\/:::|
  2808.                                  +-------------------------------------[ts]-+
  2809.                                  [*]=( GUARDIAN (AGA) PLAYABLE PREVIEW )==[*]
  2810.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2811.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2812. ors-sa10.lha P 126750  05-10-94     _____   _____   ____ _____  _________   
  2813.                                    /  _  \_/   _/__/___/_\_   \/___/   _/__ 
  2814.                                   /   /   /___    /   /   /   /   /___    / 
  2815.                                  /       /   /   /   /  _   _/   /   /   /  
  2816.                                  \______/_______/___/___\___\___/_______/CoZ
  2817.                                  <-- -  -     .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s.     -  - -->
  2818.                                  .-----------------------------------------.
  2819.                                  | SYSOP-ALARMiNATOR V1.0 FOR ALL /X VERS. |
  2820.                                  `-----------------------------------------'
  2821.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2822.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2823. s8-gs320.lha P 587350  05-10-94   ____ __|\   __.__/\   __.__/\  _____ _____ 
  2824.                                  /  __)  | \/\\/|  \ \/\\/|  \ \/ ____(  o  )
  2825.                                  \__  \  _  \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ /  \/  O  \
  2826.                                  (____/__l__/___/__\__/___/__\__/__|  \_____/
  2827.                                  +----------÷iS÷BACK÷WiTH÷---------l__/-mRV-+
  2828.                                         Gunship 2000 [AGA/CD32] [00/03]
  2829.                                     uNPACK Thiz in Your Gunshipdir !         
  2830.                                  To start the Game Edit the STARTUP BATCH !  
  2831.                                  A4000/40 User disable CPU CACHE !!!!        
  2832.                                  Sorry but i have only tested the Game on the
  2833.                                  A4000/40 ! .. remeber READ the STARTUP !!!! 
  2834.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2835.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2836. s8-gs32a.lha P3265374  05-10-94   ____ __|\   __.__/\   __.__/\  _____ _____ 
  2837.                                  /  __)  | \/\\/|  \ \/\\/|  \ \/ ____(  o  )
  2838.                                  \__  \  _  \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ /  \/  O  \
  2839.                                  (____/__l__/___/__\__/___/__\__/__|  \_____/
  2840.                                  +----------÷iS÷BACK÷WiTH÷---------l__/-mRV-+
  2841.                                    Gunship 2000 [AGA/CD32] [01/03]  
  2842.                                  ------------------------------------cHAOS/S8
  2843.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2844.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2845. s8-gs32b.lha P1098076  05-10-94   ____ __|\   __.__/\   __.__/\  _____ _____ 
  2846.                                  /  __)  | \/\\/|  \ \/\\/|  \ \/ ____(  o  )
  2847.                                  \__  \  _  \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ /  \/  O  \
  2848.                                  (____/__l__/___/__\__/___/__\__/__|  \_____/
  2849.                                  +----------÷iS÷BACK÷WiTH÷---------l__/-mRV-+
  2850.                                    Gunship 2000 [AGA/CD32] [02/03]  
  2851.                                  ------------------------------------cHAOS/S8
  2852.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2853.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2854. s8-gs32c.lha P  68163  05-10-94   ____ __|\   __.__/\   __.__/\  _____ _____ 
  2855.                                  /  __)  | \/\\/|  \ \/\\/|  \ \/ ____(  o  )
  2856.                                  \__  \  _  \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ /  \/  O  \
  2857.                                  (____/__l__/___/__\__/___/__\__/__|  \_____/
  2858.                                  +----------÷iS÷BACK÷WiTH÷---------l__/-mRV-+
  2859.                                    Gunship 2000 [AGA/CD32] [03/03]  
  2860.                                  ------------------------------------cHAOS/S8
  2861.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2862.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2863. tvk-lemm.lha P1262850  05-10-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  2864.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  2865.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  2866.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  2867.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  2868.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  2869.                                  :LEMMINGS *AGA* from PSYGNOSIS HD VERSION!: 
  2870.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2871.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2872. xboot.lha    P   5538  05-10-94  Makes a Executable from your Bootblock
  2873.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2874.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2875. cls-fd1.dms  P 483848  05-10-94    /\____      _    /\__   /\__  __/\  /\____
  2876.                                   /     /_/\  / \  /  _/_ /  _/_(____)/     /
  2877.                                  /     /____)/   \_\__   \\__   \   ./     / 
  2878.                                  \     \   .|  |  \  /   /  /   /   :\     \ 
  2879.                                   \  ___\  :|__|   \__  /____  /(____)\  ___\
  2880.                                  +-\/--(_______)____)-\/-----\/Presents\/[7M]
  2881.                                  Fantastic Dizzy ECS/AGA Multilanguage!-[1/2]
  2882.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2883.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2884. cls-fd2.dms  P 384245  05-10-94    /\____      _    /\__   /\__  __/\  /\____
  2885.                                   /     /_/\  / \  /  _/_ /  _/_(____)/     /
  2886.                                  /     /____)/   \_\__   \\__   \   ./     / 
  2887.                                  \     \   .|  |  \  /   /  /   /   :\     \ 
  2888.                                   \  ___\  :|__|   \__  /____  /(____)\  ___\
  2889.                                  +-\/--(_______)____)-\/-----\/Presents\/[7M]
  2890.                                  Fantastic Dizzy ECS/AGA Multilanguage!-[2/2]
  2891.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2892.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2893. jrm-hc04.lha P 177997  05-10-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______  
  2894.                                  __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/  
  2895.                                  ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
  2896.                                  \      \  ~\:   \   __ \ \\// / :  \    +-,ö
  2897.                                  \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
  2898.                                   ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/ 
  2899.                                  ----\(--------------------------------------
  2900.                                  HC·ANDERSENS·UNDERGROUND·RAVECLUB·RECORDS·04
  2901.                                  --------------------------------------------
  2902.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2903.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2904. lsd_fid.nfo  N   6771  05-10-94     _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___
  2905.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S
  2906.                                  |M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ : fIRE & iCE cD32
  2907.                                  |R _|   / \\_ | \\_ H  \\_   fLOPPY dISK
  2908.                                  |V \  ______/_____/____  /  vERSION iNFO
  2909.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/  
  2910.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2911.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2912. lsd_fid1.dms P 807046  05-10-94  FOR FISH. F & I DISK VERSION 1/2
  2913.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2914.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2915. lsd_fid2.dms P 639326  05-10-94  FOR FISH. F & I DISK VERSION DISK 2/2
  2916.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2917.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2918. s8-st32.dms  P 516534  05-10-94   ____ __|\   __.__/\   __.__/\  _____ _____ 
  2919.                                  /  __)  | \/\\/|  \ \/\\/|  \ \/ ____(  o  )
  2920.                                  \__  \  _  \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ /  \/  O  \
  2921.                                  (____/__l__/___/__\__/___/__\__/__|  \_____/
  2922.                                  +----------÷iS÷BACK÷WiTH÷---------l__/-mRV-+
  2923.                                   STRIKER [CD32/AGA] Diskfixed     [01/01]   
  2924.                                  --------------------------------------cHAOS-
  2925.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2926.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2927. god-he_1.lha P1510016  05-10-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  2928.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  2929.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  2930.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  2931.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  2932.                                  <--------\/-- GL0BAL 0VERD0SE --\/--------->
  2933.                                  HUMAN EMOTIONS COMMERCIAL OBJECT FOR IMAGINE
  2934.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2935.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2936. god-he_2.lha P1527651  05-10-94  HUMAN EMOTIONS COMMERCIAL OBJECT FOR IMAGINE
  2937.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2938.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2939. god-he_3.lha P1504942  05-10-94  HUMAN EMOTIONS COMMERCIAL OBJECT FOR IMAGINE
  2940.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2941.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2942. god-he_x.nfo N   2977  05-10-94  HUMAN EMOTIONS COMMERCIAL OBJECT [INFO FILE]
  2943.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2944.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2945. phn-rd3.dms  P 773662  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2946.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2947.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2948.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2949.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2950.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2951.                                  RIDER CUP JOHNNIE WALKER - OCEAN -  [3/3] -
  2952.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2953.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2954. phn-str.dms  P 463665  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2955.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2956.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2957.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2958.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2959.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2960.                                  STRIKER - GREMLIN SOFTWARE - 10000% - [1/1]
  2961.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2962.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2963. phn-pu1.dms  P 743654  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2964.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2965.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2966.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2967.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2968.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2969.                                  - SYSTEM 3 - SUPER PUTTY CD32 AGA - [1/3] - 
  2970.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2971.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2972. phn-pu2.dms  P 771712  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2973.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2974.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2975.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2976.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2977.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2978.                                  - SYSTEM 3 - SUPER PUTTY CD32 AGA - [2/3] - 
  2979.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2980.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2981. phn-pu3.dms  P 178037  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2982.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2983.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2984.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2985.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2986.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2987.                                  - SYSTEM 3 - SUPER PUTTY CD32 AGA - [3/3] - 
  2988.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2989.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2990. phn-rd1.dms  P 622536  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  2991.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  2992.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  2993.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  2994.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  2995.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  2996.                                  RIDER CUP JOHNNIE WALKER - OCEAN -  [1/3] -
  2997.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  2998.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  2999. phn-rd2.dms  P 849248  05-10-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  3000.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  3001.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  3002.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  3003.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  3004.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  3005.                                  RIDER CUP JOHNNIE WALKER - OCEAN -  [2/3] -
  3006.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3007.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3008. SUMOL.LHA    P1549925  05-10-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  3009.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3010.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3011.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3012.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3013.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3014.                                            SUMMER OLYMPIX CD32/AGA
  3015.                                        Cracked and Joypad Fix by CoBrA
  3016.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3017. SWIMMING     N 153456  05-10-94  Replace this file with the corrupted one in
  3018.                                  SUMOL.LHA for a 100% working version of
  3019.                                  Summer Olympics CD32/AGA (Interpols lame
  3020.                                  version was non-working, this one is
  3021.                                  to be 100%)
  3022.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3023. ac-clip.lha  P   4028  05-10-94                                              
  3024.                                      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  3025.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  3026.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  3027.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  3028.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  3029.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  3032.                                       The l8st nfo on the "Clipper Chip"     
  3034.                                   *-Can they really tap into anyones phones-*
  3035.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3036. apa101.lha   P  91628  05-10-94  New version 1.01 of ADProAnimMaker, a progra
  3037.                                  to make making anims with ADPro easier.
  3038.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3039.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3040. blidemo1.lha P   2089  05-10-94   __|__    ______ ______ ______ ___ ______|__
  3041.                                    /o|    /o____//o____//o____//  o\\___ o\
  3042.                                   // |___//  _)_// |___//  _)_/  | \\/  | \\
  3043.                                  /aBn|   \  |   \  >   \  |   \  |  \\  |  \\
  3044.                                  \ ______/______/______/______/__|___/_____ /
  3045.                                  -\|---------- THE WILL OF GOD! ----------|/-
  3046.                                  Presents : Beavers CD32 Joypad + Address Bug
  3047.                                                  Fix (A4000/030 and ???)
  3048.                                                 Done by : N.S.C.!!
  3049.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3050.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3051. f1gp-ed.lha  P  86258  05-10-94  Editor for Formula 1 Grand Prix 
  3052.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3053.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3054. gameshd.lha  P 652974  05-10-94  Hard Drive Installers - 1200 Fully Working
  3055.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3056.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3057. j1_chaos.lha P 271025  05-10-94  CHAOS ENGINE CD32/AGA ( HD ) Fixed 100%
  3058.                                       For 1200/4000 with FAST-RAM.
  3059.                                    Real HD-version, no bootdisk needed!
  3060.                                  ONLY DOWNLOAD WHEN YOU HAVENT ALREADY GOT
  3061.                                     CHAOSCD.DMS, ELSE DOWNLOAD J2_CHAOS.
  3062.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3063.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3064. j2_chaos.lha P   2323  05-10-94  CHAOS ENGINE CD32/AGA ( HD ) Fixed 100%
  3065.                                       For 1200/4000 with FAST-RAM.
  3066.                                    Real HD-version, no bootdisk needed!
  3067.                                  ONLY DOWNLOAD WHEN YOU HAVE ALREADY GOT
  3068.                                     CHAOSCD.DMS, ELSE DOWNLOAD J1_CHAOS.
  3069.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3070.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3071. l3_50ev.lha  P 377618  05-10-94  Lucy Version 3.50 (02/05/94) OLR
  3072.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3073.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3074. minblast.lha P  62884  05-10-94  MINIBLAST - A COOL CLI GAME
  3075.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3076.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3077. pacmag26.txt N  30890  05-10-94  __ç----,_ç---,_ç---,_ __ç----,_ç---,_ç---,_ 
  3078.                                  \______ \___ \____   \\______ \___ \____   \
  3079.                                  //_   / \\ / \\  /___///_   /  \ / \\__/___/
  3080.                                  \/ ______/   //_/  \  \/  \_/ //   //\__ \  
  3081.                                  /__ //___/   /__  //  /___/  ///   /__  //  
  3082.                                  =/_/==zy/¯__/=/___/======/¯__//¯__/=/___/===
  3083.                                   -*-  P A C - M A G  iSSue #26 (aSCII)  -*-
  3084.                                       [×X×] "tHE sTRIPPED eDITION" [×X×]
  3085.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3086.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3087. probench.lha P  58369  05-10-94  PROBENCH V0.95 - DEMO - THE NEW MERLIN WB   
  3088.                                  EMULATION                                   
  3089.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3090.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3091. r&s2.lha     P  10482  05-10-94  +_______            ___            ___     +
  3092.                                  |\____  \__________/  /__________ /  /DREAMS
  3093.                                  | /  /  /\  \   /\   ___/\      //  /__    |
  3094.                                  |/  /  / /  /  / /  /  / / /\__//     / '94|
  3095.                                  |\__  /  \__  /  \__  /  \__  //__/  /     |
  3096.                                  +---\/------\/------\/------\/-----\/------+
  3097.                                  | PRESENTS: Ren & Stimpy....The Lyrics..   |
  3098.                                  |Gritty Kitty Litter,Happy Happy Joy Joy!  |
  3099.                                  |   Hangin,The Muddy mudskipper Theme.     |
  3100.                                  `-[WhW!]-----------------------------------'
  3101.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3102.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3103. schedule.lha P 148406  05-10-94  Schedule!
  3104.                                  Enhanced alarm clock program.
  3105.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3106.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3107. separ1.0.lha P  29835  05-10-94  SERPAR 1.00
  3108.                                  Copies all from serial to parallel
  3109.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3110.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3111. setbat11.lha P  25226  05-10-94  Modify SCSI settings in A3000's NVRAM
  3112.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3113.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3114. spview21.lha P  64121  05-10-94  nGraphics Viewer/Convent/Screengrabber
  3115.                                  (uses Superview library)
  3116.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3117.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3118. tbc10.lha    P  42272  05-10-94  TBC V1.0
  3119.                                  Stylish WB2.0/3.0(AGA) Digital Clock
  3120.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3121.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3122. unipr14.lha  P  63671  05-10-94  Uni Print V1.4
  3123.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3124.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3125. vzii108.lha  P 121240  05-10-94  Virus Z II V1.08 directly from the coder!
  3126.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  3127.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  3128. a!gupref.lha P  19298  05-11-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3129.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3130.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3131.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3132.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3133.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3134.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ GuidePrefs v1.0 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3135.                                   Workbench preferences editor for the
  3136.                                   AmigaGuide document system
  3137.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Bart Vanhaeren]÷«»>
  3138.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3139.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3140.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3141. a!mi18.lha   P 118986  05-11-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3142.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3143.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3144.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3145.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3146.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3147.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ MultiIndicator v1.8 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3148.                                   shows ASCII-, HEX- and Guide-files with
  3149.                                   Multiview
  3150.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Andreas Baum]÷«»>
  3151.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3152.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3153.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3154. a!or101.lha  P  21965  05-11-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3155.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3156.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3157.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3158.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3159.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3160.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Omega RIPort 1.01 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3161.                                   A gag magazine about the demise of
  3162.                                   Commodore. Includes 22 articles.
  3163.                                   Great fun!
  3164.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3165.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3166.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3167. a!pit115.lha P  21230  05-11-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3168.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3169.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3170.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3171.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3172.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3173.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Pack It v1.15 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3174.                                   CLI front end for PowerPacker
  3175.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Michael Barsoom]÷«»>
  3176.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3177.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3178.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3179. bvrsfix.lha  P   5679  05-11-94   __|__    ______ ______ ______ ___ ______|__
  3180.                                    /o|    /o____//o____//o____//  o\\___ o\
  3181.                                   // |___//  _)_// |___//  _)_/  | \\/  | \\
  3182.                                  /aBn|   \  |   \  >   \  |   \  |  \\  |  \\
  3183.                                  \ ______/______/______/______/__|___/_____ /
  3184.                                  -\|---------- THE WILL OF GOD! ----------|/-
  3185.                                  Presents : Beavers CD32 Joypad + Address Bug
  3186.                                                  Fix (A4000/030 and ???)
  3187.                                                 Done by : N.S.C.!!
  3188.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3189.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3190. chimp-1.dms  P 453368  05-11-94  Charley The Chimp I  - Full Game 1/2
  3191.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3192.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3193. chimp-2.dms  P 416562  05-11-94  Charley The Chimp I  - Full Game 2/2
  3194.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3195.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3196. comix-1!.lha P 231767  05-11-94    _____ |\________|\_________ ___________   
  3197.                                  ::\__  \|  |_  ___/___  \__  Y  __/ ____/:::
  3198.                                  ::::|   \ A|/  _)_|  /  / /I |  \/  _)_:::::
  3199.                                  ::::|  \   /  |   |X \  \_\  !  /S |   |::::
  3200.                                  ::::|_ |\__\_____ |__|\  / \___/\_____ |ANF:
  3201.                                  = = = \|===BRINGS\|=YA=\/=TODAY:==== =\|= = 
  3202.                                  ********************************************
  3203.                                   The 1St Edition Of tHEIR cOMIX !!
  3205.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3206.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3207. dpl-ac10.lha P  15417  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3208.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3209.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3210.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3211.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3212.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3213.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3214.                                  |       AxxCheck v1.0, by Tango/DPL        |
  3215.                                  |  Check all users that log in with high   |
  3216.                                  |     axx against a texfile to prevent     |
  3217.                                  |              hack-atempts!               |
  3218.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3219.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3220. dpl-an10.lha P  19378  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3221.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3222.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3223.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3224.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3225.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3226.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3227.                                  |       Anonymus v1.0 & MessFix v1.0       |
  3228.                                  |  The complete package to for the sysop   |
  3229.                                  | who wants an area with anonymus messages |
  3230.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3231.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3232.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3233. dpl-ao12.lha P  25859  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3234.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3235.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3236.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3237.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3238.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3239.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3240.                                  | The first working ASCIIOrder door for /X |
  3241.                                  |      ASCIIOrder v1.2, by Tango/DPL       |
  3242.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3243.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3244.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3245. dpl-ax10.lha P  13914  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3246.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3247.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3248.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3249.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3250.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3251.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3252.                                  |     -> AxxOpen v1.0, by Tango/DPL <-     |
  3253.                                  | The OPEN command we've all been waiting  |
  3254.                                  |    for! Let users have diffrent menus    |
  3255.                                  |      depending on their axx-level!       |
  3256.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3257.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3258. dpl-fs10.lha P  13511  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3259.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3260.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3261.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3262.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3263.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3264.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3265.                                  |    FrontScream v1.0, by Tango/DPL'94     |
  3266.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3267.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3268.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3269. dpl-mc12.lha P  21452  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3270.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3271.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3272.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3273.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3274.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3275.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3276.                                  |              MessClean v1.2              |
  3277.                                  |     Featuring, old message, All/Eall     |
  3278.                                  |    deletion, datebug fix and MsgBase     |
  3279.                                  |               compression.               |
  3280.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3281.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3282. dpl-pc10.lha P  14382  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3283.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3284.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3285.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3286.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3287.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3288.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3289.                                  |       PWCommand v1.0, by Tango/DPL       |
  3290.                                  |  Put a PW on sertain commands like the   |
  3291.                                  |   internal /X stuff. With this you may   |
  3292.                                  |  have diffrent PW's for diffrent user.   |
  3293.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3294.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3295. dpl-sp10.lha P  16116  05-11-94   ____/\_____/\___________________           
  3296.                                  .\____ \   /   _____   /  /\___  \---------.
  3297.                                  |/   /  \ /   / ______/  /   \/   \        |
  3298.                                  /_______/___ /   / /   _/\________/  DUPLO |
  3299.                                  |          \/__ / /_______\-Mo!            |
  3300.                                  ¦-------------\/---------------------------¦
  3301.                                  |            P R E S E N T S :             |
  3302.                                  |       SpeedPass v1.0, by Tango/DPL       |
  3303.                                  | Set NUP on certain connect speeds, such  |
  3304.                                  |  as 2400, 4800 etc. Fully configurable!  |
  3305.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3306.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3307.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3308. grv-doom.dms P 377181  05-11-94  Doom preview ......
  3309.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3310.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3311. led-ass3.lha P 166371  05-11-94  [09]                       .    :
  3312.                                       ______. ______________|___ ¦
  3313.                                       \__   | \_____    /  ____/ |
  3314.                                        /    |__/_\_____/_.  |    |
  3315.                                  _ _ _/   __/    | /_    |  !    |
  3316.                                   \\\\___________|_______|_______|dZG
  3317.                                    \    ¼¢¼ LimiteD EditioN ¼¢¼  |
  3318.                                     \                            !
  3319.                                      \         presents...       ¦
  3320.                                      /
  3321.                                       !Assemblers of Infinity #3!
  3322.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3323.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3324. makingsp.doc N   6794  05-11-94  How to make speed in your kitchen
  3325.                                  Pure unadulterated whizz!! Great!
  3326.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3327.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3328. mtool20c.lha P 354758  05-11-94  MultiTool II v2.0c - DirUtil                
  3329.                                            41m  >>>> MEN-TEL '94 <<<<  ;40m
  3330.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3331.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3332. sman_2!.dms  P 292228  05-11-94  SUICIDE MAN #2                              
  3333.                                  GREAT SUICIDE ANMINATION FOR ALL YOU BLOOD  
  3334.                                  THIRSTY PEOPLE ........................[G]  
  3335.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3336.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3337. studio.dms   P 527606  05-11-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  3338.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  3339.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  3340.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  3341.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  3342.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  3343.                                  STUDIO V 1.17 Printerdriver for all HP !!!
  3344.                                  (inclusive HP 520 & HP 560C)
  3345.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3346.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3347. tauraon1.txt N  58020  05-11-94       ___   ___   _ _   ___   _ _   ___
  3348.                                  .:::/~ ~\:/~ ~\:/~|~\:/~ ~\:/~|~\:/~ ~\:::.
  3349.                                  :::|     V  |  V  |  V  |  V  |  V  |__|:::
  3350.                                  :::| |___|     |  |  |    -|  |  |__   |:::
  3351.                                  :::A   A A  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A:::
  3352.                                  ::::\_/~ ~\_|_/~\___/~\_|_/~\___/~\___/::::
  3353.                                  `-[Jo^TAu]--»STRiKES BACK WiTH«-----------'
  3354.                                     RAVE oN ASCii V1.o by jOKER oF tAURUS
  3355.                                            41m  >>>> MEN-TEL '94 <<<<  ;40m
  3356.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3357.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3358. acs_im-1.dms P 740890  05-11-94  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3359.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3360.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3361.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3362.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3363.                                     IMAGEMASTER RT   VERSION 1.50C  [1/7]
  3364.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3365.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3366. acs_im-2.dms P 868235  05-11-94  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3367.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3368.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3369.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3370.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3371.                                     IMAGEMASTER RT   VERSION 1.50C  [2/7]
  3372.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3373.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3374. acs_im-3.dms P 864302  05-11-94  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3375.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3376.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3377.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3378.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3379.                                     IMAGEMASTER RT   VERSION 1.50C  [3/7]
  3380.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3381.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3382. acs_im-4.dms P 845048  05-11-94  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3383.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3384.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3385.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3386.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3387.                                     IMAGEMASTER RT   VERSION 1.50C  [4/7]
  3388.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3389.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3390. acs_im-5.dms P 329043  05-11-94  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3391.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3392.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3393.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3394.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3395.                                     IMAGEMASTER RT   VERSION 1.50C  [5/7]
  3396.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3397.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3398. atx-im_6.dms P 759311  05-11-94      IMASTER MASTER RT v1.50C        [6/7]
  3399.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3400.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3401. atx-im_7.dms P 757819  05-11-94      IMASTER MASTER RT v1.50C        [7/7]
  3402.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3403.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3404. uto.dms      P 355203  05-11-94  |\______/\|\_|\__________________/\
  3405.                                  |     )   )  |   )   \_   ___/     )
  3406.                                  |  : /___/   :  /     |  |  \   |_/
  3407.                                  |  |/ __)_/\   (|  |  |  _   \ t| \
  3408.                                  |  |PrEsEnTs\|  \  |  |  |    \a:  \
  3409.                                  |__|_________)___)_|__|__|____/_____)
  3410.                                       Under The Ocean - Disk [1/1]
  3411.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3412.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3414.                                  [«»]                 FRaNKy  ReFLeX  [«»]
  3415. VALID100.LHA P  16545  05-11-94  What happens when Amiga Crashes(He?) and
  3416.                                  writes to your HD the same time?,Yesss
  3417.                                  Not Validated the next time,this is THE
  3418.                                  solution
  3419.                                  [«»]                 FRaNKy  ReFLeX  [«»]
  3420. VALIDA10.LHA P   6229  05-11-94  Look at Valid110,this is almost the same
  3421.                                  and just that little bit dfferent for Your
  3422.                                  needs
  3423.                                  [«»]                 FRaNKy  ReFLeX  [«»]
  3424. ATX-LCDT.LHA P  15593  05-11-94  ____ _  _________.__.______________  _______
  3425.                                  \__// \ \___ \      | \__   / . \  \/  /\__/
  3426.                                   \// : \/  |  \/ |  _  \/  /  |  \    /RD\/
  3427.                                    /  |  \  :  /  :  :   \  \  :  /    \ 
  3428.                                    \__|__/\_|_/\__|__|___/\  \___/  /\__)
  3429.                                  +------------- [ AMiGA ] -\__/-\__/-THRASH-+
  3430.                                    LEMMINGS CD32 FR0M PSYGNOSiS +20 TRAiNER  
  3431.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  3432. TVK-FIC1.DMS P 797399  05-12-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  3433.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3434.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  3435.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3436.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  3437.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3438.                                  :  FIRE&ICE  *AGA*  FLOPPY VERSION [1/2]  : 
  3439.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  3440.                                  ¸¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸¸
  3441. TVK-FIC2.DMS P 642240  05-12-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  3442.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3443.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  3444.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3445.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  3446.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3447.                                  :  FIRE&ICE  *AGA*  FLOPPY VERSION [2/2]  : 
  3448.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  3449.                                  ¸¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸¸
  3450. TOOLT214.LHA P  31463  05-12-94  Tooltype-editor 2.14
  3451.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  3452. BLH-UPTR.DMS P  23771  05-12-94  _|\____  __  _______/\__     __  ______|\
  3453.                                  \|  |  \/  \/      /  \ [MY]/  \/    \ | \
  3454.                                   |  /  / __ \  \__/   / | _/ __ \_\__/ _  \
  3455.                                  _|__\  \ _/  \ / |\   \_|/  \_/  \\  \ |   \
  3456.                                  \______/_|\  /___||\  /_____/|\  /___/_|_  /
  3457.                                  =pReSeNtS:=\/==|__|=\/=========\/========\/=
  3458.                                     ULTIMATE PINBALL QUEST TRAINER BY LTD.
  3459.                                     [TRZ VERSION]
  3460.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  3461. PDX-AP.NFO   N   4309  05-12-94  _\______                                    
  3462.                                    \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___ 
  3463.                                     /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/ 
  3464.                                   _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /   
  3465.                                   \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_  
  3466.                                    \/=============\_/============-CaR!\/\_/==
  3467.                                  Info-file for Team 17's Arcade Pool
  3468.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  3469. PDX-APA.DMS  P 635358  05-12-94   _\______
  3470.                                     \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___
  3471.                                      /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/
  3472.                                    _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /
  3473.                                    \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_
  3474.                                     \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/=
  3475.                                  Arcade Pool AGA From TEAM 17            [1/1
  3476.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  3477. SV-LIB36.LHA P 247171  05-12-94  Superview.library v3.6
  3478.                                    A library containing all kinds of display
  3479.                                    routines for various formats (PCX, JPG etc
  3480.                                    Also included everything you need to use t
  3481.                                    library in your own program!
  3482.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  3483. TO_BE.DMS    P 516687  05-12-94  . . ._   _  ._    ._. _. _    ._    _   . ..
  3484.                                  .' ./  \/  \/  _ |/ \/ \/    \/   ||   \ ..
  3485.                                  .'./   \/   \  _>/   \_ \_ O  \   /\   /. ..
  3486.                                   :.\_  ||_  /_   )_    /_ /_  /\_ /\  /. . .
  3487.                                  . .   Y       -=*(PRESENTS)*=-   Y  \/   . .
  3488.                                  .   <<!<(((=-     To Be In     -=.))>>>>   .
  3489.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  3490.                                  |  Very nice Intro with dancing girlies    |
  3491.                                  |    My favourite demo from the party      |
  3492.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  3493.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  3494. GOD-UDT.DMS  P 328255  05-13-94   _______/|________                          
  3495.                                  (  ______.  ____  )- ----------------------.
  3496.                                  /  \ ¬\ ¬|  \  /  \ gLOBAL oVERDOSE iN '94 |
  3497.                                  \___  /___  /___  / aRE pROUD tO bRING yA: |
  3498.                                     ¬\/   ¬\/tGø¬\/-  - --------------------'
  3499.                                  UPPER DISK TOOLS - [MULTILANGUAGE] - V 1.OO 
  3500.                                  =[MARC/SKID ROW]=====[dON'7 GO fOR 2. bES7]=
  3501. GOD-UDT.NFO  N   6081  05-13-94   _______/|________
  3502.                                  (  ______.  ____  )- ----------------------.
  3503.                                  /  \ ¬\ ¬|  \  /  \ gLOBAL oVERDOSE iN '94 |
  3504.                                  \___  /___  /___  / aRE pROUD tO bRING yA: |
  3505.                                     ¬\/   ¬\/tGø¬\/-  - --------------------'
  3506.                                     Upper Disk Tools [MultiLanguage] V1.OO
  3507.                                  =[MARC/SKID ROW]=====[dON'7 GO fOR 2. bES7]=
  3508. 5D-DC007.LZH P  15074  05-13-94   /\_______/\___/\____\/____ __________/\    
  3509.                                  /_____ _ /  / /___ _ /\  _/_\  ___\  \  \   
  3510.                                    /  / //__   /  / //o \___  \\ \  \___ \\  
  3511.                                   /  / ./  /  /  /  //   \  \  \  \  \  \ .\ 
  3512.                                  /____ /_____/__/__/ 5tH. \_____\__\  \_____\
  3513.                                  Sk¡n\/   _ __ _ _/________\_ _ __ _         
  3514.                                                  / PrESENTS \
  3515.                                      >×· 5D^DupeCheck v0.07 by sTc/5D ·×<
  3516.                                      >×·   Fully coded in Assembler   ·×<
  3517.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3518.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3519. A!MWBBG2.LHA P 134541  05-13-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3520.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3521.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3522.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3523.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3524.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3525.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ MagicWB-BGs2 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3526.                                   10 new Magic-Backgrounds for your MagicWB
  3527.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Torsten Hiddessen]÷«»>
  3528.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3529.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3530.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3531. A!PLIB14.LHA P 149408  05-13-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3532.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3533.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3534.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3535.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3536.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3537.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ superplaylib v1.4 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3538.                                   Library for sound and sound-module
  3539.                                   loading, saving and playing
  3540.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Andreas R. Kleinert]÷«»>
  3541.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3542.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3543.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3544. A!SVIE23.LHA P  55603  05-13-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3545.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3546.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3547.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3548.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3549.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3550.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ SuperView v2.3 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3551.                                   Graphics Viewer/Convert/ScreenGrabber
  3552.                                   (uses superview.library)
  3553.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Andreas R. Kleinert]÷«»>
  3554.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3555.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3556.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3557. A!VLIB37.LHA P 223592  05-13-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3558.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3559.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3560.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3561.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3562.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3563.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ superviewlib v3.7 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3564.                                   Library for bitmap-graphics loading,
  3565.                                   saving and displaying
  3566.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Andreas R. Kleinert]÷«»>
  3567.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3568.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3569.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3570. BUSTED.LHA   P  58086  05-13-94  This is no BULL-SHIT! I have been busted
  3571.                                  by BT for  boxing to the UK, and global.
  3572.                                  READ AND  BELIEVE!  STOP  BOXING NOW, OR
  3573.                                  YOU COULD HAVE A  VERY  BIG  BILL.  THIS
  3574.                                  INFO  IS 100%. YOU CAN  MAIL  ME  IF YOU
  3575.                                  WANT  MORE  INFO. ALL BOXERS SHOULD KNOW
  3576.                                  THE FACTS. R.I.P Boxing :(((((((((((((((
  3577.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3578.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3579. CG52.LHA     P  77186  05-13-94  CG52 is a new character generator with page
  3580.                                  shuffling, screen wipes, etc.
  3581.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3582.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3583. DMSGUI03.LHA P  25707  05-13-94   _  __   _____  _____ _____  _____ _____ __
  3584.                                  /.\ \.\ /  _  \/.....\  __ \/.....\ ___//./
  3585.                                  \..\/..\  (_) /../\../ /__\/../\..//__ /./
  3586.                                   \__.../    _/...\/./ /(_ \...\/./ __//./
  3587.                                  /\_/../ /\  \../\../  \_/ /./\../  \_/\.\_/\
  3588.                                  \____/_/  \_/_/ /_/\_____/_/ /_/______/____/
  3589.                                   DMS & FMS GUI interface by YRAGAEL (v0.3)
  3590.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3591.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3592. FILES30.LHA  P  44275  05-13-94     __________    _______
  3593.                                     \___  ___/   /      /
  3594.                                        /  \     /  ____/
  3595.                                       /    \   /  |____ 
  3596.                                      /      \  \       \
  3597.                                      \______/he \______/ylons 
  3598.                                         Proudly Present
  3599.                                          FILESHOW  3.0
  3600.                                        Dopus/Rexx script
  3601.                                     Now with LHA,DMS,LZH,ZIP
  3602.                                  Super-update with FILE.ID.diz
  3603.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3604.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3605. HDFQ3876.LHA P 134975  05-13-94  release 2 of HDFrequency
  3606.                                  Harddisk recording system. 4Track 
  3607.                                  HD-sequencer included
  3608.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3609.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3610. IM30FPU1.DMS P 567140  05-13-94  Imagine v3.0 FPU PAL/Textures fixed 1/2
  3611.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3612.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3613. IM30FPU2.DMS P 509468  05-13-94  Imagine v3.0 FPU PAL/Textures fixed 2/2
  3614.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3615.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3616. IM3FIX.LHA   P  12569  05-13-94  Fix for Imagine3 (ami&dos) fixes the "no
  3617.                                  ground refection in scanline" problem.
  3618.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3619.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3620. INPLOCK.LHA  P   8984  05-13-94  InputLock 1.1; Lock your mouse and keyboard
  3621.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3622.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3623. MAG_CARD.TXT N  65849  05-13-94  How to read the magnetic stripe from cardz
  3624.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3625.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3626. MAPUS132.LHA P  36855  05-13-94  .------------------------------------------.
  3627.                                  |  _____/\  __________  ___  /\____        |
  3628.                                  |  \____  \/  _¬\___ ¬\/ |¬\/  ___/--------|
  3629.                                  |   |  ..  \     \  __/  |  \___ ¬\  v1.32 |
  3630.                                  |   |__||__/__|__/__| \_____/_____/--------|
  3631.                                  | <------( DMS checker By Eniac )--------> |
  3632.                                  `--------------------------------------mk--'
  3633.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3634.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3635. MMWB.LHA     P 223555  05-13-94     :     ____/\  ____/\________         :
  3636.                                   __o____/ __   \/ / /  \_  __/\\____/\__o__
  3637.                                  |.oOo. / / / / / / / / // /   / \  / /.oOo.|
  3638.                                  |__o__/ /_/   / __/ __// / / / /\\/ /___o__|
  3639.                                     :  \  /_/\_\__/_/  /_/\__/\/  \_/    :
  3640.                                     :   \/        [PrEsEnTs]             :
  3641.                                     `->>>>>>  More MagicWB Icons  <<<<<<-'
  3642.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3643.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3644. MST-CS20.LHA P 143153  05-13-94  m
  3645.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3646.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3647. MST-RS1.LHA  P  46269  05-13-94  m
  3648.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3649.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3650. MST-WHO.LHA  P  18558  05-13-94  m
  3651.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3652.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3653. PHN-MB1.DMS  P 567808  05-13-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  3654.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  3655.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  3656.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  3657.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  3658.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  3659.                                  SUPER METHANE BROS - APACHE CD32 AGA  [1/3]
  3660.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3661.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3662. PHN-MB2.DMS  P 648888  05-13-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  3663.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  3664.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  3665.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  3666.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  3667.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  3668.                                  SUPER METHANE BROS - APACHE CD32 AGA  [2/3]
  3669.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3670.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3671. PHN-MB3.DMS  P 341122  05-13-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  3672.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  3673.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  3674.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  3675.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  3676.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  3677.                                  SUPER METHANE BROS - APACHE CD32 AGA  [3/3]
  3678.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3679.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3680. PS3M0010.LHA P  28157  05-13-94  -----------------------
  3681.                                   PS3M - The S3M Player
  3682.                                     001.0 / 5.5.1994
  3683.                                       Bug fixes
  3684.                                    More stable system
  3685.                                      friendly mode
  3686.                                  -----------------------
  3687.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3688.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3689. PWRCHT15.LHA P  71979  05-13-94  PowerChat is a chat program written
  3690.                                  for the DLG Pro Bulletin Board System.
  3691.                                  It's not just a simple 'line by line'
  3692.                                  chat.  PowerChat divides the terminal
  3693.                                  screen into two 'windows'.
  3694.                                   o  Sending/Receiving files with 
  3695.                                         Z-Modem during chats   
  3696.                                   o  'Kill user' button to throw a user
  3697.                                        off your system immediately 
  3698.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3699.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3700. REQTO22B.LHA P 175301  05-13-94  ReqTools Library v. 38.1248
  3701.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3702.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3703. REX2EX.LHA   P  24036  05-13-94   :/\____.________.__.________.__._____/\:   
  3704.                                   ¦\__   | __ \   |  | __ \   |  |   ___/¦   
  3705.                                   |ct/   |     \  l  |    (_  l  |\__   \|   
  3706.                                   |e/ ___l__l__ \____l__l__/\____l  ____/|   
  3707.                                  -+-\_/--------\_/-PrEsEnTs------\_/-----'
  3708.                                   + Arexx To Executable Converter v1.12a +
  3709.                                   `--------------------------------------'
  3710.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3711.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3712. SAVEAMI.TXT  N  22237  05-13-94  .------------------------------------------.
  3713.                                  |   WE ALL HAVE ARE AWARE OF COMMODORES    |
  3714.                                  | PROBS BUT IT'S THE AMIGA WE HAVE TO SAVE |
  3715.                                  |   JIM DREW FROM UTILITIES UNLIMITED IS   |
  3716.                                  | ABOUT TO DO WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ! BUT WE |
  3717.                                  |   ARE GONNA HAVE TO HELP HIM WITH THAT.  |
  3718.                                  | HOW ?? READ ALL ABOUT IT INSIDE THIS DOC |
  3719.                                  |------------------------------------------|
  3720.                                  |    !!!! SAVE THE FUTURE OF AMIGA !!!!    |
  3721.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3722.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3723.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3724. SEEK51.LHA   P   6796  05-13-94  Seek v5.1 - Seek files in directory
  3725.                                  tree, execute any command on found
  3726.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3727.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3728. SIH2INVI.DMS P 631285  05-13-94   ________  __         ______   _  _____ ___ 
  3729.                                  /~  ____/ |~_|____MGC|~ _   \ /~| \  _ V  ~\
  3730.                                  \____ \   | \__   \  |  /  _//  |__\_/   |_/
  3731.                                  /   /  \ _|  !/   /  |  \  \/   !  \/    !  
  3732.                                  \  ____/ \___/ __/ + |__|\  \______/\  __|  
  3733.                                   \/SPACEBALLS\/ pRESENTs: \__/REALITY\/     
  3734.                                   -<*>- THE SOMEWHERE IN HOLLAND 2 -<*>-     
  3735.                                        -<*>- PARTY INVITATION -<*>-
  3736.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3737.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3738. SPFG1.DMS    P 838318  05-13-94  Super Frog *AGA* Fixed [1/4]
  3739.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3740.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3741. SPFG2.DMS    P 849268  05-13-94  Super Frog *AGA* Fixed [2/4]
  3742.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3743.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3744. SPFG3.DMS    P 827428  05-13-94  Super Frog *AGA* Fixed [3/4]
  3745.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3746.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3747. SPFG4.DMS    P 240786  05-13-94  Super Frog *AGA* Fixed [4/4]
  3748.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3749.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3750. SSHELL.LHA   P  80937  05-13-94  A Super Shell, Same than ms-dos try it!!!
  3751.                                  Very Funny, Coded in Lattice C++
  3752.                                  Upl By ===============>JoE<=================
  3753.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3754.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3755. STTRKV41.LHA P 261478  05-13-94  SatTrack V4.1 - A satellite tracking program
  3756.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3757.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3758. TVK-TRUN.LHA P 526821  05-13-94  .  ____________ ___  _  ____              . 
  3759.                                  . /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3760.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%: 
  3761.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3762.                                  !  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°! 
  3763.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3764.                                  : TIMERUNNERS 17 MULTILANGUAGE HD VERSION : 
  3765.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3766.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3767. VN_TOP11.LHA P  71199  05-13-94  The  / | <T>/ __ \/ __ \\_  \/   /  ___/
  3768.                                      /  |_/\/  |/  \ |/  \/   \  /\__. \
  3769.                                     /   |   \  :   / :   /  \   / /  |  \
  3770.                                     \_______/\____/\____/\__/\_/  \_____/
  3771.                                  VN_TOP Read/Write Private Mail Door v1.1
  3772.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3773.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3774. VN_TOPS.LHA  P  71313  05-13-94  The  / | <T>/ __ \/ __ \\_  \/   /  ___/
  3775.                                      /  |_/\/  |/  \ |/  \/   \  /\__. \
  3776.                                     /   |   \  :   / :   /  \   / /  |  \
  3777.                                     \_______/\____/\____/\__/\_/  \_____/
  3778.                                  NastyTopSecret Message Reader/Writer
  3779.                                   Another AmiExpress Quality Utility
  3780.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3781.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3782. XNETXIM.LHA  P  51704  05-13-94     __  __         __  __________            
  3783.                                    /  \/ / ____   /  \/ __/_  __/ SHOWNET    
  3784.                                   / />  < /___/  / / / __/ / /      -&-      
  3785.                                  /_//_/\_\      /_/_/___/ /_/     ADDNET     
  3786.                                  » Shows "NETNODES.AXN" To The User          
  3787.                                  » Users Can Add Their "NetNodes"            
  3788.                                  » Used By NetOnline!                        
  3789.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3790.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3791. SOUND31-1DMS N 448542  05-13-94  Soundy v3.1 - Samples disk. Take it
  3792.                                  to get an overview of Soundy!
  3793.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3794.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3795. SOUND31-2DMS N 579651  05-13-94  Soundy v3.1 - A new program to play samples
  3796.                                  with a professional workstation.
  3797.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3798.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3799. cpt-z2_5.lha P1319767  05-13-94  +----------------------------------------+
  3800.                                  |  ________ _____ _______________________|
  3801.                                  |  )  __/  \\  _ \)  __/   ___/_  \   ___|
  3802.                                  | // (L_ |  \/ |. \ (L_| _)_   ___//  |  |
  3803.                                  |//     ||   \ ||  \   |    | :| //   |  |
  3804.                                  |\______|____/_|___/___|____|__| \____|  |
  3805.                                  |                                  MaXX! |
  3806.                                  +-----------» PRESENTS TODAY «-----------+
  3807.                                  |ZOOL2 CD 32 for 1200/4000 HD only ! 11F!|
  3808.                                  +----------------------------------------+
  3809.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  3810.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  3811. A!KNIG24.LHA P 256526  05-14-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3812.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3813.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3814.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3815.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3816.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3817.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Knights v2.4 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3818.                                   This is a game for two players running
  3819.                                   around dungeon killing each other,
  3820.                                   vampires and zombies. It includes huge
  3821.                                   number of different scenarios and lot of
  3822.                                   different weapons, traps etc.
  3823.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3824. A!UC283.LHA  P 706034  05-14-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  3825.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  3826.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  3827.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  3828.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  3829.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  3830.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ UChess v2.83 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  3831.                                   AGA/ECS Chess Program
  3832.                                   KS 2.04, 2M+ RAM, 68020+ needed
  3833.                                   full packet
  3834.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Roger Uzun]÷«»>
  3835.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  3836.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3837. OKT-6_3.LHA  P 108740  05-14-94  Boot-ROM Update V 6.3 for Oktagon & ALF3
  3838.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3839. PPNT5_0.LHA  P 247906  05-14-94  Proffesional Paint Version 5.0
  3840.                                  Cool GIF-painting - Released today
  3841.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3842. TVK-MEIN.DMS P 640747  05-14-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  3843.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3844.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  3845.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3846.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  3847.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3848.                                  :      SUPER METHANE BROTHERS 100%        : 
  3849.                                  :  AGA/CD32 HD&DISK VERSION  [INTRODISK]  : 
  3850.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3851. TVK-MET1.DMS P 433181  05-14-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  3852.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3853.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  3854.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3855.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  3856.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3857.                                  :      SUPER METHANE BROTHERS 100%        : 
  3858.                                  :    AGA/CD32 HD&DISK VERSION - [1/2]     : 
  3859.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3860. TVK-MET2.DMS P 339787  05-14-94     ____________ ____ _  ____              . 
  3861.                                  ¦ /___  __    |    // |/   /.The ViKings!.. 
  3862.                                  ¦    /  \ \   |   //      /%°°°°°°°°°°°°°%! 
  3863.                                  ¦   /    \_\  ·  //   \   \%°° iN 1994 °°%: 
  3864.                                  ¦  /______/ \___//____|\___\°°°°°°°°°°°°°°: 
  3865.                                  +--------  - -÷p÷r÷e÷s÷e÷n÷t÷s÷- -  ------+ 
  3866.                                  :      SUPER METHANE BROTHERS 100%        : 
  3867.                                  :    AGA/CD32 HD&DISK VERSION - [2/2]     : 
  3868.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3869. WAGGLE2.DMS  P 171886  05-14-94       Waggle O Mania II / Team 17 100%       
  3870.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~øBsCeNe CoUriErS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3871.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3872. XTR-PLWA.DMS P 748362  05-14-94                                         
  3873.                                  ©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®
  3874.                                  ®©                                        ®©
  3875.                                  ©            BOOZER PRESENTS:              ®
  3876.                                  ®           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ©
  3877.                                  © 24BIT TEXTURES  REAL3D/LIGHTWAVE/IMAGINE ®
  3878.                                  ®                                          ©
  3879.                                  ©  > PLASTIC/RUBBERS + WATER <   DISK 1/1  ®
  3880.                                  ®  >      + 4 BACKDROPS      <             ©
  3881.                                  ©®                                        ©®
  3882.                                  ©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©BZR©®©®©®©®
  3884.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  3885. ac-ap-hd.lha P 596575  05-14-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  3886.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  3887.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  3888.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  3889.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  3890.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  3891.                                           - ARCADE POOL HD-VERSION -
  3892.                                       - HD INSTALL BY COBRA OF A((ESS -
  3893.                                            USE WITH PARADOX VERSION
  3894.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3895. cpk_23b.lha  P 547368  05-14-94  CPK v2.3b - Render Program.                 
  3896.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3897. dlm_pool.dms P 676869  05-14-94   _____________ ___ __.________._|\___  ____ 
  3898.                                  ø_ ___  \__  //  /|_ |__   /  : : \_ \/ _ _ø
  3899.                                   :  l/  / / /|  /  / : / _/.  | |  \\  /  | 
  3900.                                   |  /  /_____|____/__|_\___l__|____/_\/   : 
  3901.                                  «l____/---( A Touch Of Perfection )---l___|»
  3902.                                  ARCADE POOL From TEAM 17 *ECS/AGA* - [ 1/1 ]
  3903.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3904. dlm_pool.txt N  10789  05-14-94  ARCADE POOL From TEAM 17 *ECS/AGA* - [Info!]
  3905.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3906. intense.dms  P 155279  05-14-94  a new intro by -Intense-  The Netherland
  3907.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3908. lcy-join.lha P 137124  05-14-94  +:++/(__WM/(____/(____/(____/(____/(____   
  3909.                                  :+:/   /:/   / ¬\ _  ¬\ _  ¬\ _  ¬\  / ¬\·+
  3910.                                  .:/   /+/   /   / /   / /   /_/___/ /   /+:
  3911.                                  +/ __/_/\ _/   / /   /     / /   /     /.:+
  3912.                                  /   /   /     / /   / /   /     /¯¯   /·:+.
  3913.                                  \______/_____/_/___/_/___/_____/_____/:++:·
  3914.                                  .·:+:·.·:+:·.·:+:·.·:+:·.·:+:·.·:+:·.·:+:·.
  3915.                                  =L=U=N=»»»»>> PRESENtS TODAY! <<««««=A=C=Y=
  3916.                                  =/\/\= SYNDROME -> LUNACY THE JOINTRO!!!-/\
  3917.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3918. lords.lha    P 297284  05-14-94  Solar Lords (Space Strategy Game)           
  3919.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3920. men_ami1.dms P 429494  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3921.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3922.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3923.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3924.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3925.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3926.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3927. men_ami2.dms P 750687  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3928.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3929.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3930.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3931.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3932.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3933.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3934. men_ami3.dms P 804969  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3935.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3936.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3937.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3938.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3939.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3940.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3941. men_ami4.dms P 775909  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3942.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3943.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3944.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3945.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3946.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3947.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3948. men_ami5.dms P 794249  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3949.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3950.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3951.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3952.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3953.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3954.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3955. men_ami6.dms P 802914  05-14-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  3956.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  3957.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  3958.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  3959.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  3960.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  3961.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3962. pc2crack.lha P 101409  05-14-94      /\_____/\_______/\ /\_______ ____ ____ 
  3963.                                     / _____/   _______ V _______ \\   V   / 
  3964.                                    /  |___/   /\   \\ \ / / / _|  \\  :  /  
  3965.                                   /   |   \   \/   //  V  \/  \_   \X   X   
  3966.                                   \   :   /\  /   //   |   \   |   /  :  \  
  3967.                                    \_____/  \____//____|____\__|__/___A___\ 
  3968.                                    ~~~CRACKED~~~~~V~~~~~~~~~V~~~~~~~~~~[SPX]
  3969.                                          PICCON 2.20 -SAVE OPTION FIXED-
  3970.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3971. ppshow40.lha P  82558  05-14-94  The well known Shower, now full AGA, IFF24
  3972.                                  support & more!
  3973.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3974. s8-searc.txt N   2272  05-14-94  GDh/\____/\_-------------------------------ø
  3975.                                  | / :   /   \_____«-$-H-¿-N-¿-N-G-8-»______|
  3976.                                  |/  |__/  :  \     searching for more      |
  3977.                                  |\____  \     \       Members              |
  3978.                                  |/   !  / !   /   for more read this!      |
  3979.                                  /______/_____/-----------------------------ø
  3980.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3981. sparkfix.dms P  12674  05-14-94  Sparks for Lightwave Fix!
  3982.                                  Bootdisk of file SPARK253.DMS is corrupt...
  3983.                                  :+:+: TNG will be gone but Voyager... :+:+:
  3984.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3985. superpla.lha P 149709  05-14-94  SuperPlay V1.3 
  3986.                                  [···········> cREATOR - vISION <···········]
  3987.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3988. sview23.lha  P  56715  05-14-94  .------------------------------------------.
  3989.                                  | SuperView V2.3 - Nice PicViewer ...      |
  3990.                                  | Requires SuperView.library V 3+          |
  3991.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3992.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3993. svlib37.lha  P 224963  05-14-94  .------------------------------------------.
  3994.                                  | SuperView.Library V3.7 - For Easy        |
  3995.                                  | Handling Of Pictureformats...            |
  3996.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  3997.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  3998. term20df.lha P 169245  05-14-94  Terminus 2.0d cracked!                      
  3999.                                  It will work now! without the stupid        
  4000.                                  EVALUATION OUTDATED! MESSAGE!               
  4001.                                     --------------------------               
  4002.                                  Done by Blackhawk / Paradox.                
  4003.                                  By Request Of D-SiYa / Rebels.              
  4004.                                     --------------------------               
  4005.                                  Your savior in bad times.. :)               
  4006.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  4007. ts202.dms    P 464816  05-14-94  TypeSmith 2.02 (Registred Version)          
  4008.                                  Cracked by: Famous o'hack!                  
  4009.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  4010. xtd-atl!.lha P 185905  05-14-94  GDh  /\____/\____/\____/\____/\__  /\____
  4011.                                  [===/_ / _/___  /    _/  -  /__  \/  ___/==]
  4012.                                  |  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  _/_    |
  4013.                                  [=/  /__/==/  /__/  /  /__/_____/___  /====]
  4014.                                    \_/      \_/   \_/\_/ =PReSeNTS=  \/
  4015.                                          A NEW AGA-PRODUCTION CALLED:
  4016.                                                AMONG THE LIVING!
  4017.                                  [=======IT=HURTS=TO=BE=THIS=GO(O)D!!=======]
  4018.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  4019. PROD2.1.DMS  P 211637  05-14-94  new project d version 2.1
  4020.                                  [-------------------[         condor]------]
  4021. !smtdoc2.txt N  11411  05-15-94  3rd in !SLiPMAT DOX series
  4022.                                  This oe is BT new CHARGES!!!!
  4023.                                   Brought 2 U bi...[!SLiPMAT]
  4024.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4025.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4026. !smtdoc3.txt N  10695  05-15-94  3rd  In the !SLiPMAT DOX series
  4027.                                  This one is BT PHONEDAY!! READ!!!
  4028.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4029.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4030. atx-ga19.lha P  11916  05-15-94  ____ _  _________.__.______________  _______
  4031.                                  \__// \ \___ \      | \__   / . \  \/  /\__/
  4032.                                   \// : \/  |  \/ |  _  \/  /  |  \    /RD\/
  4033.                                    /  |  \  :  /  :  :   \  \  :  /    \ 
  4034.                                    \__|__/\_|_/\__|__|___/\  \___/  /\__)
  4035.                                  +------------- [ AMiGA ] -\__/-\__/--------+
  4036.                                        GALAGA DELUXE 1.9 TRAiNED +17
  4037.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4038.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4039. bbbf104.lha  P  51062  05-15-94  BBBF v1.04 - BootBlock.library to use with
  4040.                                  Ex. XCopy, DMS, DCopy and more.
  4041.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4042.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4043. cbm_rip.lha  P  55686  05-15-94  All of the gossip about CBM dying,
  4044.                                  with reactions from various people
  4045.                                  involved with the Amiga, from SYSOPS
  4046.                                  to ex-CBM engineers! Read this and form
  4047.                                  your own opinions!
  4048.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4049.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4050. cf-bt1.dms   P 394068  05-15-94             __________________________       
  4051.                                             \_          /\_     _____/       
  4052.                                  -C R A C K- //   |----(  |    ___/          
  4053.                                              \__________\ |_____| - FACTORY -
  4054.                                  .:.:.:.:.:.pRESENTS A NEW RELEASe.:.:.:.:.:.
  4055.                                   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * DISK [1/3] 
  4056.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4057.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4058. cf-bt2.dms   P 898038  05-15-94             __________________________       
  4059.                                             \_          /\_     _____/       
  4060.                                  -C R A C K- //   |----(  |    ___/          
  4061.                                              \__________\ |_____| - FACTORY -
  4062.                                  .:.:.:.:.:.pRESENTS A NEW RELEASe.:.:.:.:.:.
  4063.                                   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * DISK [2/3] 
  4064.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4065.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4066. cf-bt3.dms   P 657819  05-15-94             __________________________       
  4067.                                             \_          /\_     _____/       
  4068.                                  -C R A C K- //   |----(  |    ___/          
  4069.                                              \__________\ |_____| - FACTORY -
  4070.                                  .:.:.:.:.:.pRESENTS A NEW RELEASe.:.:.:.:.:.
  4071.                                   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * DISK [3/3] 
  4072.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4073.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4074. dieszug.lha  P  31436  05-15-94  A  nicely  done WorkBench "Worms" type game,
  4075.                                  where  the  object  is  to  gobble up pieces
  4076.                                  making  yourself  longer  and  longer, while
  4077.                                  avoiding  running  into  the  walls  or your
  4078.                                  "tail".   Features  3 different speeds, high
  4079.                                  score  list,  pause  and help keys.  Version
  4080.                                  1.2a,    binary    only.
  4081.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4082.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4083. dterm14.lha  P 221765  05-15-94  Comm prog (KS3.0/MUI2.0 required)
  4084.                                  +-------------------------------------+
  4085.                                  | o Fast internal ansi emulation      |
  4086.                                  | o XEM/XPR support                   |
  4087.                                  | o Configurable                      |
  4088.                                  +-------------------------------------+
  4089.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4090.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4091. dw21pch.lha  P 137279  05-15-94  DirWorks Updates 2.0 -> 2.1                 
  4092.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4093.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4094. exri223a.lha P  57835  05-15-94  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  4095.                                  :: INFECT PRESENTS: EXOTIC RIPPER 2.23 A  ::
  4096.                                  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  4097.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4098.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4099. gifblstb.lha P  33673  05-15-94  GifBlast - Crunches GIF-pictures by up to   
  4100.                                  30%                                         
  4101.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4102.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4103. gvpctr14.lha P   5239  05-15-94  GVPCPU CONTROL V1.4    HELPS FAST MEMORY
  4104.                                     REMAPPING PROBLEMS FOR THE KICKSTART
  4105.                                          A2000 / 040 ACCELERATORS
  4106.                                       * THIS IS A EARLIER VERSION *
  4107.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4108.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4109. ir-ma222.lha P  54646  05-15-94  Send Infra-Red commands w/ your Amiga 
  4110.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4111.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4112. jrm-mt2r.lha P 353586  05-15-94      ._________________  <e>  ______  _______
  4113.                                  THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
  4114.                                  |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
  4115.                                  \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
  4116.                                  |\______|\_____/___|___/_/_____/_|____/____/
  4117.                                  `--------------p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s-------------'
  4118.                                  MTool v2.0c - Cracked by FAMOUS'OHO!/JORMAS!
  4119.                                  --------------------------------------------
  4120.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4121.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4122. mega1.dms    P 520550  05-15-94  Megaball 3.0 is here!!! [1/2]
  4123.                                  Spread by: APPLE
  4124.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4125.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4126. mega2.dms    P 538323  05-15-94  Megaball 3.0 [2/2] (ya need dis too)
  4127.                                  Spread by: APPLE
  4128.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4129.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4130. men_ami9.dms P 809547  05-15-94     _______   ____     ____     ____ 
  4131.                                  __/  __  /__/   /____/    \___/   /_
  4132.                                  _/  __  /__/   /____/  /  /__/   /_/
  4133.                                  /___/___\ /______\ /______\ /____\  
  4134.                                  [---¡s nøt sø p®øµd tø p®esent :---]
  4135.                                  { - Amiga Mensch - [new Update!] - }
  4136.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4137.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4138. movement.exe N  93864  05-15-94  New intro by movement
  4139.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4140.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4141. notover2.txt N  24482  05-15-94  EVEN *MORE* INFO ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMIGA!
  4142.                                  It is now CONFIRMED that all former C= know-
  4143.                                  how, the rights to the Amiga name... has
  4144.                                  been bought by an asian company!
  4145.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4146.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4147. p2p118.lha   P 149580  05-15-94  PDB2POV - Molecular Renderer.               
  4148.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4149.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4150. par207.lha   P 214351  05-15-94  If you have a PAR then d/l this!, its the
  4151.                                  latest PAR software V2.07!...............
  4152.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4153.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4154. parm46.lha   P  66643  05-15-94  PARM V4.6.  Program TO ALLOW YOU TO
  4155.                                  BUILD YOUR OWN MENUS TO RUN PROGRAMS
  4156.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4157.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4158. pcalc150.lha P  61930  05-15-94  PowerCalc v1.50 - The latest release········
  4159.                                  Workbench realtime 3D/2D graphing calc······
  4160.                                  for OS 2.04 881/882/040·····················
  4161.                                  ············································
  4162.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4163.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4164. ps3m0021.lha P  17671  05-15-94  -----------------------
  4165.                                   PS3M - The S3M Player
  4166.                                     002.1 / 8.5.1994
  4167.                                        CONFIG FILE!
  4168.                                     Works in NTSC and
  4169.                                      Multiscan modes
  4170.                                  -----------------------
  4171.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4172.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4173. setdr371.lha P   3278  05-15-94  SetTDRetry 37.1; Speeds up reqocnition of
  4174.                                  CrossDos or other trackdisk.device file-
  4175.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4176.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4177. softcfig.lha P  24124  05-15-94  SoftConfig v36.0... 
  4178.                                  To be used as a complemet to CBM's 
  4179.                                  installer prog... Allows you to install 
  4180.                                  resources (like assigns) at boot time, 
  4181.                                  and to remove a complex package with a 
  4182.                                  single command...
  4183.                                  Stops S:user-Startup being packed full 
  4184.                                  of Assigns as well!
  4185.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4186.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4187. sunwin2.lha  P 284073  05-15-94  SunWindow 2.0 For enhancing the use of 
  4188.                                                windows and public screens!
  4189.                                  ()Raistlin()
  4190.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4191.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4192. suprvw21.lha P  79390  05-15-94  Superview v2.1
  4193.                                    A displayer using the Superview.library
  4194.                                    Able to display A LOT of different
  4195.                                    formats. Try it!
  4196.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4197.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4198. tetris.lha   P 313418  05-15-94  New Pro-Tetris, many new features...
  4199.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4200.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4201. triton10.lha P 102487  05-15-94  Trition shared library v1.0
  4202.                                  Powerful, Amazing share library that
  4203.                                  makes writing good looking ADOS 2.0, 3.0
  4204.                                  programs a simple match.
  4205.                                  Check this archive out! You won't regret!
  4206.                                  ONLY AMIGA MAKES IT POSSIBLE!
  4207.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4208.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4209. ts202ptc.lha P 188394  05-15-94  Patches Typesmith v2.01 to 2.02
  4210.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4211.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4212. vsn!hhl1.dms P 507701  05-15-94  .-------------+--------------------------.  
  4213.                                  |      ___/\__|_/\___________  ____      |  
  4214.                                  |     /  /  /\_/  \__/\____  \/\_  \     |  
  4215.                                  |    /  / //  /\_ _ /  /  / //  / //     |  
  4216.                                  |   /___ //__/___ //__/\____/__/ //tRm   |  
  4217.                                  |       \/    |  \/           /__/ TnC   |  
  4218.                                  |             `-> KIXX YA WITH <---------|  
  4219.                                  `--(HAPPY HIPPO LIBERATION #1 [DISK1/2]--'  
  4220.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4221.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4222. vsn!hhl2.dms P 861166  05-15-94  .-------------+--------------------------.  
  4223.                                  |      ___/\__|_/\___________  ____      |  
  4224.                                  |     /  /  /\_/  \__/\____  \/\_  \     |  
  4225.                                  |    /  / //  /\_ _ /  /  / //  / //     |  
  4226.                                  |   /___ //__/___ //__/\____/__/ //tRm   |  
  4227.                                  |       \/    |  \/           /__/ TnC   |  
  4228.                                  |             `-> KIXX YA WITH <---------|  
  4229.                                  `--(HAPPY HIPPO LIBERATION #1 [DISK2/2]--'  
  4230.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4231.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4232. wind19.lha   P  49844  05-15-94  WindowDaemon Version 1.9                    
  4233.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4234.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4235. CF-STA1.DMS  P 723519  05-15-94             __________________________       
  4236.                                             \_          /\_     _____/       
  4237.                                  -C R A C K- //   |----(  |    ___/          
  4238.                                              \__________\ |_____| - FACTORY -
  4239.                                  .:.:.:.:.:.pRESENTS A NEW RELEASe.:.:.:.:.:.
  4240.                                                 SABRE TEAM AGA     DISK [1/2]
  4241.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  4242. CF-STA2.DMS  P 702877  05-15-94             __________________________       
  4243.                                             \_          /\_     _____/       
  4244.                                  -C R A C K- //   |----(  |    ___/          
  4245.                                              \__________\ |_____| - FACTORY -
  4246.                                  .:.:.:.:.:.pRESENTS A NEW RELEASe.:.:.:.:.:.
  4247.                                                 SABRE TEAM AGA     DISK [2/2]
  4248.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  4249. MOREPGA.DMS  P 263925  05-15-94  Extra Courses disk for pga golf. From the   
  4250.                                  Pga Golf Extra bonus Pack. Federal Express  
  4251.                                  Open Tour Etc.                              
  4252.                                  -----==[Black EYE]==------==[Skid Row]==----
  4253. RLX-SP16.LHA P   3773  05-15-94  ____/\__ _/\______/\___/\_  _/\_____/\_/\__
  4254.                                  \_____  \| ______   ___  |  | _____   |   /
  4255.                                   C|  | _/| __)_  |  __|  |__| __)_ \_ _ _/
  4256.                                   r|     \| |   \ |  | |  |  \ |   \/  |  \__
  4257.                                   t|__|___\______\|__| |_____/______\__|____/
  4258.                                  -============-*( Presents )*-==============-
  4259.                                  []  Simple Page V 1.6 For /X 2.xx & 3.xx  []
  4260.                                  [«»]                 FRaNKy  ReFLeX  [«»]
  4261. RLX-ST12.LHA P   6037  05-15-94       _______________________________ ____
  4262.                                  :::::\  _   \  ___/   __|  /  ___/  |   /:::
  4263.                                  :::::/      /  _)__  /__  /   _)__     /::::
  4264.                                  ::::/  |\   \______\ __/  \/\_____\    \::::
  4265.                                  :::/___| \___\  /____\|______\  /___|___\Lpy
  4266.                                  - Star Trek Cookie V1.2 For /X 2.xx & 3.xx -
  4267.                                  [«»]                 FRaNKy  ReFLeX  [«»]
  4268. SOUND311.DMS P 451921  05-16-94  SOUNDY V3.1!. MAIN PROGRAM FOR PROFS!.   1/2
  4269.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  4270. SOUND312.DMS P 583030  05-16-94  SOUNDY V3.1!. EXAMPLES DISK FOR PROFS!.  2/2
  4271.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  4272.                                  <<<       BYTES TAKEN * 1       <<Bytekiller
  4273. HYPE2.TXT    N  16406  05-16-94  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  4274.                                     Bills for Boxing?
  4275.                                  Don't Believe The Hype
  4277.                                         PART TWO!
  4279.                                         By Bender
  4281.                                  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  4282.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  4283. LSD-PFIX.LHA P  64177  05-16-94   
  4284.                                  _/\ /\_ /\_______/\___                     
  4285.                                  .--\_ Y _//  ________ \  : P R E S E N T S 
  4286.                                  |M  |   |/\____ \   |  \ :   ARCADE POOL   
  4287.                                  |R _|   / \\_ | \\_ H  \\_     HD-FIX      
  4288.                                  |V \  ______/_____/____  / for ACCESS-HD   
  4289.                                  `---\/-----\/----------\/     Release      
  4290.                                  [-------------------[        The Fly]------]
  4291. frintgui.lha P 177616  05-17-94  Help file for fractint , Now in AmigaGuide
  4292.                                  format!!
  4293.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4294.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4295. frm1.dms     P 291626  05-17-94  FRAME MACHINE DISK ONE USE WITH ADPRO
  4296.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4297.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4298. gcopy.lha    P  11323  05-17-94  GadgetCopy V2.0
  4299.                                  Icon-copy-utility
  4300.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4301.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4302. hos-afri.txt N  51112  05-17-94   ______
  4303.                                   \     |___ _______ _________ _____________
  4304.                                    \__  _   |____   |  ______/
  4305.                                     |   |   |   /   |___    | nIKE aSCII cOL
  4306.                                     |   |   |       |       | a F R I C A N
  4307.                                     |___|   |___    |___    | ______________
  4308.                                         `---'  `----'  `----'
  4309.                                           h O U S E   O F   s T Y L E
  4310.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4311.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4312. ia-log10.lha P  84162  05-17-94    I     /\      A   PrEsEnTs Ya ThIs TiMe:
  4313.                                    N    /__\     C -+---------------------+-
  4314.                                    T   __ ___    T  | -=+ JdN-LOG-OUT +=- |
  4315.                                    E  / //  _\   I  |       VERS1.0       |
  4316.                                    R / //    \\  V  | an official /X tool |
  4317.                                     /_//_______\ E -+---------------------+-
  4318.                                         bEST(!) lOGOFF dOOR eVER sEEN!
  4319.                                          eVEN bETTER tHAN 5d-lOGOFF
  4320.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  4321.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4322.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4323. jaz0997.lha  P 101116  05-17-94  The Free JAZ Point Mailer v0.997
  4324.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4325.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4326. jrm-t2dp.txt N   4352  05-17-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
  4327.                                   nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
  4328.                                     .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
  4329.                                   .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
  4330.                                  :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
  4331.                                  ::(______|_____|__|__|__|__|__|__|_______)::
  4332.                                  `--p--r--e--s--e--n--t--s---t--o--d--a--y--'
  4333.                                        13-May-94 Patch 4 Terminus 2.0d
  4334.                                  --------------------------------------------
  4335.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4336.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4337. lsd-xmsh.lha P  82513  05-17-94  ============================================
  4338.                                    /\
  4339.                                   / /              LSD Presents
  4340.                                  / / /\
  4341.                                  \ \/  \   -=> X M A S H  V 1.0 By HYDRA <=-
  4342.                                   \/\ \/\
  4343.                                    \  /  \ Xmash is a new Disk Masher Program
  4344.                                     \/ / / that compresses disks with the XPK
  4345.                                      \  /  Compressor libraries (included!)
  4346.                                       \/  For MAX Compression and Flexibility
  4347.                                            Supports File_ID's,Text,Appending,
  4348.                                                 Virtual Disks (teqdisk).
  4349.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4350. mhm-eptn.dms P 489742  05-17-94  Mayhem presents a TrackMo called Expiration.
  4351.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4352.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4353. microm.lha   P  20445  05-17-94  MICROCOSM MAPS....
  4354.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4355.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4356. mmquit.txt   N  19830  05-17-94  [------------------------------------------]
  4357.                                    MACROMAN / PARADOX LEAVES THE SCENE
  4358.                                    AND CLOSES DOWN THE BOARD! ALL THIS DUE
  4359.                                    TO BORRE FORMATTING HE'S BBS ## AGAIN! ##
  4360.                                    READ THE FACTS! WRITTEN BY YAKARI AT
  4361.                                    PANDORAS BOX BBS!
  4362.                                  [------------------------------------------]
  4363.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4364.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4365. mpegplay.lha P  39189  05-17-94  MPeg Player for Merlin
  4366.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4367.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4368. mrr-back.txt N  17474  05-17-94   
  4369.                                   _ __  __._____ ______                      
  4370.                                   //  \/ _: _ _ \\ _ _ \ MaXiMum RoCk'n RoLL!
  4371.                                   /¢  \/  | _ / /. _ / /.                    
  4372.                                  /____:|__:__\___:__\___::.   Back OnLine!   
  4373.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  4375.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4376.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4377. mushroom.dms P  74627  05-17-94   
  4378.                                     /\__   /\__   /\__   /\_    /\__   /\___ 
  4379.                                    /  _ \ / _  \ /  _ \ /  /   / _  \ /  __/ 
  4380.                                   /  // // //  //  // //  /__ / //  //  //\  
  4381.                                  /  _  // //  //  _  //  // // //  //  // /  
  4382.                                  \_// / \//  / \_// / \__  / \__  / \__  /94'
  4383.                                     \/Prøu\_/dly  \/ Pres\/ents \/  Ya \/    
  4384.                                  »  MUSHRØØM 64KB! Intro                    «
  4385.                                  »       TO INVITE YOU AT OUR FRENCH PARTY  «
  4386.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4387.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4388. mw-mfld1.dms P 830118  05-17-94      /\_      /\_      /\_      /\_
  4389.                                    _/   \_  _/  _\   _/ _ \__ _/ _ \_
  4390.                                   /       \/    _\  /   |---</   |   \
  4391.                                  /    Y    \   |  ¯¯\   |    \   _    \
  4392.                                  \____l____/________/________/___l____/
  4393.                                  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::WATTS:::::
  4394.                                  (-----------( PrEsEnTs )------------)
  4395.                                                --------
  4396.                                                MiNDFiELD     (1/3)
  4397.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4398.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4399. mw-mfld2.dms P 862450  05-17-94      /\_      /\_      /\_      /\_
  4400.                                    _/   \_  _/  _\   _/ _ \__ _/ _ \_
  4401.                                   /       \/    _\  /   |---</   |   \
  4402.                                  /    Y    \   |  ¯¯\   |    \   _    \
  4403.                                  \____l____/________/________/___l____/
  4404.                                  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::WATTS:::::
  4405.                                  (-----------( PrEsEnTs )------------)
  4406.                                                --------
  4407.                                                MiNDFiELD     (2/3)
  4408.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4409.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4410. n&b_1dmg.doc N   4083  05-17-94  __ .  :  _ _______  _:__:__    :___._ ______
  4411.                                    \|  |_.  _  ___/A \____  \___|_  |__  ___/
  4412.                                   \    | |  |   \_N  _|  /   / _  \_;  \  \_
  4413.                                  __\___| ;  |__  / D \  ____/  |   /_  /_  /
  4414.                                  .-÷e÷\_____|--\/-----\/---\______/--\/--\/-.
  4415.                                   1sT DiViSiON mANAGER FuLL dOCS bY RR/N&B
  4416.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4417.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4418. n&b_cst.doc  N   6417  05-17-94  __ .  :  _ _______  _:__:__    :___._ ______
  4419.                                    \|  |_.  _  ___/A \____  \___|_  |__  ___/
  4420.                                   \    | |  |   \_N  _|  /   / _  \_;  \  \_
  4421.                                  __\___| ;  |__  / D \  ____/  |   /_  /_  /
  4422.                                  .-÷e÷\_____|--\/-----\/---\______/--\/--\/-.
  4423.                                     cUSToDiAN FuLL dOCS bY Road Runner/N&B
  4424.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4425.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4426. nmr-pb12.lha P 428315  05-17-94       __      __  __    __    _______     
  4427.                                  ::::/  \    /  \/  \  /  \  /   __  \:::::: 
  4428.                                  :::/    \tF/   /    \/    \ \   ::\  \:::::
  4429.                                  ::/  \   \/   /  \    \    \/  \    _/:::::
  4430.                                  :/   /\   \  /   /\   /\   /   /\   \Brings
  4431.                                  /   /::\    /   /::\_/:/  /   /::\   \you::
  4432.                                  \__/::::\__/\__/:::::::\_/\__/::::\__/:::::
  4433.                                  -[ PHoToBeNCH 1.2 A MaGiC WB RePLaCeMeNT ]-
  4434.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4435.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4436. noc-fr12.lha P  28938  05-17-94   __ ____________________________________  : 
  4437.                                   \//____/\__________  ________/\__  ___/d ¦ 
  4438.                                    ____ /  \__ \/ __/ / / /   /  \/ __/¦ e | 
  4439.                                    \  // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | s | 
  4440.                                     \// / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / /  | i | 
  4441.                                   /\ / / /\  /\  / /\  / / / / /\  //\ | g ¦ 
  4442.                                   noC\/\/  \/  \/\/  \/\/  \/\/  \//__\| n : 
  4443.                                   .- -- -------------------------------'   : 
  4444.                                   :  -÷< /X Files-Reverse Version 1.20 >÷-   
  4445.                                   ¦ Displays file-listings newest to oldest  
  4446.                                   | New low-memory buffer, bug-fixes, more.  
  4447.                                   |     By nocTurne deSign/MST in 1994       
  4448.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4449. pgp22.dms    P 297473  05-17-94   Pretty Good Privicy V2.2! Finnally a
  4450.                                  encryption that is IMPOSSIBLE for the
  4451.                                  datacops and infojerks to crack... made
  4452.                                  for posting and E-mail! 
  4453.                                   SOURCE CODE INCLUDED!!!!
  4454.                                   brought to you by S.O.B 513!
  4455.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4456.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4457. phate.lha    P  55943  05-17-94     _____/\___  _____/\___  _____/\___       
  4458.                                   ° \___      \ \___      \ \___      \_   ° 
  4459.                                  °!   _/ __|   \_ _/ __|   \_ _/   |___/_  !°
  4460.                                  :.°  \  \__    / \  \______/ \    |    / °.:
  4461.                                    :   \_ _|__ /   \___|       \ ____ _/  :  
  4462.                                  .       Y   )/                 \(   Y      .
  4463.                                    ·     :  « A P 0 C a L ¥ P S E »  :    ·  
  4464.                                  :            PHATE MAGAZINE 102     :
  4465.                                   A GOOD SOURCE OF INFO FOR BOTH THE
  4466.                                               USA AND UK!
  4467.                                          VIOLATOR/APOCALYPSE
  4468.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4469.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4470. phn-tbc1.dms P 309062  05-17-94      ______   ______   __  __   ______       
  4471.                                     / __  /\ /  /  /\ / /\/ /\ /   / /\      
  4472.                                    /  ___/ //     / // /\/ / //     / /___   
  4473.                                   /__/\__\//__/__/ //_____/ //__/__/ //__/\  
  4474.                                   \__\/    \__\__\/ \_____\/ \__\__\/ \__\/  
  4475.                                  --------------- PreSeNTs ------------------ 
  4476.                                   GVP TBCPLUS 6.2 PATCHED/DEPROTECTED [1/2]  
  4477.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4478.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4479. phn-tbc2.dms P  78775  05-17-94   GVP TBCPLUS 6.2 PATCHED/DEPROTECTED [2/2]  
  4480.                                  ------------------------------------------- 
  4481.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4482.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4483. pieces!.txt  N  47426  05-17-94      ______________________________________
  4484.                                     /  __ \___/  ____/ _______  ___/  ____/ 
  4485.                                    /   \/  \  \  ____)_\     /_____)____  \  
  4486.                                   /     \___\  \ \    /     / \    /   /  /
  4487.                                  /_______\______\____/_____/______/______/
  4488.                                  ````````````````````````````````````````
  4489.                                    A NEW C0llEC7i0N bY JA5E/iNfEC7^AXi5!
  4490.                                  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  4491.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4492.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4493. promarb2.lha P 744794  05-17-94  Professional 24 bit Marble Textures
  4494.                                  Collection. 
  4495.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4496.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4497. rdc-tr1.dms  P 732202  05-17-94                                              
  4500.                                                RADIANCE UK GANG              
  4502.                                                    PRESENTS                  
  4504.                                                   TROLLS CD32                
  4506.                                               SUPPLIED BY ZIPPY              
  4508.                                             RELASED BY THE BIZZO DISK 1/2    
  4509.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4510. rdc-tr2.dms  P 879222  05-17-94                                              
  4513.                                                RADIANCE UK GANG              
  4515.                                                    PRESENTS                  
  4517.                                                   TROLLS CD32                
  4519.                                               SUPPLIED BY ZIPPY              
  4521.                                             RELASED BY THE BIZZO DISK 2/2    
  4522.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4523. redhead.lha  P  45146  05-17-94  MWB Backdrop - Nice Redhead
  4524.                                                   [.MEN-TEL.]       
  4525.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4526.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4527. saljes2.txt  N   7536  05-17-94                           
  4528.                                          ## The Fungiciders/FNG ##          
  4529.                                  /-[Presents]--------------------------\  F 
  4530.                                  | The cheapest hardware prices in     |  N 
  4531.                                  |            -=-SWEDEN-=-             |  G 
  4532.                                  | Leach it now and order some stuff!  |  / 
  4533.                                  |    Please DON'T spread it to any    |  1 
  4534.                                  | Lame local boards! Only pure Elite! |  9 
  4535.                                  | Written 94-05-12                    |  9 
  4536.                                  \-------------------------------------/  4 
  4537.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4538.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4539. serpar.lha   P  11311  05-17-94  Serpar v1.0.. Link 2 Amigas together
  4540.                                  from the Serial to the Parallel...
  4541.                                  Sort of like PARNET, only a bit different?
  4542.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4543.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4544. setretry.lha P  21217  05-17-94  SetDretry v37.1... Makes W/B catch onto 
  4545.                                  extra mounted disks such as PC0: and DS0:
  4546.                                  a LOT faster!!
  4547.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4548.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4549. settaggi.nfo N   1550  05-17-94  Blue Box Sets.. Tones and Freqs of the 
  4550.                                  principals Trunks (Malasya, Chile, Etc.)
  4551.                                  ..A MUST for all..
  4552.                                  .--Sent By---------------------------------.
  4553.                                  |      WareCatCher-[/\/ova /\ces]          |
  4554.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  4555.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4556.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4557. sonamiga.txt N  11197  05-17-94  .------------------------------------------.
  4558.                                  | SONY HAS MADE IT OFFICAL!! INSIDE INFO!! |
  4559.                                  :          JUST GRAB THIZ FILE!!!!         :
  4560.                                  .READ! NEW AMIGAS WITH RISC BASED CPU &MORE.
  4561.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  4562.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4563.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4564. termshit.txt N   5605  05-17-94  *WARNING*WARNING*WARNING*WARNING*WARNING*WAR
  4565.                                  Hello mates,TERMINUS 2.0D WONT WORK SINCE 2 
  4566.                                  DAYS !!!!!CCCRRRAAAACCCCKKK THIS SHITTY PROG
  4567.                                  *CRACK*CRACK*CRACK*CRACK*CRACK*CRACK*CRACK*C
  4568.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4569.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4570. tmc.lha      P  18128  05-17-94  Cool little patch to speed up your ZModem
  4571.                                  file transfers...
  4572.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4573.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4574. trn_4.lha    P 387882  05-17-94  [- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ]
  4575.                                  [  ________    **********  Get wrecked   ]
  4576.                                  [  |`--`   |_  *ATTAKK 4*     19 94      ]
  4577.                                  [  |_______|_| **********  *         *   ]
  4578.                                  [    | |_7          T.R.N      ]
  4579.                                  [    |_|      #1 wit the gun               ]
  4580.                                  [   (c) Jozef & Raiden Productions 1994    ]
  4581.                                  [ - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -]
  4582.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4583.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4584. txk-miap.lha P 216468  05-17-94  ______________    ________  __
  4585.                                  \      ______ \  / ____  /_/ / p
  4586.                                   \__/  \     \ \/ /___/  ___/ r :
  4587.                                     /   /\  \  \  /  \/    \  e t
  4588.                                    /\/\/__\____/  \__/ /\   \s n
  4589.                                   /_____________/\____/UZ\__/ e
  4590.                                    Magic Icon Assembly Package
  4591.                                    Assemble Icons VERY Easily!
  4592.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4593.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4594. visahack.doc N  34027  05-17-94  Hackin visa cards
  4595.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4596.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4597. xfh139.lha   P 117776  05-17-94  update of the great Stacker, V1.39
  4598.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4599.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4600. xtr-psy1.dms P 756173  05-17-94                                         
  4601.                                  ©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®
  4602.                                  ®©                                        ®©
  4603.                                  ©            BOOZER PRESENTS:              ®
  4604.                                  ®           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ©
  4605.                                  © 24BIT TEXTURES  REAL3D/LIGHTWAVE/IMAGINE ®
  4606.                                  ®                                          ©
  4607.                                  ©  > PSYCHADELIA <               DISK 1/2  ®
  4608.                                  ®©                                        ®©
  4609.                                  ©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©BZR©®©®©®©®
  4611.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4612.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4613. !fuckptt.txt N  20757  05-17-94  WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!
  4614.                                    AT&T is a trap! Read  
  4615.                                    this or pay the price 
  4616.                                    I did!                
  4617.                                  WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!
  4618.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4619.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4620. 2_dangra.dms P 452712  05-17-94  KOLLAPS of LIGHT released
  4621.                                  A 2-Danger DEMONSTRATION 
  4622.                                  >>>>>>> part1 <<<<<<<<<<
  4623.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4624.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4625. 911ami.txt   N  15303  05-17-94                     
  4626.                                  -------------------------------------
  4627.                                  A List of companies to WRITE/CALL to
  4628.                                  let them KNOW we are serious about
  4629.                                  THE AMIGA!  Grab-it,Spread-it,Read-it
  4630.                                  Add-to-it, Call them, YELL&SCREAM
  4631.                                  BUT make sure WE ALL do SOMETHING!
  4632.                                  {Please}!-/\/\-
  4633.                                  -------------------------------------
  4634.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4635.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4636. a!dmwb.lha   P 167256  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4637.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4638.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4639.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4640.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4641.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4642.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ DOOM-MWB ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4643.                                   MagicWB dockbrush collection and pattern
  4644.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Thomas Dust]÷«»>
  4645.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4646.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4647. a!dw21pc.lha P 139764  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4648.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4649.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4650.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4651.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4652.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4653.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ DirWork 2.1 Patch ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4654.                                   This distribution updates the DirWork
  4655.                                   Distribution Disk and patches DirWork 2.0
  4656.                                   to DirWork 2.1
  4657.                                  <«»÷÷[Chris Hames & Quasar Distribution]÷«»>
  4658.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4659.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4660. a!fin00.lha  P 262974  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4661.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4662.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4663.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4664.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4665.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4666.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ fractint v. 2.0 000 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4667.                                   fractint v. 2.0 with MUI interface!
  4668.                                   This is a port of the msdos/X fractint
  4669.                                   program. Ported from Xfractint 2.03
  4670.                                   (fractint 18.2) by Terje Pedersen
  4671.                                   68000 version
  4672.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4673. a!fin20+.lha P 251584  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4674.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4675.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4676.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4677.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4678.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4679.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ fractint v. 2.0 020+ ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4680.                                   fractint v. 2.0 with MUI interface!
  4681.                                   This is a port of the msdos/X fractint
  4682.                                   program. Ported from Xfractint 2.03
  4683.                                   (fractint 18.2) by Terje Pedersen
  4684.                                   68020 + FPU version
  4685.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4686. a!fin20.lha  P 261670  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4687.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4688.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4689.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4690.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4691.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4692.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ fractint v. 2.0 020 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4693.                                   fractint v. 2.0 with MUI interface!
  4694.                                   This is a port of the msdos/X fractint
  4695.                                   program. Ported from Xfractint 2.03
  4696.                                   (fractint 18.2) by Terje Pedersen
  4697.                                   68020 version
  4698.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4699. a!imdx21.lha P 233788  05-17-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4700.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4701.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4702.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4703.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4704.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4705.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ ImageDex v2.1 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4706.                                   Update of utility program that acts as a
  4707.                                   graphic front-end to Art Department
  4708.                                   Professional 2.2 to 2.5.
  4709.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Precision Imagery]÷«»>
  4710.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4711.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4712. abendixa.dms P 464996  05-17-94  APPENDIX: new intro from island
  4713.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4714.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4715. abendixb.dms P 452695  05-17-94  APPENDIX: new intro from island
  4716.                                      this is the second part
  4717.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4718.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4719. adprodoc.lha P 128346  05-17-94  Finally! the ADPro docs
  4720.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4721.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4722. aeed400.lha  P  97237  05-17-94  O------------------------------------------O
  4723.                                  |   ___             ___     ___  ___  ___  |
  4724.                                  |  /__/ /  / /\/\  /__/    /__/ /__/ /__   |
  4725.                                  | /    /__/ /   / /  /    /__/ /__/ ___/   |
  4726.                                  |                                          |
  4727.                                  |             P R E S E N T S :            |
  4728.                                  |             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~              |
  4729.                                  |  AmiExpress EDitor Version 4.00 (AEED)   |
  4730.                                  |  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   |
  4731.                                  |Update Of The Famous AmiExpress EDitor    |
  4732.                                  |NOW In WB2.xx and 3.xx Look,Bugs Corrected|
  4733.                                  O-------------------->Coded By Tuff Brain<-O
  4734.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4735. amiinfo.lha  P  59396  05-17-94  *ALL* the available files concerning the
  4736.                                  death of Commodore andthe future of the
  4737.                                  Amiga as of May 5, 1994, all assembled into 
  4738.                                  one archive for those who want to know
  4739.                                  everything - some files contain some 
  4740.                                  duplicate info, as they are unedited by me.
  4741.                                                      -Ivan Overkill/4AM Club-
  4742.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4743.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4744. amobiles.lha P 321396  05-17-94  <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  4745.                                  <>                                        <>
  4746.                                  <>           [AUTOMOBILES v1.0]           <>
  4747.                                  <>                                        <>
  4748.                                  <>  Totally cool new little multi player  <>
  4749.                                  <>         racing game..... Fun!!!        <>
  4750.                                  <>                                        <>
  4751.                                  <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  4752.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4753.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4754. animate.dms  P 556249  05-17-94  A NEW ANIMATE DEMO CALLED It Eats 
  4755.                                  /\/\/\/\/ YouR /\/\ouse \/\/\/\/\
  4756.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4757.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4758. aq.dms       P 259687  05-17-94  AQ INSTALL FOR A1200/A600 FOR
  4759.                                  OVERDRIVE EXT. HD SYSTEM
  4760.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4761.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4762. at&t-nlt.txt N   6249  05-17-94  dircet dial ups for at&t...
  4763.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4764.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4765. bread14.lha  P  11479  05-17-94      ExOdOuS/TlS & XpR
  4766.                                           PrEsEnTs
  4767.                                    BuLlReAd VeRsIoN 1.4
  4768.                                   BuLlEtInS DoOr 4 /X 3.x
  4769.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4770.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4771. catdk120.lha P  60477  05-17-94  CatchDisk V1.20
  4772.                                  Non-DOS disks handler.
  4773.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4774.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4775. cbm-news.txt N  21957  05-17-94  Latest about the COMMODORE takeover
  4776.                                  Read it and Wipe (and PRAY that Nintendo)
  4777.                                  (Didn't buy it) ....
  4779.                                  Brought to U by NewImage.
  4780.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4781.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4782. cbu.sold.txt N   2173  05-17-94  Some text info about how SAMSUNG bought Ami!
  4783.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4784.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4785. cf-truth.txt N  17350  05-17-94  TRUE STORY ABOUT CRACK FACTOR
  4786.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4787.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4788. chain.dms    P 604780  05-17-94  . . ._   _  ._    ._. _. _    ._    _   . ..
  4789.                                  .' ./  \/  \/  _ |/ \/ \/    \/   ||   \ ..
  4790.                                  .'./   \/   \  _>/   \_ \_ O  \   /\   /. ..
  4791.                                   :.\_  ||_  /_   )_    /_ /_  /\_ /\  /. . .
  4792.                                  . .   Y       -=*(PRESENTS)*=-   Y  \/   . .
  4793.                                  .   <<!<(((=-  Chain Reaction  -=.))>>>>   .
  4794.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  4795.                                  |  Yeaaa!!.. ANOTHER MLW PRODUCT!...       |
  4796.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  4797.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4798.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4799. comics.lha   P  58592  05-17-94  comic fuck a toon
  4800.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4801.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4802. csh537.lha   P 232007  05-17-94  C-Shell v5.37. AWSOME UNIX-TYPE SHELL!
  4803.                                  -------------------------------------[SOF!]-
  4804.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4805.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4806. digi.lha     P  31182  05-17-94  New time door the best i've seen...
  4807.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4808.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4809. dkbbsmay.txt N   8153  05-17-94    /\_____       /\________________ __/\_____
  4810.                                   /       \ ___ /  _____/__   \   //  \ _____
  4811.                                       /   //__/ \_____    //  /       / _/__ 
  4812.                                           \     /        //  /  /_/  /     / 
  4813.                                   \__/__  /     \_____  /___/__/ /__/___  /  
  4814.                                         \/ Presents : \/        [R-Some]\/   
  4815.                                           * Dk Elite List * May ¹994 *       
  4816.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4817.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4818. dmodp301.lha P 132757  05-17-94  <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  4819.                                  <>                                        <>
  4820.                                  <>          DAS MOD Player v3.01          <>
  4821.                                  <>                                        <>
  4822.                                  <>  Now supports some weird PC tracker    <>
  4823.                                  <>               format!!                 <>
  4824.                                  <>                                        <>
  4825.                                  <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  4826.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4827.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4828. dmsreq02.lha P   3657  05-17-94          %: The          /:      :\
  4829.                                  ___ ___/ !___  ________/ ¦   ___! \___ ___
  4830.                                  \_//__/  ¡_  \/  _____   !/\/  _¡  \__\\_/
  4831.                                   \\\ /   |/  /  |    /   /  \  \|   \ ///
  4832.                                    \\\\______/\______/\______/\______////
  4833.                                     ¯ ¯\     \ \     \/     / /     /¯ ¯
  4834.                                  And The\_____\/\_____\____/\/_____/Beautiful
  4835.                                     DMSREQ!This makes UNDMSing much easier!
  4836.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4837.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4838. donkfix.lzh  P 128562  05-17-94    _____________/\________________
  4839.                                    \_____  __________  \___       \ 
  4840.                                    --==/    \===/   |  <_/    T___/\=-
  4841.                                     -=/      \=/    T    \    !  PsY\=-
  4842.                                      -\______//     _____/__________/=-
  4843.                                       --===iS=\_____j=BaCk=WiTH=:====-
  4844.                                        -------AnOtHeR rElEaSe--------
  4845.                                  Donk The Duck Samurai!! Final Fix 101%
  4846.                                  Copy the file "z" in the game directory
  4847.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4848.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4849. dskcat21.lha P  50261  05-17-94  DiskCat v2.1: a configurable disk librarian
  4850.                                  which supports user defined databases and
  4851.                                  categories, automatic disk search, a 45
  4852.                                  character comment filed, searching and data
  4853.                                  export. Requires AD 2.04+.
  4854.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4855.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4856. ear52.dms    P 638191  05-17-94  Enigma Amiga Run 52 Magazine
  4857.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4858.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4859. easybust.txt N   3765  05-17-94            ______  __________________        
  4860.                                  +--------/    \ \/ / __/_  __/ / __/-------+
  4861.                                  |-------/ / / /\  /\  /-/ /-/ / /----------|
  4862.                                  |-------\/ / /-/ /\  /-/ /-/ /\ \-EmP------|
  4863.                                  +--------\/\/--\/--\/--\/--\/--\/----------+
  4864.                                  | EaSy RiDeR / MYSTIC & TRSI trader & sysop|
  4865.                                  | IS BUSTED ! MAMBA BBS is closed now !!!!!|
  4866.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  4867.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4868.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4869. eqx-memb.txt N   8771  05-17-94     _/\    ___   _¦\    /¦ /\_   /\_  /\ _
  4870.                                  .=/ . \==/   \_/ | \==/ |/ . \_/ . \/  Y \_
  4871.                                  |/ø |__\/  |  \  |  \/  |  |  \  |  \_ ¦  /|
  4872.                                  /   .__\_  |   \ |   \  |  |   \ |   \ . ¯¯\
  4873.                                  \   ¦   /  ¦   / ¦   /  |  |   / ¦   / |  ø/
  4874.                                  |\___  /\__\  /_____/\__|__|  /_____/__|  /|
  4875.                                  ø====\/=====\/==============\/=Óî£ËÑÇè®=\/=ø
  4876.                                  - TRADE FOR EQUiNOX AND GET CC's INSTANTLY -
  4877.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  4878.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  4879. APPL2000.LHA P 187511  05-17-94  Apple 2000 v1.0 - Emulates Apple (+ on 68020
  4880.                                  or Highter Amiga).                          
  4881.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  4882. A!CDI120.LHA P  69379  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4883.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4884.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4885.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4886.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4887.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4888.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ CatchDisk v1.20 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4889.                                   Non-DOS disks handler
  4890.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Alessandro Sala]÷«»>
  4891.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  4892. AC-APECS.LHA P  66436  05-18-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  4893.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+
  4894.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::|
  4895.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::|
  4896.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+
  4897.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -
  4898.                                     ECS FILE FOR HD VERSION OF ARCADE POOL
  4899.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  4900. APL_SN.TXT   N  11762  05-18-94   _______________/\ _________/\__/\________
  4901.                                  (__/  \________   )   _/\(____)___)_/\_   \
  4902.                                  7M \   \  /   ___/   //  \   .|  .|/  \\   \
  4903.                                   /\ \   \/    |  \  //   /   :|__:|\_  \\  /
  4904.                                  (__\ \___) ___)   \//___/(_______)___)__\\/|
  4905.                                  `--------\/---Proudly Present--------------'
  4906.                                   SURF NINJAS CD32 - FLAIR SOFTWARE! - INFO
  4907.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  4908. a!ine12.lha  P 116004  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4909.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4910.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4911.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4912.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4913.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4914.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ IntuiNews v1.2]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4915.                                   Mail- and Newsreader for UMS
  4916.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[Markus Stipp & Matthias Scheler]÷«»>
  4917.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  4918.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4919.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4920. a!mdspoo.lha P  47253  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4921.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4922.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4923.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4924.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4925.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4926.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ MDSpool ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4927.                                   Print spooler for MegaD
  4928.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[John L. Jones]÷«»>
  4929.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  4930.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4931.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4932. a!ric221.lha P  99783  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4933.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4934.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4935.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4936.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4937.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4938.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ MuiReIcon v2.21 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4939.                                   MuiReIcon is a program for comfortable
  4940.                                   changing values of Icons.
  4941.                                   needs MUI to run
  4942.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Stefan Schulz]÷«»>
  4943.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  4944.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4945. a!sol.lha    P  82084  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  4946.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  4947.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  4948.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  4949.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  4950.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  4951.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Solitaire ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  4952.                                   Clone of Solitaire for Windoze. The only
  4953.                                   reason for using windoze at all is now
  4954.                                   gone :-). Same GFX etc., including
  4955.                                   Cheatmode!
  4956.                                   Needs OS3.0 or later to run
  4957.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4958. automobi.dms P 322830  05-18-94   ___ ____  ____  _____ ____  ____  _____ ___
  4959.                                   \__ /  /_/  _ \/  ___/  _ \/  . \|  . \ __/
  4960.                                    \_/  // \_ __/\_/__/\_ __/\_ |  \_ |  \_/ 
  4961.                                    .\   V   / V   /\/   / V   / |   / |   /. 
  4962.                                  .:::\.    /___  /___  /___  /__|  /___  /911
  4963.                                  -)t  \___/==\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/==(-
  4964.                                      AUTOMOBILES FROM OVERFLOW PRODUCTIONS   
  4965.                                          100% ECS/AGA FIXED BY T.D.B.        
  4966.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4967.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4968. battle.txt   N   9311  05-18-94  Read the truth about Battletoads 100%
  4969.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4970.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4971. carcosts.lha P  90792  05-18-94  Calculate yer car costings (fuel, miles etc)
  4972.                                  with this gorgeous little darling of a prog!
  4973.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4974.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4975. cdisk120.lha P  60078  05-18-94  CatchDisk version 1.20                      
  4976.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4977.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4978. enquiry.dms  P 163284  05-18-94  Enquiry Hors Racing V5.01  
  4979.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4980.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4981. fox-sol1.dms P 757517  05-18-94            SUMMER OLYMPIX CD32/AGA      
  4982.                                        Cracked and Joypad Fix by CoBrA  
  4983.                                           Needs AGA & 2 Mb FastMem      
  4984.                                                   Disk 1/2
  4985.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4986.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4987. fox-sol2.dms P 825417  05-18-94             SUMMER OLYMPIX CD32/AGA      
  4988.                                         Cracked and Joypad Fix by CoBrA  
  4989.                                            Needs AGA & 2 Mb FastMem      
  4990.                                                    Disk 2/2
  4991.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4992.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4993. galdx20.dms  P 486071  05-18-94  galaga deluxe v2.0 bugs fixed more levels
  4994.                                  enhanced, more weapons etc.
  4995.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4996.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  4997. gblnk32.lha  P 171807  05-18-94  G-Blanker v3.2 - Advanced Screen Blanker    
  4998.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  4999.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5000. gblnk322.lha P 171188  05-18-94  G-Blanker v3.2 - Advanced Screen Blanker    
  5001.                                  020+ version.                               
  5002.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5003.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5004. gblnk32s.lha P 190639  05-18-94  G-Blanker v3.2 - Advanced Screen Blanker    
  5005.                                  Full source codes.                          
  5006.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5007.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5008. god-alad.nfo N   3829  05-18-94        ALADDIN 4D VERSION 3.2 iNFO FILE
  5009.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5010.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5011. gpf2434.lha  P 379897  05-18-94             GPFax  version  2.343
  5012.                                             - update APRil 1994 -
  5013.                                  ·------------------------------------------·
  5014.                                            With "Class II" generic.
  5015.                                       Requires modem with fax-option!!
  5016.                                           Many REXX-samples incl.
  5017.                                  ·------------------------------------------·
  5018.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5019.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5020. ia-bb12.exe  N 103888  05-18-94  I     /\      A -+---------------------+-  
  5021.                                  N    /__\     C  |     ->MAGPART<-     |   
  5022.                                  T   __ ___    T  |         of          |   
  5023.                                  E  / //  _\   I  |                     |   
  5024.                                  R / //    \\  V  | bOUNCING bYTES #12  |   
  5025.                                   /_//_______\ E -+---------------------+-  
  5026.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5027.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5028. imagdx21.lha P 231301  05-18-94  Imagex 2.1 - ADPro front-end, makes image   
  5029.                                  indexes.                                    
  5030.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5031.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5032. ind-fudg.dms P 106326  05-18-94  Industrial Fudge New demo for all Amigas.
  5033.                                  Intro for upcoming AGA release. Nice.
  5034.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5035.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5036. l-snlfix.lha P 383989  05-18-94       __    ___   ___   ___   ___   ___
  5037.                                    __|  |  /   \_/   \_/   \_/ _ \_/__ \___|_
  5038.                                   |__|  |_|  |__| _|__|  |__|  |  |  |  |__|
  5039.                                   |__|  |  | __|| \_  |  __||  |  |  |  |__|
  5040.                                  _|__|  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |__|  |__|
  5041.                                   |   \___/\___/ \___/ \___/|__|__|\___/BARD
  5042.                                               PRESENTS TODAY :
  5043.                                        LOADER FIX FOR SURF NINJA'S CD32
  5044.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5045.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5046. latexgd.lha  P  48731  05-18-94  LaTeX-Help 1.0 in AmigaGuide-Format
  5047.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5048.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5049. nesquick.txt N   5516  05-18-94  *** The ONE and ONLY TRUTH about Nesquick
  5050.                                  *** taking over the European division of
  5051.                                  *** Commodore Amiga!!!! READ THIS to get
  5052.                                  *** the complete story about the decline of
  5053.                                  *** COmmodore and the rise of Chocolate
  5054.                                  *** DRINKS!!!
  5055.                                  *** DO NOT miss this opportunity to get to
  5056.                                  *** know the ONLY truth!! Do not believe in
  5057.                                  *** rumours!! DL and be wiser!!!!!!!!!!!
  5059.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5060.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5061. oberon10.lha P 531824  05-18-94  Oberon-2 Compiler. Release 1                
  5062.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5063.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5064. oberon1s.lha P 238982  05-18-94  Oberon-2 Compiler. Release 1 (Source)       
  5065.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5066.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5067. otl-sc20.lha P  33843  05-18-94  _ _/\____/\_ ___/\__/\_ __/\__ _/\____/\__ _
  5068.                                  _____  __  / __   __  /_____  \__/ /   ____
  5069.                                  :/  /  /  /  //  //  /__/  ¬  / / / /\_  \::
  5070.                                  /  /  /  /  //  //  /  / _/  / / / /  /  /::
  5071.                                  \__  /\__  //  //___  /__\  /\__  /___  /:::
  5072.                                  bIS\/====\/==\/=====\/====\/====\/====\/===>
  5073.                                     SpeedCheck v2.0 by Aquarius of Outlaws
  5074.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5075.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5076. smbcd32.lha  P 767847  05-18-94  Super Methane Bros. CD32/AGA HD 100%
  5077.                                  One disked & loading improved
  5078.                                  Grab thiz instead of the Vikings one!!!
  5079.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5080.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5081. solarlod.dms P 338258  05-18-94  Solar Lords Regristed Version  
  5082.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5083.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5084. spr288.lha   P 364683  05-18-94  SUPRA 28.8 FLASHROM UPDATE !! RELIABLE DATA
  5085.                                  TRANSFER, AND CONNECTIONS !! NO MORE LOST
  5086.                                  CARRIERS ! V34 FAST ! +3000 CPS AND COOOOOOL
  5087.                                  SYSOP PRICES ! GET IT...
  5088.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5089.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5090. sysop.txt    N  20285  05-18-94  .---/|=-----===-----===--------<md>-------.
  5091.                                  :' /   \._._| |  __/\ |______ ._. ___  __`:
  5092.                                  : /  __/| | | |_/ __/  /   \ \| |/  / /  \:
  5093.                                  :.\__  \| ; |   \   \ |/\|  \   | _/\/ ~_/:
  5094.                                  :|      \   | -  \-  \'  \  /   |    \ / \:
  5095.                                  :|______/___|____/___/___/ /_|\_|____/___/:
  5096.                                  `------------------------|/---------------'
  5097.                                  :PrOudLy PrEsEnTs :                       :
  5098.                                  THE ORDERFORM FOR THE SUPRA 28K8 SYSOPDEAL!
  5099.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5100.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5101. tnp_down.txt N   3128  05-18-94  ....oOo.....oOo.....oOo.....oOo.....oOo....
  5102.                                  :                                         :
  5103.                                  :      The Northern Palace CLOSED.        :
  5104.                                  :                                         :
  5105.                                  : Read all about it and spread the word.  :
  5106.                                  :                                         :
  5107.                                  :...oOo.....oOo.....oOo.....oOo.....oOo...:
  5108.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5109.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5110. toc-sofu.dms P 688655  05-18-94   /\_______________________/\                
  5111.                                   \       ______   \        /     THE        
  5112.                                    \  /   \    |    \  |___/   ORGANiZED     
  5113.                                     \/RtX! \   `    /  |   \     CRiME       
  5114.                                      \___  /\____  /_____  /PROUDLY PRESENTS!
  5115.                                  -+------\/------\/------\/----------------+-
  5116.                                   SOFTWARE MANAGER FROM KAIKO *UPDATE!* [1/1]
  5117.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5118.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5119. vsn!fix1.dms P 255043  05-18-94  .-------------+--------------------------.  
  5120.                                  |      ___/\__|_/\___________  ____      |  
  5121.                                  |     /  /  /\_/  \__/\____  \/\_  \     |  
  5122.                                  |    /  / //  /\_ _ /  /  / //  / //     |  
  5123.                                  |   /___ //__/___ //__/\____/__/ //tRm   |  
  5124.                                  |       \/    |  \/           /__/ TnC   |  
  5125.                                  |             `-> BBLOCK-DAMAGE FIXED! <-|  
  5126.                                  `--(HAPPY HIPPO LIBERATION FIXED DISK#1)-'  
  5127.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5128.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5129. walkers.lha  P 178352  05-18-94                   /`\\\
  5130.                                                  ( 0 0 )
  5131.                                  +------------------U------------------+
  5132.                                  |             LIGHTWAVE 3D            |
  5133.                                  | v. detailed Walkers from STAR WARS  |
  5134.                                  +-------------------------------------+
  5135.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5136.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5137. a!flu220.lha P   3855  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  5138.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  5139.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  5140.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  5141.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  5142.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  5143.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Flush 2.20ß ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  5144.                                   This  small  shell-only  command  attempts
  5145.                                   to  free unused memory and unfragment  the
  5146.                                   memory pool at the same time.
  5147.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Conrad Sanderson]÷«»>
  5148.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  5149.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5150. a!ine12d.lha P   5199  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  5151.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  5152.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  5153.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  5154.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  5155.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  5156.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ IntuiNews v1.2 doc ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  5157.                                   This is the printable documentation as
  5158.                                   DVI and PostScript file for IntuiNews v1.2
  5159.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[Markus Stipp & Matthias Scheler]÷«»>
  5160.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  5161.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5162.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5163. a!wolf.lha   P  71688  05-18-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  5164.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  5165.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  5166.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  5167.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  5168.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  5169.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ wolfenstein clone ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  5170.                                   This is the start of a wolf/maze game. It
  5171.                                   features full screen texture mapping on an
  5172.                                   AGA amiga and supports accelerators/fast
  5173.                                   ram.
  5174.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Chris Colman]÷«»>
  5175.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5176. apl_sn.lha   P3512851  05-18-94   _______________/\ _________/\__/\________
  5177.                                  (__/  \________   )   _/\(____)___)_/\_   \
  5178.                                  7M \   \  /   ___/   //  \   .|  .|/  \\   \
  5179.                                   /\ \   \/    |  \  //   /   :|__:|\_  \\  /
  5180.                                  (__\ \___) ___)   \//___/(_______)___)__\\/|
  5181.                                  `--------\/---Proudly Present--------------'
  5182.                                   SURF NINJAS CD32 - FLAIR SOFTWARE!  [1/1]
  5183.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5184.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5185. bw-mis.dms   P 544071  05-18-94  ADVERTISING GAME FOR THE GERMAN AIR FORCE!
  5186.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5187.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5188. ccost304.lha P 142019  05-18-94  Carcost version 3.04                        
  5189.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5190.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5191. frogman.txt  N  17083  05-18-94  SUPRiME BBS IS CLOSED COUSE OF POOR SYSOP.. 
  5192.                                  CALL NOW AND GET THE ALL OLD FILES.. 
  5193.                                  COUSE NOW ALL (NEW)USER GETS FREE DOWNLOAD
  5194.                                  UNTIL THE BOARD CLOSES FOREVER.. BYEBYE
  5195.                                  AND THE ALL HELLOS PEOPLE ARE INCLUDED
  5196.                                                         FROGMAN/SUPRiME BBS!
  5197.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5198.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5199. fuckptt3.txt N  12353  05-18-94  2nd REPLY TO THE TEXT "!FUCKPTT", ABOUT     
  5200.                                  A DUTCH GUY WHO GOT BILLED BY THE PTT FOR   
  5201.                                  CALLS WITH AT&T! HAHAAH WHAT CRAP TALK!!!  
  5202.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5203.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5204. god-alad.dms P 773214  05-18-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  5205.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  5206.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  5207.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  5208.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  5209.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  5210.                                        ALADDIN 4D VERSION 3.2 * UPGRADE
  5211.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5212.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5213. int-ap3.txt  N  77086  05-18-94                           _____
  5214.                                      ____________________/    /______ ____ _
  5215.                                  iN7/ __________________    _/______ __
  5216.                                    /_____    /  _    _//   _   S·/oftware
  5217.                                   /     /   /   /    \/    /   R/·unners from
  5218.                                  /_________/___/     /____/____H·ell
  5219.                                    Present:   /_____/
  5220.                                  ASCii PAC/( issue #3 by iN7RUdER/SRH
  5221.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5222.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5223. knotty.dms   P 280194  05-18-94  "KNOTTY" AGA PUZZLE-GAME BY EMT-DESIGN.
  5224.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5225.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5226. mw-mfld3.dms P 768575  05-18-94      /\_      /\_      /\_      /\_
  5227.                                    _/   \_  _/  _\   _/ _ \__ _/ _ \_
  5228.                                   /       \/    _\  /   |---</   |   \
  5229.                                  /    Y    \   |  ¯¯\   |    \   _    \
  5230.                                  \____l____/________/________/___l____/
  5231.                                  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::WATTS:::::
  5232.                                  (-----------( PrEsEnTs )------------)
  5233.                                                --------
  5234.                                                MiNDFiELD     (3/3)
  5235.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5236.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5237. phonesex.txt N  31336  05-18-94         Swedish Hacking Association
  5238.                                              PReSeNTS iN 1994:
  5239.                                  >>>>>>THe uLTiMaTe PHoNESeX LIST<<<<<<
  5240.                                  100's of numbers, many free to call!
  5241.                                  + info about getting cheap cards to
  5242.                                  use them all!
  5243.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5244.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5245. ptr_hw1.exe  N 221184  05-18-94  o  |\   /| |\--+--|\  +-- |/     ·the·
  5246.                                  v  | > X | | > |  | > +-  <     ·dutch·
  5247.                                  l  |/ / \| |X  |  |X  |   |\   ·partrek·
  5248.                                  !  | /   | | \ |  | \ +-- | \ ·aNNo 1953·
  5249.                                  =========================================== 
  5250.                                  speedwarrior and beastdevil of partrek made
  5251.                                  ===========================================
  5252.                                     wauwze hauwze? omroepcity heeft het!
  5254.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5255.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5256. ssf-fron.lha P   5829  05-18-94  ____  _______    _____________________ _  _
  5257.                                  \  / /   ___/   /   _________________/_/ _/
  5258.                                   \/ /\      \  /\      \Z!/  ____)         
  5259.                                     /  \      \/  \      \/    |            
  5260.                                    /_________ /_________ /\___ | .pRESENTs. 
  5261.                                  -==========\/=========\/=====\l===========-
  5262.                                          fRONTiER aGA hD-iNSTALLER          
  5263.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5264.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5265. st4amiga.lha P  29540  05-18-94  ST emulator with source for every kickstart
  5266.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5267.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5268. toyaga.dms   P 579623  05-18-94              __:__  _______ _____/           
  5269.                                             _\__  \/   ___//  __/_           
  5270.                                  dUAL cREW /   |   \   |___\____  \ dUAL cREW
  5271.                                   sHINING  \_______/\_____________/  sHINING 
  5272.                                  <------------:  presents   /--------------->
  5273.                                         TOYOTA CELICA GT RALLY AGA FIX       
  5274.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5275.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5276. tp!-xxx.lha  P  18296  05-18-94     ______/\_____   ________ /  /________/\ 
  5277.                                    T\_____  \   /  /  ___   /  / ________  \
  5278.                                   H   /  ___/  /__/  /  /__   / __/_/  _  _/
  5279.                                  E   /   / /  /  / __  /  /  /     /   /  \ 
  5280.                                     /   / /_____/  /__/_____/_____/   /___/
  5281.                                    /___/       /__/              /___/
  5282.                                  /-------------P R E S E N T S:-------------/
  5283.                                   HiS 3rd « aKSi CoLLeCTioN  :  'TRiPLe X!'
  5284.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5285.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5286. vp_dino1.lzh P 939724  05-18-94  Viewpoint Datalab: Dinosaurs
  5287.                                  +-------------------------+
  5288.                                  +      Unlocked from      +
  5289.                                  +   Viewpoint Datalabs'   +
  5290.                                  +  Datashop v1.0 CD-ROM   +
  5291.                                  +     Presenting The      +
  5292.                                  +        Dinosaurs        +
  5293.                                  +  Collection  Disk 1/2   +
  5294.                                  +-------------------------+    
  5295.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5296.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5297. vp_dino2.lzh P 819050  05-18-94  Viewpoint Datalab: Dinosaurs
  5298.                                  +-------------------------+
  5299.                                  +      Unlocked from      +
  5300.                                  +   Viewpoint Datalabs'   +
  5301.                                  +  Datashop v1.0 CD-ROM   +
  5302.                                  +     Presenting The      +
  5303.                                  +        Dinosaurs        +
  5304.                                  +  Collection  DISK 2/2   +
  5305.                                  +-------------------------+    
  5306.                                                    BRUFLES                   
  5307.                                                 INDEPENDANT       
  5308. DMP290.ARJ   P 118267  05-18-94  dual module player 2.9
  5309.                                  [-------------------[           mick]------]
  5310. ACJUNE_2.DMS P 459888  05-19-94  Amiga Computing June coverdisk 2
  5311.                                  -SysInfo v3.23, Virus Checker v6.34+two crap
  5312.                                   yet strangely addictive 4 player games
  5313.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5314. L-RLCAGA.DMS P 542835  05-19-94   _____  _________________________ ______    
  5315.                                   \__ |  \__ ____ _______ ____    \\____ \   
  5316.                                    /  l___/  _>_/ l_  \/  _>_/  T  \/  |  \  
  5317.                                   /   !   \  !~ \  l   \  !~ \  |   \  !   \ 
  5318.                                  /    ____/_____/______/_____/__l___/___    \
  5319.                                  \____j-----------presents----------sctl____/
  5320.                                   RUGBY LEAGE COACH -AGA!- PLAYABLE PREVIEW  
  5321.                                           FROM AUDIOGENIC SOFTWARE           
  5322.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5323. ETK-REV1.DMS P 759546  05-19-94  EtiLiK presents you a new production:       
  5324.                                  Revenge demo. (A500) [1/2]                  
  5325.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5326. ETK-REV2.DMS P 642708  05-19-94  EtiLiK presents you a new production:       
  5327.                                  Revenge demo. (A500) [2/2]                  
  5328.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5329. FRM2.DMS     P 569525  05-19-94  FRAME MACHINE DISK2,USE WITH ADPRO
  5330.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5331. GIGMEM3.DMS  P 186225  05-19-94  GigaMem ver 3 ....nice
  5332.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5334.                                  for the Retina 24 bit graphics board.... 
  5335.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5336. SMB-1D.DMS   P 743863  05-19-94  SUPER METHANE BROTHERS CD32 - ONE DISKED
  5337.                                  WORKS FINE ON ALL AGA CONFIGS!
  5338.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5339. PGA_ECD.DMS  P 272881  05-19-94  PGA TOUR GOLF - EXTRA COURSES ! -
  5340.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5341. BSC-FRON.DMS P 253218  05-19-94   __________________________________________ 
  5342.                                  |                                       ___ 
  5343.                                  | YeS                                   \   
  5344.                                  |           """""""    B-SuM            /   
  5345.                                  | We       / o   o \                    \   
  5346.                                  |         |    L    3   CrEw            /   
  5347.                                  | HaTE       _____                      \   
  5348.                                  |          \ \___/ /   GivE Ya          /   
  5349.                                  | BoRRe     \_____/                     \   
  5350.                                  |                    SeccOnD FrOnT      /   
  5351.                                  |                      AgA FixEd        \   
  5352.                                  |_______________________________________/   
  5353.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5354. DSR-FLTC.DMS P 166094  05-19-94   __________________________________________
  5355.                                   \____ \   _____/  ____________   \  _____/
  5356.                                  _/   /  \_  __/______ \_  \_ _/  _/   __/___
  5357.                                  \  _/    /  \_  /  _/  /   / \   \    \_   /
  5358.                                   \______/______/______/___/___\   \_______/
  5359.                                  <- --  ---   ----    ----------\___/--[P]-->
  5360.                                     pRESENTS a nEW cRACKTRO fOR fAIRLIGHT!
  5361.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5362. GOD-TR18.DMS P 587336  05-19-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  5363.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  5364.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  5365.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  5366.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  5367.                                  <--------\/-- GL0BAL 0VERD0SE --\/--------->
  5368.                                      "tIME rUNNERS 18 - MULTILANGUAGE -"
  5369.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5371.                                    [%]=[LuKe!]==[ fUCk sHOp! [==[ChUcK]=[%]
  5372.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5373. IPT-TA1.DMS  P 526211  05-19-94  IMPACT PRESENTS TROLLS CD32 100% DISK VERS.
  5374.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5375. IPT-TA2.DMS  P 366590  05-19-94  IMPACT PRESENTS TROLLS CD32 100% DISK VERS.
  5376.                                  DISK 2/5
  5377.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5378. IPT-TA3.DMS  P 302587  05-19-94  IMPACT PRESENTS TROLLS CD32 100% DISK VERS.
  5379.                                  DISK 3/5
  5380.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5381. IPT-TA4.DMS  P 311263  05-19-94  IMPACT PRESENTS TROLLS CD32 100% DISK VERS.
  5382.                                  DISK 4/5
  5383.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5384. IPT-TA5.DMS  P 471186  05-19-94  IMPACT PRESENTS TROLLS CD32 100% DISK VERS.
  5385.                                  DISK 5/5
  5386.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5387. GOD-PCP.DMS  P 239626  05-19-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  5388.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  5389.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  5390.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  5391.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  5392.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  5393.                                  Professional Conversion Pack 2.5.0 For ADPro
  5394.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5395. FWUPDT21.DMS P 710106  05-19-94  FinalWriter Update 2.1
  5396.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5397. SFC2_0.DMS   P 531035  05-19-94  Siegried Copy 2.0 Real Update               
  5398.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5399. MPD4A.DMS    P 447600  05-19-94  Media Point disk 4a/4
  5400.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5401. SIH2.DMS     P 478665  05-19-94  Somewhere in Holland Part2 - The Invitation
  5402.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5403. MPD4B.DMS    P 437983  05-19-94  Media Point disk 4b of 4
  5404.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5405. MPOINT1.DMS  P 741919  05-19-94  Media Point disk 1/4
  5406.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5407. MPOINT2.DMS  P 732415  05-19-94  Media Point disk 2 of 4
  5408.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5409. SRMACV44.DMS P 649553  05-19-94  Emplant Version 4.4 Full Version!
  5410.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5411. B&B_BROS.DMS P 793928  05-19-94          %: The          /:      :\          
  5412.                                  ___ ___/ !___  ________/ ¦   ___! \___ ___  
  5413.                                  \_//__/  ¡_  \/  _____   !/\/  _¡  \__\\_/  
  5414.                                   \\\ /   |/  /  |    /   /  \  \|   \ ///   
  5415.                                    \\\\______/\______/\______/\______////    
  5416.                                     ¯ ¯\     \ \     \/     / /     /¯ ¯     
  5417.                                  And The\_____\/\_____\____/\/_____/Beautiful
  5418.                                  SUPER METHANE BROS AGA*DISK+HD VERSION [1/1]
  5419.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5420. ECUK21.DMS   P 906252  05-19-94  SCALA ECHO E100 UK VERSION 2.1
  5421.                                  DOCs and DIAGRAMS to follow
  5422.                                  ASK DRIEDEKKER
  5423.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5424. PDX-AR4.DMS  P 209844  05-19-94  Action Replay MK IV SoftWare Emulation
  5425.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5426. FLANE161.DMS P 191562  05-19-94   ____/\___/\  _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\
  5427.                                   \___  \ |  \/   \___   \      / ____/  |   
  5428.                                   /   |  \|   \ -  \ _)  /\)  (/  _)_ \     /
  5429.                                   \   |_ /|   / |   \ \  \/    \     \/  |  \
  5430.                                    \_(  /____/__|___/_|\  )___  )____/ __|___
  5431.                                   -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^
  5432.                                  Z3 FastLane UpDate 1.61
  5433.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5434. IT-BUST.TXT  N   6397  05-19-94         *** MORE BUSTS IN ITALY ! ***
  5435.                                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [-LePRoSy-]/rEFLEX! >>>>>
  5436.                                  ==========================[ToDaY!]==========
  5437. EGUIDE.LHA   P 205932  05-20-94  A Beginner's Guide to Amiga E
  5438.                                  [-------------------[     Rex Orient]------]
  5439. A!MUS17A.LHA P  52652  05-21-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  5440.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  5441.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  5442.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  5443.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  5444.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  5445.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷[ Multi User System v1.7a ]]÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  5446.                                   Multi User System Security (update)
  5447.                                   Update from Release 1.7 to Release 1.7a
  5448.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷Geert Uytterhoeven]÷«»>
  5449.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5450. ASSMAN15.LHA P  20160  05-21-94    ______ _____ ___/\                     
  5451.                                   /\  -  \\ ___\\ ___\   -=[ORBITAL]=-       
  5452.                                   \ \  \  \\\__/_\ __\_  -=[CONCEPT'94]=-   
  5453.                                    \ \__\__\\____\\____\ -=[EFFECT]=-  
  5454.                                     \/__/__//____//____/ -=[DBPP]=-      /\ce
  5455.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷(Pr3$3nT$)÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5456.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[    ASSIGN MANAGER V 1.51    ]÷÷÷÷«»
  5457.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5458.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5459. BXREC217.LHA P  60703  05-21-94  BootX Recog 2.17 world release quite new
  5460.                                  update direct from the programmer. Use it
  5461.                                  and spread it. A-Top-Hit, upload by Speedy.
  5462.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5463. DUPA.EXE     N  40752  05-21-94  D.u.p.a.
  5464.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5465. PCHLOCK.LHA  P  21224  05-21-94  _:_______:.:!_______:______T\___  ________:_
  5466.                                  _!__    /|  |  _____!_    /   _ \/   _____!_
  5467.                                   : /   /_|  |  \_   :/   /_:     \   \_   :/
  5468.                                    /   /  |  |   /   /   /  |  T   \_  /   /
  5469.                                   /_______| _!______/_______|  |____/_____/
  5470.                                  =========!  :==CoRPoRaT|oN-! -+-====LTm=====
  5471.                                  A Patch for Dos-Function LVOLock() to avoid
  5472.                                  illegal modes on opening files. Specially
  5473.                                  made for GUNSHIP 2000, but it possibly fixes
  5474.                                  a lot of other buggy (CD32) programs ! Hot !
  5475.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5476. US-BOX.TXT   N  14367  05-21-94  A little txt teling us how to box to numbers
  5477.                                  in the US - like 1-800's (and the perv 
  5478.                                  lines!)
  5479.                                  ÜpLÖadE bY ÄlKäId FrOm ÄFL/ThErApY
  5480. PDY-STA1.DMS P 733796  05-21-94  _____________________ ______________________
  5481.                                  \_______ \____ \___ _\/\_ _ /__/.____/__ / /
  5482.                                  :  / ____/    _/  / //  \ //  // /  /  /  /:
  5483.                                  | /__/  /__/  /_____/____ /__/____ /_____/ |
  5484.                                  |.::::::::/___ /::::::::\/:::::::\/:::Sk!n.|
  5485.                                  +------------\/P r e s e n t s ------------+
  5486.                                  SABRE TEAM ROM KRISALIS *AGA* - DISK [1/5]!!
  5487.                                             [MULTILANGUAGE VERSION]
  5488.                                  <---[WHO`S THE MAN?]-----[NiKO/PRoDiGY]--->!
  5489.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5490. PDY-STA2.DMS P 790127  05-21-94     SABRE TEAM -MULTILANGUAGE- *AGA* [2/5]
  5491.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5492. PDY-STA3.DMS P 769452  05-21-94     SABRE TEAM -MULTILANGUAGE- *AGA* [3/5]
  5493.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5494. PDY-STA4.DMS P 771493  05-21-94     SABRE TEAM -MULTILANGUAGE- *AGA* [4/5]
  5495.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5496. PDY-STA5.DMS P 747808  05-21-94     SABRE TEAM -MULTILANGUAGE- *AGA* [5/5]
  5497.                                  [==========[ V^C^M - sPELLbOUNd bBs ]======]
  5498. IPL-S100.DMS P 659569  05-21-94  SUPER NIBBLY -NIBBLY NIBBLE 2! (1/1)
  5499.                                  -FROM COSMOS DESIGN-ART DEPARTEMENT 100% VER
  5500.                                  -*>[ EMPiRE/MYSTiC ]<-*->[ LAST OUTPOST ]<*-
  5501. 8888888!.TXT N  16061  05-21-94  kimble=gravenreuth -> it is true! -Nosferatu
  5502.                                  Including 14 Voice Numbers of Himself And 
  5503.                                     Familiy And Staff! THIS IS NO FAKE! 
  5504.                                    JUST TRY TO VIEW IT AND YOU WILL SEE!!
  5505.                                   * * * * NEVER LEGALIZE CANNABIS * * * *
  5506.                                    ROAR ISSUE 10     -    NUKE THIS FAST
  5507.                                   also some rap and independent lyrics and
  5508.                                   some hacked gov.bbs'... and mci cc's
  5509.                                    i once had a dream - then i woke up
  5510.                                   fonenumber of d-man's girlfriend inside
  5511.                                  ----------------------------------------
  5512.                                  T.H.I.S TIME IT IS REALLY NO STUPID FAKE
  5513.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  5514. BOXALOT.TXT  N  17342  05-21-94                              
  5515.                                          Problems Boxing?    
  5517.                                          What You Can Do!    
  5519.                                             By Bender        
  5521.                                  Re/Y\o/BonZai Team//Y\ystic /X-DeSiGn <<<<
  5522. -H-HALA.DMS  P 463953  05-22-94  HALOWEEN: HALLOWED ...DEMO 1a/1
  5523.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5524.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5525. -H-HALB.DMS  P 452669  05-22-94  HALOWEEN: HALLOWED ...DEMO 1b/1
  5526.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5527.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5528. ADX-UNJ.DMS  P 823197  05-22-94  Demo called: Unjust Sentence!               
  5529.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5530.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5531. AI_PCUP1.DMS P 542528  05-22-94    _____     _________________  _____ __     
  5532.                                   |_____\.__/   /___ _  \ _  /_/  __/|  |_   
  5533.                                    /  _/ \  \__   \ _/  / / / _/  / \_  _/_  
  5534.                                  ./   |   \. |/   /|___/  _/  | _/   |     \.
  5535.                                  |mAZ |____|_____/___| \______|______|_|    |
  5536.                                  |____:-·-[ A Division Of Delirium ]-·-:____|
  5537.                                  PIZZA CONNECTION V1.1 [GERMAN] -- [DISK 1/4]
  5538.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5539.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5540. AI_PCUP2.DMS P 620194  05-22-94    _____     _________________  _____ __     
  5541.                                   |_____\.__/   /___ _  \ _  /_/  __/|  |_   
  5542.                                    /  _/ \  \__   \ _/  / / / _/  / \_  _/_  
  5543.                                  ./   |   \. |/   /|___/  _/  | _/   |     \.
  5544.                                  |mAZ |____|_____/___| \______|______|_|    |
  5545.                                  |____:-·-[ A Division Of Delirium ]-·-:____|
  5546.                                  PIZZA CONNECTION V1.1 [GERMAN] -- [DISK 2/4]
  5547.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5548.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5549. AI_PCUP3.DMS P 743958  05-22-94    _____     _________________  _____ __     
  5550.                                   |_____\.__/   /___ _  \ _  /_/  __/|  |_   
  5551.                                    /  _/ \  \__   \ _/  / / / _/  / \_  _/_  
  5552.                                  ./   |   \. |/   /|___/  _/  | _/   |     \.
  5553.                                  |mAZ |____|_____/___| \______|______|_|    |
  5554.                                  |____:-·-[ A Division Of Delirium ]-·-:____|
  5555.                                  PIZZA CONNECTION V1.1 [GERMAN] -- [DISK 3/4]
  5556.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5557.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5558. AI_PCUP4.DMS P 590052  05-22-94    _____     _________________  _____ __     
  5559.                                   |_____\.__/   /___ _  \ _  /_/  __/|  |_   
  5560.                                    /  _/ \  \__   \ _/  / / / _/  / \_  _/_  
  5561.                                  ./   |   \. |/   /|___/  _/  | _/   |     \.
  5562.                                  |mAZ |____|_____/___| \______|______|_|    |
  5563.                                  |____:-·-[ A Division Of Delirium ]-·-:____|
  5564.                                  PIZZA CONNECTION V1.1 [GERMAN] -- [DISK 4/4]
  5565.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5566.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5567. CASE_WCS.TXT N  22566  05-22-94    ...                      _ __ _ _   ...
  5568.                                  .:(_):.---------------------\\//----.:(_):.
  5569.                                  |(· ·)  Worst Case Scenario  \/      (· ·)|
  5570.                                  | ) (  -------------------- --- -- -  ) ( |
  5571.                                  |( T )  /\  _ _ ASCII Coll. by Case  ( T )|
  5572.                                  `-\|/--/--\/--------------------------\|/-'
  5573.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5574.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5575. DLT-DDIR.LHA P  46145  05-22-94  _/\____/\______/\_sCn__/\________/\_____/\_.
  5576.                                  \____ \_______   /\ /__\______  \  \   ___\|
  5577.                                  |/  /  /  ___/  /__X    \  \_ \     \  \  /|
  5578.                                  /_____/_____/_____/______\_____\__\__\__\/ |
  5579.                                  \     \     \     \      /     /  /  /  /  |
  5580.                                  |\     \     \     \    /     /  /  /  /   |
  5581.                                  |-[-dIR-dOWN-v1.o-bY-vASCAL/dELIGHT-1994-]-|
  5582.                                  l__________________________________________j
  5583.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5584.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5585. DLT-WALL.LHA P  45715  05-22-94  _/\____/\______/\_sCn__/\________/\_____/\_.
  5586.                                  \____ \_______   /\ /__\______  \  \   ___\|
  5587.                                  |/  /  /  ___/  /__X    \  \_ \     \  \  /|
  5588.                                  /_____/_____/_____/______\_____\__\__\__\/ |
  5589.                                  \     \     \     \      /     /  /  /  /  |
  5590.                                  |\     \     \     \    /     /  /  /  /   |
  5591.                                  |----wALL-dOOR-v.1.o-bY-vASCAL/dELIGHT!----|
  5592.                                  l__________________________________________j
  5593.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5594.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5595. DLT-WHO.LHA  P  46572  05-22-94  _/\____/\______/\_sCn__/\________/\_____/\_.
  5596.                                  \____ \_______   /\ /__\______  \  \   ___\|
  5597.                                  |/  /  /  ___/  /__X    \  \_ \     \  \  /|
  5598.                                  /_____/_____/_____/______\_____\__\__\__\/ |
  5599.                                  \     \     \     \      /     /  /  /  /  |
  5600.                                  |\     \     \     \    /     /  /  /  /   |
  5601.                                  |-[-wHO-dOOR-v1.o-bY-vASCAL/dELIGHT-1994-]-|
  5602.                                  l__________________________________________j
  5603.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5604.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5605. DOST220.LHA  P  19925  05-22-94  DOSTrace version 2.20                       
  5606.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5607.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5608. FASTMEM.LHA  P   4824  05-22-94  *************   
  5609.                                  * <><><><><>*
  5610.                                  * FASTFAKER *
  5611.                                  * <><><><><>*
  5612.                                  *************
  5613.                                  This utility Fake you some fastmem on 1200
  5614.                                  machines, THIS IS A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!
  5615.                                  /|/|/|/|/BLinD meLoN|/|/|/|/|/|/|/|
  5616.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5617.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5619.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5620.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5621. IPL-S100.TXT N   7232  05-22-94  ____   _ ______ _____________________|\_    
  5622.                                  \__/__| | .o . | ______  \___  \__  o|o |   
  5623.                                  |o |o \ |_|| |_| _)_|o |  >o |  \ | ||| |__.
  5624.                                  |: ||    ||: || |aBn|| .  || .__/ | :|: |  |
  5625.                                  |__|: \__||__||_____|: |__|: | |_____|_____|
  5626.                                  «--|__|-- CRACKED --|__|--|__|--- TODAY ---»
  5627.                                        SUPER NIBBLY - NibblY Nibble 2!
  5628.                                  -FROM COSMOS DESIGN-ART DEP. V100% INFO!!!!-
  5629.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5630.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5631. LGC-ST26.LHA P  14736  05-22-94  +  ___.    _______  _______________________+
  5632.                                  | /   |___/   .   \/   __________/        /|
  5633.                                  |/    |   \   |    \   |   \     |   |___/ |
  5634.                                  /     |    \  |     \  |    \    |   |    \|
  5635.                                  \________  /________/_____  /____|______  /|
  5636.                                  +-----÷e÷\/------presents-\/------------\/-+
  5637.                                  Strip'N'Add V2.6 by \X/arhawk/LGC - Bugfix !
  5638.                                   The BEST and FASTEST textchecker for /X !  
  5639.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5640.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5641. LGC-TSW1.DMS P 493321  05-22-94   _ _______      _ __________ /\             
  5642.                                    _ __   /______________   // \\__________  
  5643.                                      /   / \_____  \/  _/__//   \\____    /  
  5644.                                     /   /   \   /   \  \    \____/   /___/_  
  5645.                                     \________\ /    /_.     |__ _|_ /     /  
  5646.                                  - ------ - \______/D!`-----'- - :\______/ -³
  5647.                                  Transcentral World [1/3].
  5648.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5649.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5650. LGC-TSW2.DMS P 850890  05-22-94   _ _______      _ __________ /\             
  5651.                                    _ __   /______________   // \\__________  
  5652.                                      /   / \_____  \/  _/__//   \\____    /  
  5653.                                     /   /   \   /   \  \    \____/   /___/_  
  5654.                                     \________\ /    /_.     |__ _|_ /     /  
  5655.                                  - ------ - \______/D!`-----'- - :\______/ -³
  5656.                                  Transcentral World [2/3].
  5657.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5658.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5659. LGC-TSW3.DMS P 879192  05-22-94   _ _______      _ __________ /\             
  5660.                                    _ __   /______________   // \\__________  
  5661.                                      /   / \_____  \/  _/__//   \\____    /  
  5662.                                     /   /   \   /   \  \    \____/   /___/_  
  5663.                                     \________\ /    /_.     |__ _|_ /     /  
  5664.                                  - ------ - \______/D!`-----'- - :\______/ -³
  5665.                                  Transcentral World [3/3].
  5666.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5667.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5668. LHADIR17.LHA P  26278  05-22-94  LhADir.dopus 1.7
  5669.                                  ARexx script for Directory Opus to operate
  5670.                                  on LhA archives in a DOpus window.
  5671.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5672.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5673. MWORD10.LHA  P  17554  05-22-94  MagicWord v1.0 - MacroUtil For WordProccesor
  5674.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5675.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5676. N&B_VTU.DOC  N  78598  05-22-94  __ .  :  _ _______  _:__:__    :___._ ______
  5677.                                    \|  |_.  _  ___/A \____  \___|_  |__  ___/
  5678.                                   \    | |  |   \_N  _|  /   / _  \_;  \  \_
  5679.                                  __\___| ;  |__  / D \  ____/  |   /_  /_  /
  5680.                                  .-÷e÷\_____|--\/-----\/---\______/--\/--\/-.
  5681.                                    ViDEOtRACkER V1.42 mANUAL bY SHaRD/N&B
  5682.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5683.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5684. NEW-ROUT.TXT N   2400  05-22-94  ---> We'Ve FoUnD tHe NeW bOxiNg CoDeZ <---
  5685.                                  Now you can call all international boards!
  5686.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5687.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5688. NIBBLY.TXT   N    180  05-22-94  HOW TO GET SUPER NIBBLY TO WORK!!
  5689.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5690.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5691. OBER11S.LHA  P 122972  05-22-94  Oberon-A v1.1 - SOurce
  5692.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5693.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5694. ORAC.DMS     P 294699  05-22-94     ___________________________________      
  5695.                                   =/      /  \   /  \       /     \   |======
  5696.                                    \  .   \   \__\   \_   _/   ___/   |____  
  5697.                                  ==/  |\  \\   \_/   //   \\   \__|        \=
  5698.                                   /        \\       //     \\     \   ___   \
  5699.                                  /   ______/=\_____/=\_____/=\____/   \ |   |
  5700.                                  \__/ D    R    E    A    M    S  |___/ |___|
  5701.                                  +---------------------------------[WHW]----+
  5702.                                  presents ORACLE RACING SYSTEM UPDATE MAY 94
  5703.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5704.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5705. QDISK211.LHA P  42689  05-22-94  Q-Disk version 2.11                         
  5706.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5707.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5708. SDBLANK2.LHA P 367615  05-22-94    ______ _____ ___/\                     
  5709.                                   /\  -  \\ ___\\ ___\   -=[ORBITAL]=-       
  5710.                                   \ \  \  \\\__/_\ __\_  -=[CONCEPT'94]=-   
  5711.                                    \ \__\__\\____\\____\ -=[EFFECT]=-  
  5712.                                     \/__/__//____//____/ -=[DBPP]=-      /\ce
  5713.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷(Pr3$3nT$)÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5714.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[  SuperDark Blanker 030/040  ]÷÷÷÷«»
  5715.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5716.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[ 030/040 Buggie Removed !!!! ]÷÷÷÷«»
  5717.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5718.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5719.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5720. SFRACTAL.LHA P  17608  05-22-94  SmartFractal BetaVersion                    
  5721.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5722.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5723. SIG35.LHA    P 374147  05-22-94  SIRDS_GEN V3.5
  5724.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5725.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5726. TRSIVW37.LHA P 316099  05-22-94     ___/\___   __/\___   __/\___   __/\_
  5727.                                    /__   \ ¬\ /__ _\ ¬\ /__    ¬\ /_ _ ¬\
  5728.                                    \_/. ____/\\/._ ___/\\/. ____/\\_/. _/\
  5729.                                     //  /\__\/// /  ./ //____ ./\/ //  /\/
  5730.                                    /___/ /   /__/___/ //______/ / /___/ /
  5731.                                    \___\/    \__\___\/ \______\/NL\___\/
  5732.                                      VirusWorkshop V 3.7 by Flake/TRSI
  5733.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5734.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5736.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5737.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5738. UNL-CHS.LHA  P 220210  05-22-94   __  ____   _ _   _ __ __ _ _____ ________
  5739.                                  ! (__) ! \ ! | | I !  Y  ! |_   _|  __/   \
  5740.                                  :      :  \: : |/\ |     : ; : | !  _/! \  \
  5741.                                  !      !     : / / :     | ! ; I ; !__| /  /
  5742.                                   \____/\__/\_!__/1_+__X__|_/ \_: :___/: _./
  5743.                                  <-----p·r·o·u·d·l·y··p·r·e·s·e·n·t·s·----->
  5744.                                  Chaos-Intro [Final Release]*German Sektion*
  5745.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5746.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5747. VSORT115.LHA P  38630  05-22-94  VisualSort 1.15
  5748.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5749.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5750. WARNING.LHA  P  81834  05-22-94  ._/______ /\_________/_____________________.
  5751.                                  |/\______/_______ _ /\______               |
  5752.                                  /_______  /  /  / //___  _ / R E M E D Y   |
  5753.                                  |/      _/__/__/  /   /  // Presents NoW : |
  5754.                                  /___/____ / _ /__/______ /_________________|
  5755.                                  Sk¡n::::\/::::::/::::::\/::::::::::::::::::|
  5756.                                     WARNING! DO NOT INSTALL CODER V3.1 by  
  5757.                                   Cedrix of Latex, it will destroy your HD
  5758.                                   Info's and an working RDB-Crypter inside
  5759.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5760.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5761. WINDEA19.LHA P  51268  05-22-94  WindowDaemon 1.9                            
  5762.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5763.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5764. XPKLIBS.LHA  P  31539  05-22-94  Here's sum XpkLibs. Collected from AmiNet
  5765.                                  More and newer than the XMash and recent
  5766.                                  Xpk progs.....                  -Shapiro
  5767.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5768.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5769. DONGKONG.LHA P 289209  05-22-94  Donkey Kong Clone
  5770.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  5771.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  5772. KSPREAD2.DMS P 429948  05-22-94    If you regularly lose control of your 
  5773.                                   finances then K-Spread 2 is the program
  5774.                                   for you !!!!
  5775.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  5776.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  5777. A5KINFO.TXT  N  18788  05-23-94  The newest about the Amiga 5000...
  5778.                                  It`s real what stands in thiz doc...
  5779.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5780. FILES3.5.LHA P  49317  05-23-94     __________    _______
  5781.                                     \___  ___/   /      /
  5782.                                        /  \     /  ____/
  5783.                                       /    \   /  |____ 
  5784.                                      /      \  \       \
  5785.                                      \______/he \______/ylons 
  5786.                                         Proudly Present
  5787.                                          FILESHOW  3.5
  5788.                                        Dopus/Rexx script
  5789.                                        Registered Version
  5790.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5791. HDMEM.LHA    P  18340  05-23-94  something like Giga mem, but you don't need
  5792.                                  all the requirments.
  5793.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5794. NA-IM30F.LHA P 467257  05-23-94  IMAGINE 3.0 FIX FOR PAL 100%
  5795.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5796. OCTMAPED.LHA P 138801  05-23-94  High Octane Map Editor                      
  5797.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5798. PDY-STA.NFO  N   6240  05-23-94  INFO FO THE PDY AGA GAME
  5799.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5800. T20DPCH.LHA  P  17099  05-23-94  The only REAL and 100% patch for Terminus
  5801.                                  2.0d.  Removes the stale date of May 13.
  5802.                                  Use this to patch the original Carnage
  5803.                                  release from November for a complete 100%
  5804.                                  usable program.  Don't waste your time
  5805.                                  with the crap 100+K re-releases from a
  5806.                                  few days ago (they're all junk).
  5807.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5808. TREXXIMA.LHA P 221302  05-23-94  Tyrannosaurus object for Imagine.
  5809.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5810. 5d-vant.txt  N  61999  05-23-94                     5 T H
  5811.                                  _________  ___  __  ___  ______________  ___
  5812.                                  \____ \  \/  /\|  |/   \|     |     \  \/  /
  5813.                                   |   \ \_/ _/ \\  | /\_ |  ___|__ __|\_/ _/
  5814.                                   |   / ||  ||  \\_| \_  |\__ \||   |  |  |s
  5815.                                   |  /  ||  ||  |\_|  |  |     ||   |  |  |N
  5816.                                   :     ::  ::  :  :  :  :     ::   :  :  :o
  5817.                                   `-----'`--'`--`--`--`--`-----'`---'  `--'W
  5818.                                  «««««««««««««« P R E S E N T : »»»»»»»»»»»»»
  5819.                                          VANTASIA ASCII COLLECTION
  5820.                                               DONE BY SNOW/5D
  5821.                                  «««««««««««««««« 5TH DYNASTY »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
  5822.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5823. afl-au15.lha P  64262  05-23-94       ____  _      ____  _  _  ____          
  5824.                                      /    \/ \    /    \/ \/ \/    \         
  5825.                                  ===/  /  /  /   /  /  /  /  /  /  /=========
  5826.                                    /     /  /_  / ____/     /     / FLiGHT   
  5827.                                   /  /  /  /  \/  /  /  /  /  /  / pRESENTS: 
  5828.                                  =\_/\_/\_____/\_/S M\_/\_/\_/\_/============
  5829.                                       aUTOMATIC pASSWORD cHANGER v1.5 bY
  5830.                                         sHADOW mAN / aFL ! (w) iN C !!
  5831.                                  ============================================
  5832.                                  ======> hOPEFULLY aLL bUGS fIXED !!  <======
  5833.                                  ============================================
  5834.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5835.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5836. axy-war.txt  N 137079  05-23-94    _____
  5837.                                  ./  _  \. <------------------------------- -
  5838.                                  |   _   |___.___.___.___. ·
  5839.                                  |   |   |   |   |   |   | : mYST¡C pRESENTS
  5840.                                  |   |   |\_ _ _/|   |   | ¦ dA LATEST aSC¡¡
  5841.                                  |   |   |/  |  \|   |   | | cOLLECT¡ON fROM
  5842.                                  |   |   |   |   |   |   | | - --> aXY <-- -
  5843.                                  |   |   |   |   |   |   | ¦ -> eNTITLED: <-
  5844.                                  |___|___|___|___l____   | : -tHE gREAT wAR-
  5845.                                                      |   | .
  5846.                                  - ----------------- l___| ----------------->
  5847.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5848.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5849. ins-guia.lha P  35150  05-23-94  _______: _.______________: _._______
  5850.                                  \_ \_  \ \_  ____  __\_  \ \_  ____/×÷×÷×÷×÷
  5851.                                  %|  | \_  |___  \_ _/ | \_  |  __/|·BRiNGZ U
  5852.                                  ÷|  |  |  |  |   / |  |  |  |  |  |·=>²dAY<=
  5853.                                  %;  ;  ;  ;  l  /  ;  ;  ;  ;  l  ;[%%%%%%%]
  5854.                                  ÷\__\__\__\_____\__\__\__\__\_[cP!\÷×÷×÷×÷×÷
  5855.                                  GUI AVAILMEM v0.10 BY MYTHICAL/INSANE '1994!
  5856.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5857.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5858. pcz_list.txt N  16191  05-23-94    _____________  ___  ____  _____  ______
  5859.                                  \|      ¬\    ¬\/. ¬\/   ¬\/    ¬\/     ¬\::
  5860.                                  :|. ¬|   /  |  // | .\     \  |  .\____  \\:
  5861.                                  :|:   __/     ¬\  |  \\ \__/      \\  ____/:
  5862.                                  :||  |::|:  |   \ |   / /  \  |:   /     ¬\:
  5863.                                  :|___|::|___|____\___/_____/__|___/________\
  5864.                                  +---------------« PRESENTS: »--------ZACK--+
  5865.                                     House Party List 21-05-94 to 25-06-94.
  5866.                                  Updated on 21-05-94
  5867.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5868.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5869. tacman1.dms  P 223759  05-23-94  <*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=()=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*>
  5870.                                  tactical manager huge preview of this new 
  5871.                                  footy sim.  disk 1/2.
  5872.                                  <*=-$tate$ide/CsL+LnS..SmOkInG & ToKiNg.-=*>
  5873.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5874.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5875. tacman2.dms  P 287655  05-23-94  <*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=()=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*=$$=*>
  5876.                                  tactical manager huge preview of this new 
  5877.                                  footy sim.  disk 2/2.
  5878.                                  <*=-$tate$ide/CsL+LnS..SmOkInG & ToKiNg.-=*>
  5879.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5880.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5881. tbc22.lha    P  64461  05-23-94  TBC Clock version 2.2                       
  5882.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5883.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5884. tds_j205.lha P  41756  05-23-94             _.       ._
  5885.                                          __/ l_    __| \_   ______
  5886.                                     +-- (__  __)  (___  _) (_ ____) ----+
  5887.                                     |    /   l___ /  |  ¬\ /___  ¬\¡N 94|
  5888.                                     !FnM/    /  ¬\   l    \    \   \    !
  5889.                                     :  (______  t \____  d \____  s \   :
  5890.                                     .=======\______)=\______)=\______)==.
  5891.                                     .  ---===]the DøøDLeS^SHøCK[===---  .
  5892.                                     .= PrøUDLY ============== PrESENTS =.
  5893.                                     :   - WiRed's JarGon WaTch v2.05 -  :
  5894.                                     :  - A CoLL. oF aLL tHe ReCenTLy  - :
  5895.                                     :      - iNveNteD TeCH. TeRMs -     :
  5896.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5897. yak158.lha   P 219541  05-23-94  Yak 1.58 multi-purpose commodity            
  5898.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  5899.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  5900. DMS212RE.LHA P  54081  05-24-94  FORGET LAME DMS 2.03 204 EVALUTAION !!
  5901.                                   GET THE REAL THING !! DMS 2.12 REG !
  5902.                                        P.H.U.N.  R.U.L.E.Z. !!
  5903.                                  ----------------------------_---------
  5904.                                    THIS IS DMS EXTRA TURBO V2.12 !!
  5905.                                  --------------------------------------
  5906.                                        P.H.U.N.  R.U.L.E.Z. !!
  5907.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5908. PDX-ABC1.DMS P 594966  05-24-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  5909.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  5910.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  5911.                                  Mb/   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  5912.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  5913.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  5914.                                  Allan Border Cricket From Audiogenic   [1/2]
  5915.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5916. PDX-ABC2.DMS P   9309  05-24-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  5917.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  5918.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  5919.                                  Mb/   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  5920.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  5921.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  5922.                                  Allan Border Cricket From Audiogenic   [2/2]
  5923.                                  This Disk Contains The Teams + Saved Games
  5924.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5925. A!PKDK11.LHA P  47096  05-24-94   _____________  ________  __  ___ ________
  5926.                                   \  _  /\  __ \ \  /\   \/ /\/ _ \\__  __/\
  5927.                                   / _  / / / / /\/ / / /\  / / ___/\\/ /\_\/
  5928.                                  /_//_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /__\/\___\\//__\/    
  5929.                                  \_\\_\/\_\ \_\/\_\/\_\/\___\ \___\ \___\-oDo
  5930.                                  .-------------------------------------------
  5931.                                  |This utility allows one to archive whole   
  5932.                                  |disks while preserving the disk-structure. 
  5933.                                  |PackDisk offers varying modes of           
  5934.                                  |compression ranging                        
  5935.                                  `-------------------------[Edgar M. Vigdal]-
  5936.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5937. DNX-ABC1.DMS P 635675  05-24-94  _/\______  /\__ |__/\_______  /\______  /\_
  5938.                                  \____ \  \/  / \|  \___ \_  \/  ____  \/  /
  5939.                                   |  |  \_  _/   \  /  |  |      |  |\_  _/
  5940.                                   |  |   \  :  \   /      |  \/  :  |/    \_
  5941.                                   |______/__|__|\__\___|__|__||__|__|__/\__/
  5942.                                  - -- --- -----|--- CrackeD --|----- --- -- -
  5943.                                       ALLAN BORDERS CRICKET [-MAINDISK-]
  5944.                                  - -- --- -------------------------- --- -- -
  5945.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5946. DNX-ABC2.DMS P  13138  05-24-94  _/\______  /\__ |__/\_______  /\______  /\_
  5947.                                  \____ \  \/  / \|  \___ \_  \/  ____  \/  /
  5948.                                   |  |  \_  _/   \  /  |  |      |  |\_  _/
  5949.                                   |  |   \  :  \   /      |  \/  :  |/    \_
  5950.                                   |______/__|__|\__\___|__|__||__|__|__/\__/
  5951.                                  - -- --- -----|--- CrackeD --|----- --- -- -
  5952.                                       ALLAN BORDERS CRICKET [-TEAMDISK-]
  5953.                                  - -- --- -------------------------- --- -- -
  5954.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5955. L-STAFIX.LHA P  10070  05-24-94       __    ___   ___   ___   ___   ___
  5956.                                    __|  |  /   \_/   \_/   \_/ _ \_/__ \___|_
  5957.                                   |__|  |_|  |__| _|__|  |__|  |  |  |  |__|
  5958.                                   |__|  |  | __|| \_  |  __||  |  |  |  |__|
  5959.                                   |__|  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |__|
  5960.                                  _|__|  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |__|  |__|
  5961.                                   |   \___/\___/ \___/ \___/|__|__|\___/BARD
  5962.                                  Presents : Sabre Team 1200 Big-Address Fix
  5963.                                               Done by : N.S.C.!!
  5964.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5965. LSD_CLOW.DMS P 209538  05-24-94   
  5966.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5967. MEEKOBOX.LHA P  38835  05-24-94  The Meeko Box! A phreaker's best friend!
  5968.                                  This box allows you to record conversations,
  5969.                                  and play directly into the phone line!!
  5970.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5971. P-ARK20.DMS  P 214959  05-24-94  ######                               ######
  5972.                                  ### ###  #####  ###    #####  ###### ###
  5973.                                  ### ### ### ### ###   ### ### ###    ####
  5974.                                  ######  ####### ###   ####### ###    ###
  5975.                                  ###     ### ### ##### ### ### ###### ######
  5976.                                     NEW ARKANOID V2.0 WITH GUI CONTROLLER
  5977.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5978. SCSISP44.LHA P  46571  05-24-94    ______ _____ ___/\                     
  5979.                                   /\  -  \\ ___\\ ___\   -=[ORBITAL]=-       
  5980.                                   \ \  \  \\\__/_\ __\_  -=[CONCEPT'94]=-   
  5981.                                    \ \__\__\\____\\____\ -=[EFFECT]=-  
  5982.                                     \/__/__//____//____/ -=[DBPP]=-      /\ce
  5983.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷(Pr3$3nT$)÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5984.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[ SCSI SPEED 4.4 / MKSoft USA ]÷÷÷÷«»
  5985.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»
  5986.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5987. WWRTPR1.DMS  P 727321  05-24-94  WaveWriter Pro Version 1.9.7 Disk 1/3
  5988.                                  [-------------------[    Black Beard]------]
  5989. WWRTPR2.DMS  P 845258  05-24-94  WaveWriter Pro Version 1.9.7 Disk 2/3
  5990.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  5991. WWRTPR3.DMS  P 859748  05-24-94  WaveWriter Pro Version 1.9.7 Disk 3/3
  5992.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  5993. A++B104.LHA  P 220357  05-24-94  AplusPlus (A++) v1.04 - Binarie's           
  5994.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  5995. A++S104.LHA  P 234158  05-24-94  AplusPlus (A++) v1.04 - Source's            
  5996.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  5997. FRACPRO.LHA  P 119357  05-24-94  FRACTAL PRO
  5998.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  5999. SPEEDY1.DMS  P 713304  05-24-94  SPEEDY UTIL DISK #V6.20 [1/4]
  6000.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6001. SPEEDY2.DMS  P 796604  05-24-94  SPEEDY UTIL DISK #V6.20 [2/4]
  6002.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6003. SPEEDY3.DMS  P 843846  05-24-94  SPEEDY UTIL DISK #V6.20 [3/4]
  6004.                                  CAME FROM EAGLE'S NEST - EQUINOX EHQ!
  6005.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6006. SPEEDY4.DMS  P 822366  05-24-94  Speedy`s Megatools (4/4)
  6007.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6008. $cp-ps12.lha P  23485  05-24-94     ______ ______ _______________ __ _______ 
  6009.                                    / ____// ____// _______  \ ___{__}_/ ___/ 
  6010.                                   /\_   \/  |___/   _)_/  |  \  \/  \/  |___ 
  6011.                                  /   |aBn\  |   \  |   \  ___/   \   \  |   \
  6012.                                  \ ______/______/______/__| |____/___/_____ /
  6013.                                  -\|--------------presents:---------------|/-
  6014.                                        Status V1.2 For /X-Press By Piwi      
  6015.                                  --------------------------------------------
  6016.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6017.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6018. atx-sdc2.exe N 106208  05-24-94  .=[*][*][*][*]=-.GODS'GIFT!.-=[*][*][*][*]=.
  6019.                                  [*]| (-==-+-==- `----------' -==-+-==-) |[*]
  6020.                                  [*]`------------------------------------'[*]
  6021.                                  `-=) Super-DupeCheck by P0T-NOoDLE/ATX! (=-'
  6022.                                  .-=) Release 2: v1.01 - No FCheck Probs (=-.
  6023.                                  [*].------------------------------------.[*]
  6024.                                  [*]| (-==-+-==- .----------. -==-+-==-) |[*]
  6025.                                  `=[*][*][*][*]=-'GODS'GIFT!`-=[*][*][*][*]='
  6026.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6027.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6028. b&b_surf.txt N   6284  05-24-94          %: The          /:      :\
  6029.                                  ___ ___/ !___  ________/ ¦   ___! \___ ___
  6030.                                  \_//__/  ¡_  \/  _____   !/\/  _¡  \__\\_/
  6031.                                   \\\ /   |/  /  |    /   /  \  \|   \ ///
  6032.                                    \\\\______/\______/\______/\______////
  6033.                                     ¯ ¯\     \ \     \/     / /     /¯ ¯
  6034.                                  And The\_____\/\_____\____/\/_____/Beautiful
  6035.                                    HOW TO GET SURF NINJAS CD32/AGA TO WORK!
  6036.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6037.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6038. ci-way1.lgs  N  47561  05-24-94  Description lost
  6039.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6040.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6041. clnup101.lha P   7026  05-24-94  ____________________________________________
  6042.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6043.                                         CleanUp 1.01 - The sPace Maker
  6045.                                       Copyright © 1994 Beverage/Solitude
  6046.                                              All rights reserved.
  6048.                                        This useful CLI command lets you
  6049.                                   delete files older than a specified time
  6050.                                            in a specified directory
  6051.                                  ____________________________________________
  6052.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6053.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6054. cu!-bye.txt  N  26895  05-24-94                                   __  __     
  6055.                                    ____________________________  /  \/  \    
  6056.                                   /                            \/ - /\ - \   
  6057.                                  /    s·C·E·N·E-s·U·C·K·S·!     \__/  \__/   
  6058.                                  \cUJO/SCL ORGANIZER QUITS 4EVER!\ \__/ /\   
  6059.                                   \ rEAD lAST WORDS aND GREETS !  \\__//cu\  
  6060.                                    \ rELEASED & QUITED 05-18-94    \__/    \ 
  6061.                                     \______________________________________/ 
  6062.                                  [<>]---(·wHERE dA wAREZ cOME fROM!!·)---[<>]
  6063.                                  [«»]---------(·cENTRAL cITY!·)----------[«»]
  6064.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6065.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6066. c_buy_c.txt  N  15190  05-24-94  BIG NEWS ---> Coca Cola buys
  6067.                                  Commodore, READ IT!!!!! 
  6068.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6069.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6070. idbaud13.lha P 123104  05-24-94  .---.___.--------------------------.___.---.
  6071.                                  |The/  /\____     .----------------'   `--.|
  6072.                                  |::/  / /    \::::|                       ||
  6073.                                  |:/  / /  /  /\:::|  ·····I.D. Baud·····  ||
  6074.                                  |/__/ /  /  / /:::|  ~~~~~~~~1.3~~~~~~~~  ||
  6075.                                  |\__\/_____/ /::::|                       ||
  6076.                                  |:Man\_____\/:ProD|  ....Major Update...  ||
  6077.                                  | ____       w¡th )                       (|
  6078.                                  |(___ \uTCH:::::::|  Calculate transtime  ||
  6079.                                  |:(__) \ReamZ:::::|  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ||
  6080.                                  |(_____/\'94::::::`-----------------------'|
  6081.                                  `-(_____/--»» rEjEctEd bY thE I.d. mAn ««--'
  6082.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6083. idbaudfx.lha P  38591  05-24-94  FIX for I.D.Baud 1.3 original archive..
  6084.                                  If the archive you downloaded works, don't
  6085.                                  download this one.. (unless you want to just
  6086.                                  take some EZ credz away...)
  6088.                                  Slamdunked by The I.D.Man Productions Ltd.!!
  6089.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6090.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6091. lr31_1.dms   P 473710  05-24-94  Light Rave V 3.1 1/2
  6092.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6093.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6094. lr31_2.dms   P 839768  05-24-94  Light Rave V 3.1 2/2
  6095.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6096.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6097. ltx^pd2.dms  P 309374  05-24-94  +____. ___________________________________-+
  6098.                                  |    |_\_______ "\   _  ___/  _____  | __/ |
  6099.                                  |    |  "\    "   \ /    \    ___)_     "\ |
  6100.                                  |    |    \   |    \      \   V   "\ |    \|
  6101.                                  |_______  /___|__  /  ____/______  /_|__  /|
  6102.                                  +-÷e÷---\/-------\/-\/-----------\/-----\/-+
  6103.                                  |Latex proudly presents: pURE dATA iSSUE #2|
  6104.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  6105.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6106.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6107. mc4dpic1.lha P 527447  05-24-94   ____________ ____    ____  ________  _____ 
  6108.                                   \  __  /___/_\___\  _\_  \_\_ \____\ \   / 
  6109.                                   /\__ \/ \    /  / \/  /  /  /  /  / \/ _/__
  6110.                                  /   /  \  \  /__/   \ /  / _/  /__/ZoD\ \  /
  6111.                                  \______/____/ \______X__/_____/ \______\__/ 
  6112.                                  -+-+-+-+-+-/_____\-released!/_____\-+-+-+-+-
  6113.                                  Maxon Cad 4D Pictures Disk 1
  6114.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6115.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6116. mi185.lha    P 134851  05-24-94      ________________________
  6117.                                     / __/ _  /_  _/____/ _  /
  6118.                                    / /_/ // / / / \\  / // /
  6119.                                   / __/ _  / / /___\\/ // /
  6120.                                  /_/ /_//_/ /_//____/____/
  6121.                                           presents:
  6122.                                    MultiIndicator V1.90 the
  6123.                                   greatest Indicator you ever saw
  6124.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6125.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6126. pdx-bt1.dms  P 730824  05-24-94   _\______
  6127.                                     \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___
  6128.                                      /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/
  6129.                                    _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /
  6130.                                    \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_
  6131.                                     \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/=
  6132.                                  Battle Toads From Mindscape            [1/2]
  6133.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6134.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6135. pdx-bt2.dms  P 509211  05-24-94   ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____ 
  6136.                                   \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   / 
  6137.                                     /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /  
  6138.                                    /   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \  
  6139.                                   /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \ 
  6140.                                  /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\
  6141.                                   BATTLE TOADS FROM MINDSCAPE      2/2
  6142.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6143.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6144. scl-tra.dms  P 586223  05-24-94    ___________________/\__________________
  6145.                                  ./  ____    \     7  \ \____ \     7   _/--.
  6146.                                  ¦\__  \  \__/  T_ |   \ \  T  \ T_ |   T/\ |
  6147.                                  ¦/  \  \ /  \  _/ |  \   \ |  / _/ |   /  \¦
  6148.                                  /_______\____\_l__|___\__/___/__l__| ______\
  6149.                                  +----- ----------------------------\/-mRV!-+
  6150.                                   ···pROtRACKER V1.8 - by Bagitman/scl!···
  6151.                                      OpTimizEd and SerIaL LinK VerSiOn!
  6152.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6153.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6154. sgwall.lha   P  32533  05-24-94  30;44m+------------------------------+
  6155.                                  30;44m:::::::::C:O:D:E:D::B:Y:::::::::
  6156.                                  30;44m:___.,øØØØø,.____.,øØØØø,.____.:
  6157.                                  30;44m:ØØ¢¤°~¬¯¬~°¤¢ØØ¢¤°~¬¯¬~°¤¢ØØ¢¤:
  6158.                                  30;44m:                              :
  6159.                                  30;44m:     S-GRAFFITI WALL V1A      :
  6160.                                  30;44m:  Written for SIGMA EXPRESS   :
  6161.                                  30;44m:      (and compatiables)      :
  6162.                                  30;44m:   Simple to INSTALL! CHEESE  :
  6163.                                  30;44m:        PIZZA REQUIRED!       :
  6164.                                  30;44m:                              :
  6165.                                  30;44m:___.,øØØØø,.____.,øØØØø,.____.:
  6166.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6167. thr-d100.lha P  20468  05-24-94  +------------------------------------------+
  6168.                                  |  Deletefiles v1.0 developed by Therion   |
  6169.                                  |This door lets you Delete files within /X |
  6170.                                  |   Choose between Automatic or Manually   |
  6171.                                  |                                          |
  6172.                                  |   Like Newfiles but you delete or move   |
  6173.                                  |    files instead of downloading them     |
  6174.                                  |                                          |
  6175.                                  |  All code & dezign by fanta of Therion   |
  6176.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  6177.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6178.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6179. ADM132.LHA   P 275335  05-25-94  ADM V1.32 - Adressmanager
  6180.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6181. DESGN142.LHA P 293901  05-25-94  The Designer V1.42                          
  6182.                                  GUI Creator For C & HSPascal, V1.42         
  6183.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6184. LIGHT.DMS    P 449670  05-25-94  |\______/\|\_|\__________________/\
  6185.                                  |     )   )  |   )   \_   ___/     )
  6186.                                  |  : /___/   :  /     |  |  \   |_/
  6187.                                  |  |/ __)_/\   (|  |  |  _   \ t| \
  6188.                                  |  |PrEsEnTs\|  \  |  |  |    \a:  \
  6189.                                  |__|_________)___)_|__|__|____/_____)
  6190.                                           Light-Master V0.5
  6191.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6192. MM301.DMS    P 424329  05-25-94  V3.01 Money Matters (HD Installable)      
  6193.                                  This is a "personal financial system" that
  6194.                                  is simple yet efficient.  Used "text"     
  6195.                                  descriptions that make it easy for home   
  6196.                                  use.
  6197.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6199.                                  ONE OUT .... SABBATH/STEAL
  6200.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6201. RET21.DMS    P 595437  05-25-94  RetinaV2.1 - newest update for MS-Retina
  6202.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6203. TXTRMAN.LHA  P 514939  05-25-94  TXTRMAN.LHA; Imagine 3.0 Texture Manual v1.0
  6204.                                  in Amigaguide format, including pictures of
  6205.                                  the textures.
  6206.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6207. a!mfra12.lha P  18877  05-25-94     ____    ____  ___  _______   _______ __
  6208.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6209.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6210.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6211.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6212.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6213.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ mfract v1.2 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  6214.                                   Fractalgenerator for EGS with diff
  6215.                                   fractals
  6216.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Kai Andersen]÷«»>
  6217.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6218.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6219. a!tter10.lha P  12089  05-25-94     ____    ____  ___  _______   _______ __
  6220.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6221.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6222.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6223.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6224.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6225.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ TinyTerminal v1.0 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  6226.                                   Very small terminal program
  6227.                                   * small (approximately 13 KBytes)
  6228.                                   * uses no chipmem (runs in the CLI)
  6229.                                   * has no built-in protocol (uses the XPR)
  6230.                                   * does no terminal emulation (ANSI is good
  6231.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6232. awwari11.lha P  52105  05-25-94  An Awari game for the Workbench. Version 1.1
  6233.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6234.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6235. bighouse.lha P 516902  05-25-94  ____    _ _______  _____ ___  _______ ___
  6236.                                  \_ ¬\  /¬\\__ ¬\ |/  / ¬\|  |/¬___/ //  /  
  6237.                                   |\  \/   \| \  \|  /|   \  | _//  //  /
  6238.                                   | \  \ \  \ /  /  < |    \ | \ \_ \\  \
  6239.                                   |  \  \ X  \  /    \| \    |  \/¬\ \\  \
  6240.                                   |  /  /_|  /  \ :   \  \   |     / //  /
  6241.                                   |__  /  |_/\  /_|\  /__|\__|\___/ //  /
  6242.                                      \/       \/    \/          /__//__/
  6243.                                              Presents:          V   Y
  6244.                                  ------------------------------ :   |
  6245.                                  Lightwave & Imagine 3D Object  .   . 
  6246.                                           Big House
  6247.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6248. chap2_1.txt  N  75865  05-25-94   
  6249.                                    ______/\__ __/\___|___/\
  6250.                                   /_____/\/_//_/\/___|__/\ \ tHiS fLiGhT wIlL
  6251.                                   \        ¬\\      ¬|    | \__   nEvEr eNd!!
  6252.                                    \______   \|   _____   |\/_/\    
  6253.                                     /   |¬    \  __) /    |/  \ \        
  6254.                                     \   __    /  |   \    /    \/    
  6255.                                      \ __|___/___!    \ _______/ aLpHa fLiGhT
  6256.                                   ====\/===============\/====================
  6258.                                   Chap magazine released 2nite! 
  6259.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6260.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6261. dcs-m4m.dms  P 625509  05-25-94               _|__                           
  6262.                                              __|  \________________/_        
  6263.                                             /  _   _/   ___/   ___/          
  6264.                                  dUAL cREW /   |   |    |  \___   \ dUAL cREW
  6265.                                    sHINING \_______|______________/ sHINING  
  6266.                                  +----------- proudly presents 4u ----------+
  6267.                                           - Melodees For Millions -          
  6268.                                        Smells Like Team Spirit Part II       
  6269.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  6270.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6271.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6272. dialout.txt  N  14325  05-25-94  Dialouts from the Internet - allows you to
  6273.                                  remotely control a modem, to dial BBS's!
  6274.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6275.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6276. digiacc.exe  N 230660  05-25-94  \|||||/   |||    |||||    \|/    //////
  6277.                                  O · o O ( o 0 ) ø . · o ( ø Ø ) ¶ o . ¶
  6278.                                   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | / 
  6279.                                    ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯  
  6280.                                  Digital Acces presents 4 your Enjoyment
  6281.                                  their new Intro "Guru Meditation"  gHY!
  6282.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6283.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6284. dlt-bttr.dms P  42798  05-25-94  ______    ________.  /\    ______.__________
  6285.                                  \____ \/\/  _  /  |_/\/\/\/ ___/ |  \  __  /
  6286.                                  |:  /   //    /\  | \_ \\  /  \     \\/  \/ 
  6287.                                  |______/_______/_____/___\____/__|___/____\ 
  6288.                                  +-------------(TrAiNeD ToDaY)-----------mk-+
  6289.                                    Battle Toads (+10) By BlackBird/Delight!  
  6290.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  6291.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6292.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6293. egsd-kit.lha P 741101  05-25-94  Developer kit for EGS.
  6294.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6295.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6296. fci.dupa.exe N  46140  05-25-94  \|||||/   |||    |||||    \|/    //////
  6297.                                  O o · O ( ø o ) o . · o ( ø Ø ) ¶ ø . ¶
  6298.                                   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | / 
  6299.                                    ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯     ¯Y¯  
  6300.                                  The Flying Cows pres. their new  intro 
  6301.                                  called:   "D.U.P.A."              gHY!
  6302.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6303.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6304. fide06.lha   P  22934  05-25-94  |\______/\|\_|\__________________/\
  6305.                                  |     )   )  |   )   \_   ___/     )
  6306.                                  |  : /___/   :  /     |  |  \   |_/
  6307.                                  |  |/ __)_/\   (|  |  |  _   \ t| \
  6308.                                  |  |PrEsEnTs\|  \  |  |  |    \a:  \
  6309.                                  |__|_________)___)_|__|__|____/_____)
  6310.                                           FileIDExtract V0.6
  6311.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6312.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6313. gallery.dms  P 809757  05-25-94   ___________.    _________   ____     _____ 
  6314.                                  (__)___¬\_  |_  /  ______¬\ / __/__. /  __/ 
  6315.                                  | ¬| ¬|  \  _/_/  _/_| ¬|  \\____ ¬|/  _/_. 
  6316.                                  |  |  |   \   ¬\  ¦ ¬|  |   Y  ¬|  /   ¦ ¬| 
  6317.                                  |  |  |___/____/___  |  |___|___|  \____  | 
  6318.                                  :  :  :°PresentS°¤:  :  :¤°¤°¤°¤:  :SpX:  : 
  6319.                                     (- THE GALLERY DISKMAG FIRST ISSUE -)    
  6320.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6321.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6322. god-batt.nfo N   3947  05-25-94   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * iNFO FILE
  6323.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6324.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6325. god-bt1.dms  P 716000  05-25-94   ______/\________ _____/\ ________________
  6326.                                   \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
  6327.                                     \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/
  6328.                                       \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /
  6329.                                        \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/
  6330.                                  <--------\/-- GLoBaL oVeRDoSe --\/--------->
  6331.                                   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * DISK [1/2]
  6332.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6333.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6334. god-bt2.dms  P 511191  05-25-94   BATTLE TOADS FROM KONAMI 100% * DISK [2/2]
  6335.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6336.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6337. indust.exe   N 100844  05-25-94  a Funtro mAdE By AbStRaCt & Me he he.
  6338.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6339.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6340. menul102.lha P  46884  05-25-94  MenuLauncher 1.2
  6341.                                  A file launching utility
  6342.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6343.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6344. mightbe.txt  N 130387  05-25-94  ·-  - ------------------------------- -  -·
  6345.                                  .__/\__ Chrømbacher/Obscene/Lingo         .
  6346.                                  .\ oO /          ..and..                  :
  6347.                                  :/_  _\      Stash/TBL/Lingo        __/\__¦
  6348.                                  ¦ Presents an ascii collection including /|
  6349.                                  |      ALL Swedish Elite board-logos/_  _\|
  6350.                                  |                                     \/  |
  6351.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6352.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6353. noname.lha   P  44182  05-25-94  New Intro by the Uk Group MANIACS
  6354.                                  called THE MAN WITH NO NAME
  6355.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6356.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6357. ors-hb10.lha P 155343  05-25-94     _____   _____   ____ _____  _________   
  6358.                                    /  _  \_/   _/__/___/_\_   \/___/   _/__ 
  6359.                                   /   /   /___    /   /   /   /   /___    / 
  6360.                                  /       /   /   /   /  _   _/   /   /   /  
  6361.                                  \______/_______/___/___\___\___/_______/CoZ
  6362.                                   <-- -  -     .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s.     -  - -->
  6363.                                  .------------------------------------------.
  6364.                                  |   HAPPY BiRTHDAY V1.0 FOR ALL /X VERS.   |
  6365.                                  |    ESPECiALLY CODED FOR MCI of OSiRiS    |
  6366.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  6367.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6368.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6369. pfs75.lha    P  60994  05-25-94  Professional File System v7.5               
  6370.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6371.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6372. planet-e.dms P 373978  05-25-94             PLANET E
  6373.                                             --------
  6374.                                  THE RAVERS GUIDE TO WHATS HOT AND WHATS NOT
  6375.                                  IN A DISK MAGAZINE STYLE 
  6376.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6377.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6378. protec17.lha P  42835  05-25-94  Protector v1.7
  6379.                                  Cancels requesters and gurus! Real great!
  6380.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6381.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6382. psi-mlt.dms  P 206515  05-25-94  ÷------------------------------------------÷
  6383.                                  | ______/\  ______________                 |
  6384.                                  |/   __   \/   __________/      pSIoNIc    |
  6385.                                  |\/  \    /\____  \/     \     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬   |
  6386.                                  |/    \__/     |   \      \  proudly brings|
  6387.                                  |\  __|  \_______  / _____/       you      |
  6388.                                  | \/             \/\/                      |
  6389.                                  ÷------------------------------------------÷
  6390.                                  ===========> · mULTIPART dEMO · <===========
  6391.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6392.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6393. q-humfix.lha P  66058  05-25-94  --------------------------------------------
  6394.                                   *** HUMANS CD32 AGA FIX (by Question.) *** 
  6395.                                   This is the second fix for the GOD Release 
  6396.                                      Released by Question/SKILLION ...       
  6397.                                  --------------------------------------------
  6398.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6399.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6400. stxpaga.lha  P 137492  05-25-94  Pro Tracker 2.6 AGA fixed
  6401.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6402.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6403. stxpfix.lzh  P  28778  05-25-94  protracker 2.3a  AGA-fix version 2
  6404.                                  [* B·D *]--»(·Europes Fastest!·)«--[* B·D *]
  6405.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6406.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6407. supervie.lha P  54826  05-25-94  Superview
  6408.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6409.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6410. svtm_240.lha P  45063  05-25-94  A software based battery back up
  6411.                                  for those lacking the real thing.
  6412.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6413.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6414. telefon!.exe N 118348  05-25-94  New Intro by the Uk Group MANIACS
  6415.                                  going by the name of
  6416.                                               *           *
  6417.                                                 TELEFON!  
  6418.                                               *           *
  6419.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6420.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6421. try-op20.lha P  10372  05-25-94  _________ _    ____________________________ 
  6422.                                  \      /¬¡¬\::/ __)__   ¬/ _¬\   _  ¬\ ¬| ¬\
  6423.                                  :\/  \/  _  \/  __/\/   /  _  \  ____/  ___/
  6424.                                  :/    \  !   \  L   \   \  !   \ |::/   |:::
  6425.                                  :\____/__I___/______/\   \_I___/_|::\___|:::
  6426.                                  -DNSS-> THERAPY <---->\___/<-> PRESENTS <---
  6427.                                       OPERATOR PAGE 2.0 BY MR HYDE/TRY       
  6428.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6429.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6430. VT264.LHA    P 479094  05-25-94  DALLAS-BBS -=* VT Schutz Box *=- 0711-588146
  6431.                                             -=+               +=-
  6432.                                             -=*    Presents   *=-
  6433.                                             -=+               +=-
  6434.                                             -=*    VT V2.64   *=-
  6435.                                             -=+               +=-
  6436.                                             -=*   - Update -  *=-
  6437.                                             -=+               +=-
  6438.                                  DALLAS-BBS -=* VT Schutz Box *=- 0711-588146
  6439.                                  [-------------------[    Tim Wellens]------]
  6440. a!memo20.lha P  20157  05-26-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  6441.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6442.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6443.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6444.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6445.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6446.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ MemoMetri v2.0 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  6447.                                   Shows available memory both graphically
  6448.                                   and text
  6449.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Petri Airio]÷«»>
  6450.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  6451.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6452.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6453. a!napt38.lha P 193066  05-26-94     ____    ____  ___  _______   _______ __
  6454.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6455.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6456.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6457.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6458.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6459.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ NapsaTerm v3.8 ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  6460.                                   VT100 terminal emulator for AmiTCP/IP
  6461.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Pekka Pessi]÷«»>
  6462.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6463.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6464. a_fpnl.dms   P 610028  05-26-94              _ ___released    
  6465.                                  /\ S P E P I_  I     today
  6466.                                  ============== I   (22.05.94)
  6467.                                    !FIREPOWER!  6 new LEVELS
  6468.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6469.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6470. dpl-june.txt N  18492  05-26-94  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  6471.                                  %                                          %
  6472.                                  %      SWEDiSH ELiTE BBS LiST - JUNE       %
  6473.                                  %                                          %
  6474.                                  %            DoNE BY: ZCANDALER!           %
  6475.                                  %                                          %
  6476.                                  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[Z/DPL]
  6477.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6478.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6479. l-crash.dms  P 233822  05-26-94   ___. ________________________ ._________   
  6480.                                   \_ | \_ ___/\_ ___/\_ ___/\_ \| ___     \  
  6481.                                   /  |/\  _)__/ \_  \/  _)__/   \  \|  \   \ 
  6482.                                  /   /  \ l   \  l   \  l   \  \    \  l\   \
  6483.                                  \  _____\____/______/______/__|\___/_______/
  6484.                                  >\/-----------------------------------DzG--<
  6485.                                    PRESENTS : CRASH DUMMIES 'VIRGIN' PREVIEW 
  6487.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6488.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6489. lns_box.lha  P  18769  05-26-94    ________                      ______      
  6490.                                  T \_     / ______  ___________ |   __/______
  6491.                                  H /     /\/   _  \/   _  \    \|   \   ____/
  6492.                                  E/     /  \   |   \   |   \    \   /\___  \ 
  6493.                                  /     /    \_ |    \  |    \      /    |   \
  6494.                                  \___________/______/_______/ \___/_________/
  6495.                                  o-----[PRESENT]---------|____|----------Mb->
  6496.                                   BoXiNg Is BaCk 100% BuT FoR hOw LoNg..!!
  6497.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6498.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6499. noc-wh15.lha P  53924  05-26-94  __ ____________________________________  :  
  6500.                                  \//____/\__________  ________/\__  ___/d ¦  
  6501.                                   ____ /  \__ \/ __/ / / /   /  \/ __/¦ e |  
  6502.                                   \  // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | s |  
  6503.                                    \// / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / /  | i |  
  6504.                                  /\ / / /\  /\  / /\  / / / / /\  //\ | g |  
  6505.                                  noC\/\/  \/  \/\/  \/\/  \/\/  \//__\| n |  
  6506.                                  - -- --------------------------------'   |  
  6507.                                   NOC-WHO V1.5 - USER-Selectable designs  |  
  6508.                                     (C) 1994   - Designs are CREATABLE    |  
  6509.                                     nocTurne   - Several features/options |  
  6510.                                      deSign    - EASY TO INSTALL          :  
  6511.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6512. obsei.exe    N  32412  05-26-94                                   __  __    
  6513.                                    ____________________________  /  \/  \   
  6514.                                   /                            \/ * /\ * \  
  6515.                                  /  l·E·G·A·L - r·0·0·L·E·Z·!   \__/  \__/  
  6516.                                  \                               \ \__/ /\  
  6517.                                   \ oBSESSION presents 4 yOU an   \\__//cu\ 
  6518.                                    \  intro called "PortYia" !     \__/    \
  6519.                                     \______________________________________/
  6520.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6521.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6522. pir8-btt.dms P  15068  05-26-94  ********************************************
  6523.                                      PIRATE BRINGS A COOL +4 TRAINER FOR     
  6524.                                         BATTLETOADS FROM MINDSCAPE!!!        
  6525.                                  ********************************************
  6526.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6527.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6528. ripcom6.lha  P  33227  05-26-94  This is the new RIPterm version 6 (Beta) and
  6529.                                  I would LOVE to see this display supported
  6530.                                  on /X.  It is simply awesome!  The RIP gfx
  6531.                                  are FAR better than ansi and it is great
  6532.                                  for the Amiga!  Please add this to /X :).
  6533.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6534.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6535. s8-bbgc.lha  P   4736  05-26-94   __________________________________________ 
  6536.                                  ¡   ________. ¡   ________                 ¡
  6537.                                  |__/   ____/+-+__/ __ ___///---------------|
  6538.                                  |\______ \__¡s|\__ \/ /__   * SHINING^8 *  |
  6539.                                  | /   _/  _/sAn  /    \\/                  |
  6540.                                  | \__     \ |n| /  /\  \ * RELEASED `94! * |
  6541.                                  |+--/      \+-+/        \------------------|
  6542.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  6543.                                  |71TH ASCII COLLECTION BY SATAN / SHINING^8|
  6544.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  6545.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6546.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6547. s8-espre.dms P 137048  05-26-94  ._____.__.__.__._____.__._____._____._____. 
  6548.                                  :     :  :  :  :     :  :     :     :     : 
  6549.                                  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦__¦  ¦  ¦__¦  ¦  ¦  ___¦  ¦  ¦ 
  6550.                                  |  l__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 
  6551.                                  |___  |  _  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     | 
  6552.                                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |m
  6553.                                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |R
  6554.                                  l_____l__l__l__l__l__l__l__l__l_____l_____|V
  6555.                                  «------------(÷bRiNGz÷yOu÷2dAy÷)-----------»
  6556.                                    Empire Soccer Playable Preview [01/01]    
  6557.                                  --------------------------------------------
  6558.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6559.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6560. scopedr.dms  P 151179  05-26-94                                   __  __    
  6561.                                    ____________________________  /  \/  \   
  6562.                                   /                            \/ - /\ - \  
  6563.                                  /  l·E·G·A·L - r·0·0·L·E·Z·!   \__/  \__/  
  6564.                                  \                               \ \__/ /\  
  6565.                                   \ sCOPE presents: Digital Re-   \\__//cu\ 
  6566.                                    \ venge - a new packmenue !     \__/    \
  6567.                                     \______________________________________/
  6568.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6569.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6570. trsim151.dms P 829404  05-26-94        ____/\_________  _________/\__
  6571.                                        \  ____  ____ ¬\/  __________/
  6572.                                         \/   ¬\/      /\____ ¬\/   ¬\ 
  6573.                                   _ _ _ _\____/|___|___/______/\____/ _ _ _ 
  6574.                                  ­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­ - -¯presents¯­¯­ -­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­
  6575.                                  MAXON CINEMA 4D V1.50 CRACKED & GERMAN 1/4
  6576.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6577.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6578. trsim152.dms P 771400  05-26-94   ________________  /\___________            
  6579.                                   \        ____   \/   _________/   TRiSTAR  
  6580.                                    \/    \/   _  _/\____  \/    \ RED SECTOR!
  6581.                                    /RtX!  \   |   \_   |   \     \----------+
  6582.                                    \  ____/___|__  /_____  / ____/ PRESENTS! 
  6583.                                  +--\/-----------\/------\/\/---------------+
  6584.                                  MAXON CINEMA 4D V1.50 CRACKED & GERMAN 2/4
  6585.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6586.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6587. trsim153.dms P 861401  05-26-94        ____/\_________  _________/\__
  6588.                                        \  ____  ____ ¬\/  __________/
  6589.                                         \/   ¬\/      /\____ ¬\/   ¬\ 
  6590.                                   _ _ _ _\____/|___|___/______/\____/ _ _ _ 
  6591.                                  ­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­ - -¯presents¯­¯­ -­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­
  6592.                                  MAXON CINEMA 4D V1.50 CRACKED & GERMAN 3/4
  6593.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6594.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6595. trsim154.dms P 846402  05-26-94        ____/\_________  _________/\__
  6596.                                        \  ____  ____ ¬\/  __________/
  6597.                                         \/   ¬\/      /\____ ¬\/   ¬\ 
  6598.                                   _ _ _ _\____/|___|___/______/\____/ _ _ _ 
  6599.                                  ­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­ - -¯presents¯­¯­ -­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­
  6600.                                  MAXON CINEMA 4D V1.50 CRACKED & GERMAN 4/4
  6601.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6602.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6603. a!octmed.lha P 138129  05-26-94     ____    ____  ___  _______   _______ __
  6604.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6605.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6606.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6607.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6608.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6609.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷[ Map editor for High Octane ]÷÷÷÷«»>
  6610.                                   This is a simple map editor for the battle
  6611.                                   car game High Octane. Used it to design
  6612.                                   large maps and CPU car paths.
  6613.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Paul Overy]÷«»>
  6614.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6615.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6616. a!piper.lha  P  69608  05-26-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  6617.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6618.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6619.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6620.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6621.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6622.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[ Piper ]÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷«»>
  6623.                                   Game like Pipline for WB2.0+
  6624.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Kev Crate]÷«»>
  6625.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  6626.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6627.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6628. abugmay.lha  P 270490  05-26-94  A.B.U.G and News Guide 
  6629.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6630.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6631. amicd111.lha P 193373  05-26-94  CDROM disk filesystem (ISO-9660+RR+HFS)
  6632.                                  (disk/cdrom)
  6633.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6634.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6635. amistati.lha P  41318  05-26-94  Amiga station - Password front end for you  
  6636.                                  machine on boot up !!!                      
  6637.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6638.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6639. asscm_08.lha P   8932  05-26-94  ASScii-O-MaTiC v0.8 - No more need of "TYPE"
  6640.                                  This tool converts your ASScii text files in
  6641.                                  to Self-Viewing EXE files                   
  6642.                                  direct from the coder: dEXTER/pYRODEX       
  6643.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6644.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6645. bluefact.txt N  17615  05-26-94  ---> We'Ve FoUnD tHe NeW bOxiNg CoDeZ <---
  6646.                                  Now you can call all international boards!
  6647.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6648.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6649. bt-charg.lha P  26598  05-26-94  A program which calculates the cost of calls
  6650.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6651.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6652. bt-codes.txt N  15712  05-26-94  Detailed info on BT exchanges.
  6653.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6654.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6655. cfree.txt    N   5640  05-26-94  .------------------------------------------.
  6656.                                  l           HOW TO CALL FREE               l
  6657.                                  l                                          l
  6658.                                  l        S W E D E S    O N L Y            l
  6659.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  6660.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6661.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6662. crosscir.lha P 100957  05-26-94  Tempest Clone 
  6663.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6664.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6665. qhelp.lha    P  46971  05-26-94  Quick-Helper 0.9a, /X-Door, Replace the H
  6666.                                  Command and use thiz!.. Humm....
  6667.                                  Good for lamers?
  6668.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6669.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6670. s8-sdelu.dms P 329997  05-26-94  ._____.__.__.__._____.__._____._____._____. 
  6671.                                  :     :  :  :  :     :  :     :     :     : 
  6672.                                  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦__¦  ¦  ¦__¦  ¦  ¦  ___¦  ¦  ¦ 
  6673.                                  |  l__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 
  6674.                                  |___  |  _  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     | 
  6675.                                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |m
  6676.                                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |R
  6677.                                  l_____l__l__l__l__l__l__l__l__l_____l_____|V
  6678.                                  «------------(÷bRiNGz÷yOu÷2dAy÷)-----------»
  6679.                                       sCHACH dELUXE V1.00 [Disk 01/01]       
  6680.                                  +------------------------------------------+
  6681.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6682.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6683. trz-k1.dms   P 853473  05-26-94  _______________ _________
  6684.                                  \  _    ____   \____    /- ----------------.
  6685.                                   \/    |  _/  _/    ___/   TRSi ^ ZeNiTh!  |
  6686.                                   /     |__\    \_  |   \_ proudly present: |
  6687.                                  /______|÷e÷\____/_______/- ----------------'
  6688.                                  K240 FROM GREMLIN GRAPHICS MULTILANG.  [1/3]
  6689.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6690.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6691. trz-k2.dms   P 454005  05-26-94  _______________ _________
  6692.                                  \  _    ____   \____    /- ----------------.
  6693.                                   \/    |  _/  _/    ___/   TRSi ^ ZeNiTh!  |
  6694.                                   /     |__\    \_  |   \_ proudly present: |
  6695.                                  /______|÷e÷\____/_______/- ----------------'
  6696.                                  K240 FROM GREMLIN GRAPHICS MULTILANG.  [2/3]
  6697.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6698.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6699. trz-k3.dms   P 560553  05-26-94  _______________ _________
  6700.                                  \  _    ____   \____    /- ----------------.
  6701.                                   \/    |  _/  _/    ___/   TRSi ^ ZeNiTh!  |
  6702.                                   /     |__\    \_  |   \_ proudly present: |
  6703.                                  /______|÷e÷\____/_______/- ----------------'
  6704.                                  K240 FROM GREMLIN GRAPHICS MULTILANG.  [3/3]
  6705.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6706.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6707. hlm-ima1.dms P 736786  05-26-94      :__.      /\_______  :                  
  6708.                                     _|  | /\  /. \      \/|  ___.__.__  /\   
  6709.                                    / |  |/. \/ |  \_.   / |__\  |  |  \/  \  
  6710.                                   /  .  / | (_____/ |  /  |  /  |  |  \/   \ 
  6711.                                  (___| (______)  (____(_____(______|  ||____)
  6712.                                      `--'     Proudly Presents     `--'[CAT] 
  6713.                                         IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2015 AGA 1/2
  6714.                                  ... /\/-> T H E  B L A C K  C A T <-\/\ ...
  6715.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6716.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6717. hlm-ima2.dms P 606018  05-26-94         IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2015 AGA 2/2
  6718.                                  ... /\/-> T H E  B L A C K  C A T <-\/\ ...
  6719.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6720.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6721. hlm-ime1.dms P 660457  05-26-94      :__.      /\_______  :                  
  6722.                                     _|  | /\  /. \      \/|  ___.__.__  /\   
  6723.                                    / |  |/. \/ |  \_.   / |__\  |  |  \/  \  
  6724.                                   /  .  / | (_____/ |  /  |  /  |  |  \/   \ 
  6725.                                  (___| (______)  (____(_____(______|  ||____)
  6726.                                      `--'     Proudly Presents     `--'CAT] 
  6727.                                       IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2025 ECS [1/2] 
  6728.                                        From Microprose (Multilanguage)
  6729.                                  --- - -------------[CHRONOS-TFB/H00DLUM]----
  6730.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6731.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6732. hlm-ime2.dms P 558102  05-26-94      :__.      /\_______  :                  
  6733.                                     _|  | /\  /. \      \/|  ___.__.__  /\   
  6734.                                    / |  |/. \/ |  \_.   / |__\  |  |  \/  \  
  6735.                                   /  .  / | (_____/ |  /  |  /  |  |  \/   \ 
  6736.                                  (___| (______)  (____(_____(______|  ||____)
  6737.                                      `--'     Proudly Presents     `--'CAT] 
  6738.                                       IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2025 ECS [2/2] 
  6739.                                        From Microprose (Multilanguage)
  6740.                                  --- - -------------[CHRONOS-TFB/H00DLUM]----
  6741.                                  Spafles<->High Voltage Courier<->Skid Row<->
  6742.                                                SYSOP OF BONZAI
  6743. PICWORK.DMS  P 588761  05-27-94  Scripts for Image FX, Morph Plus, Imagemaste
  6744.                                  & Visionare
  6745.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6746. A!A&TB14.LHA P 129756  05-27-94     ____    __/\  /\_  _______   _______ __
  6747.                                     \__ \  /_/  \ \ _\ \___   \_/___\  _\\/
  6748.                                     /  \ \/ \    \/\/ \/  /   / __/__\/  \ 
  6749.                                   _/ /\/  \  \/   \_   \_/   /      //    \
  6750.                                   \__\ ©ron\_/_____/____/   /\_____/ \____/
  6751.                                  +====\_____/==========/____\==(pRESENTs)===+
  6752.                                  <«»÷÷[ Address & telephone book v1.4 ]÷÷÷«»>
  6753.                                   Workbench Address Book for 2.04+
  6754.                                  <«»÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷[Jason Robbins]÷«»>
  6755.                                  `---------------------->dEEP sPACE nINE bBS]
  6756.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6757. BLDCAD.DMS   P 351192  05-27-94                                              
  6758.                                  Builder design/estimate CAD program.
  6759.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6760. MISTERM3.LHA P 714063  05-27-94  Great fractal program, needs an 881+, 20+
  6761.                                  and OS3.0 !
  6762.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6763. MNIGHT11.LHA P 109893  05-27-94  Midnight Screen Blanking System Rev 1.1 $   
  6764.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6765. MON165.LHA   P  45532  05-27-94  Amiga Monitor v1.65                         
  6766.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6767. MP.LZH       P 391300  05-27-94  MPEG VIEWER WITH A MP FILE DEBBIE       
  6768.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6769. DMSWB202.DMS P 336691  05-27-94  The COMPLETE version of DMS
  6770.                                  [-------------------[           rudy]------]
  6771. EGEL1501.DMS P 449640  05-27-94  Full version of Eagleplayer disk 1/1
  6772.                                  [-------------------[           rudy]------]
  6773. EGEL1502.DMS P 646252  05-27-94  Full version of Eagleplayer disk 2/2
  6774.                                  [-------------------[           rudy]------]
  6775. 060YEAH.TXT  N  16268  05-28-94  Motorola Inc finally launched the long-     
  6776.                                  promised 68060!                             
  6777.                                  It delivers 100 MIPS peak at 50 MHz.        
  6778.                                  Included is more info on the 060, prices,   
  6779.                                  upgrade info for 040 owners and a drawing   
  6780.                                  of the Pentium KILLER!                      
  6781.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6782. ACS-UBB.NFO  N   4396  05-28-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  6783.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  6784.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  6785.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  6786.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  6787.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  6789.                                    ULiTMATE BODY BLOWS FROM TEAM 17 (CD32)   
  6790.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6791. ACS-UBB1.LHA P 686584  05-28-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  6792.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  6793.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  6794.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  6795.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  6796.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  6798.                                    ULiTMATE BODY BLOWS FROM TEAM 17 (CD32)   
  6800.                                                      (1/4)                   
  6801.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6802. ACS-UBB2.LHA P1710212  05-28-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  6803.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  6804.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  6805.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  6806.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  6807.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  6809.                                    ULiTMATE BODY BLOWS FROM TEAM 17 (CD32)   
  6811.                                                      (2/4)                   
  6812.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6813. ACS-UBB3.LHA P1921978  05-28-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  6814.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  6815.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  6816.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  6817.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  6818.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  6820.                                    ULiTMATE BODY BLOWS FROM TEAM 17 (CD32)   
  6822.                                                      (3/4)                   
  6823.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6824. ACS-UBB4.LHA P1293389  05-28-94      _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____     
  6825.                                  +--|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ _ .|~ ___|~ ___|~ ___|--+ 
  6826.                                  |::|  |  |  |__|  |__|  _|_|___ :|___ :|::| 
  6827.                                  |::|  _  |  | .|  | .|    .|    .|    .|::| 
  6828.                                  +--|__|  |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|--+ 
  6829.                                  [c]   |__|   - P r e s e n t s -            
  6831.                                    ULiTMATE BODY BLOWS FROM TEAM 17 (CD32)   
  6833.                                                      (4/4)                   
  6834.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6835. ATOM12.DMS   P 100480  05-28-94  Atom Smasher V1.2 -AGA! Update-    
  6836.                                                   [.MEN-TEL.]       
  6837.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6838. BSC-TV1.DMS  P 327721  05-28-94    ________      ________  ___ _____  _____  
  6839.                                    \____  ¬\    /   __  / / |¬\\_   \/¬  _/C 
  6840.                                    /   /  _/.--.\__   \/ /  |  \|        | R 
  6841.                                   /   /   \ `--'/  |   \/   `   \   \/   | E 
  6842.                                  /________/    /_______/\_______/___||___| W 
  6844.                                         ReLeases AnothEr Kewl AgA FIx        
  6846.                                              *TVSpoRts BasEbAll*             
  6847.                                   YeS BooRRE Is GaY - SUck HiS SmAll PenIS   
  6848.                                                 * DIsk OnE *                 
  6849.                                      BcAusE Ya GoNNa Get Sum NiCe HerPeS     
  6850.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6851. BSC-TV2.DMS  P 512858  05-28-94    ________      ________  ___ _____  _____  
  6852.                                    \____  ¬\    /   __  / / |¬\\_   \/¬  _/C 
  6853.                                    /   /  _/.--.\__   \/ /  |  \|        | R 
  6854.                                   /   /   \ `--'/  |   \/   `   \   \/   | E 
  6855.                                  /________/    /_______/\_______/___||___| W 
  6857.                                         ReLeases AnothEr Kewl AgA FIx        
  6859.                                              *TVSpoRts BasEbAll*             
  6860.                                   YeS BooRRE Is GaY - SUck HiS SmAll PenIS   
  6861.                                                 * DIsk tWo *                 
  6862.                                      BcAusE Ya GoNNa Get Sum NiCe HerPeS     
  6863.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6864. DARK-T.DMS   P  29844  05-28-94  _|\____  __  _______/\__     __  ______|\
  6865.                                  \|  |  \/  \/      /  \ [MY]/  \/    \ | \
  6866.                                   |  /  / __ \  \__/   / | _/ __ \_\__/ _  \
  6867.                                  _|__\  \ _/  \ / |\   \_|/  \_/  \\  \ |   \
  6868.                                  \______/_|\  /___||\  /_____/|\  /___/_|_  /
  6869.                                  =pReSeNtS:=\/==|__|=\/=========\/========\/=
  6870.                                   DARKMERE FROM CORE DESIGN TRAINER BY LTD.
  6871.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6872. DLT-IMET.LHA P 123458  05-28-94  ______    ________.  /\    ______.__________
  6873.                                  \____ \/\/  _  /  |_/\/\/\/ ___/ |  \  __  /
  6874.                                  |:  /   //    /\  | \_ \\  /  \     \\/  \/ 
  6875.                                  |______/_______/_____/___\____/__|___/____\ 
  6876.                                  +-------------(TRAINED TODAY)-----------MK-+
  6877.                                  IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2025 E.C.S (+13)    
  6878.                                  ALL DONE BY BLACKBIRD/DELIGHT       
  6879.                                  [ ADVERTISING IN FILE_ID.DIZ SUX..STOP NOW ]
  6880.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6881. GLOBAL_1.DMS P 562714  05-28-94  Global Domination ECS/AGA 1/3
  6882.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6883. HOTLINE.TXT  N  19718  05-28-94  ,---------------------------------------,
  6884.                                  |   THE OLD HOTLINE CREW IS REFOUNDED   |
  6885.                                  |    Watch out for upcoming releases    |
  6886.                                  `--------------------[ SERiAL ACCESS ]--'
  6887.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  6888. YC3+4.LHA    P  63852  05-28-94  - -----------÷-( welcome to )-÷----------- -
  6889.                                  :::: ::::                ::::           ::::
  6890.                                  :::: ::::  .......   ....::::  .......  ::::
  6891.                                  :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
  6892.                                  ·:::.:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::.:::: ::::
  6893.                                  .....:::· ·:::.:::· ·:::.:::: ·:::..... ::::
  6894.                                      c  o  n  f  e  r  e  n  c  e   3 + 4    
  6895.                                  - ---÷-( official invitation intro! )-÷--- -
  6896.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  6897. GLOBAL_2.DMS P 375819  05-29-94  Global Domination ECS/AGA 2/3
  6898.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6899. GLOBAL_3.DMS P 292940  05-29-94  Global Domination ECS/AGA 3/3
  6900.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6901. IM30PAL1.DMS P 588655  05-29-94  This is the REAL Imagine 3.0 PAL version!
  6902.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6903. IM30PAL2.DMS P 567194  05-29-94  Disk 2 of the REAL Imagine 3.0 PAL version.
  6904.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6905. IM30PAL3.DMS P 515280  05-29-94  Disk 3 of the REAL Imagine 3.0 PAL version.
  6906.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6907. KUNGFU.DMS   P 142468  05-29-94  Kungfu Charlies game
  6908.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6909. PDX-SS1.DMS  P 436822  05-29-94  SENSIBLE SOCCER '94 EDITION  [1/2]
  6910.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6911. PDX-SS2.DMS  P 589277  05-29-94  SENSIBLE SOCCER '94 EDITION  [2/2]
  6912.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6913. TNT-SAFI.LHA P  46382  05-29-94    ___________________________________       
  6914.                                    \          /   ____    \          / `94   
  6915.                                  .- \/     \\/\      /    /\/     \\/------. 
  6916.                                  |::/       \\:\    /   //:/       \\::::::| 
  6917.                                  |:/__________\:\__/   //:/__________\::ç¶:| 
  6918.                                  |::::::::::::::::/   //:::::::::::::::::::| 
  6919.                                  |:::::::::::::::/____/::::::::::::::::::::| 
  6920.                                  )-[> TRiDENT <]-----[> PROUDLY PRESENT <]-(
  6921.                                  )-[>HD-FIX TO RUN SABRETEAM *AGA* ON HD<]-(
  6922.                                  `-[> !USE IT WITH THE pRODIGY vERSION! <]-'
  6923.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6924. PDX-ELM.TXT  N  10368  05-29-94  _\______                                    
  6925.                                    \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___ 
  6926.                                     /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/ 
  6927.                                   _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /   
  6928.                                   \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_  
  6929.                                    \/=============\_/============-CaR!\/\_/==
  6930.                                   FULL DOCS FOR ELFMANIA 
  6931.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6932. PDX-ICD.TXT  N  16551  05-29-94  _\______                                    
  6933.                                    \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___ 
  6934.                                     /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/ 
  6935.                                   _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /   
  6936.                                   \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_  
  6937.                                    \/=============\_/============-CaR!\/\_/==
  6938.                                  DOCS for ThE InCrEdIbLe CrAsH DuMmIeS
  6939.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6940. PDX-ICD1.DMS P 674624  05-29-94    ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____
  6941.                                    \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   /
  6942.                                      /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /
  6943.                                   MB/   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \
  6944.                                    /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \
  6945.                                   /_____|---|____\------|____\-CRACKED!-|____
  6946.                                   INCREDIBLE CRASH DUMMIES fROM VIRGIN   [1/2
  6947.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6948. PDX-ICD2.DMS P 536789  05-29-94    ________/\________  /\_____  ________ ____
  6949.                                    \_____  \ \_____  \/  \___ \/    \   |   /
  6950.                                      /  ___/| \|  /  /  | \ |  \  |  \     /
  6951.                                   MB/   |   _  \  \  \  _  \    \    /     \
  6952.                                    /    |___|   \_|\__\_|   \___/___/___|   \
  6953.                                   /_____|---|____\------|____\-CRACKED!-|____
  6954.                                   INCREDIBLE CRASH DUMMIES fROM VIRGIN   [2/2
  6955.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6956. PDX-SIS1.DMS P 815671  05-29-94  _\______
  6957.                                    \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___
  6958.                                     /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/
  6959.                                   _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /
  6960.                                   \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_
  6961.                                    \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/==
  6962.                                     Sierra Soccer World Challenge - INTRO
  6963.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6964. PDX-SIS2.DMS P 664662  05-29-94  7HB7H ;7HB;7H 
  6965.                                  B10Ho10H ;10Ho;10H 
  6966.                                  s10Ho16He16H ;16He
  6967.                                  16He27Hh27H ;27Hh
  6968.                                  ;27H 27Hh21Hl21H ;
  6969.                                  [s;21H 21Hl40HA40H 
  6970.                                  [s;40HA;40H 40HA58Ho5
  6971.                                  s
  6972.                                  ;58Ho;58H 58Ho72He
  6973.                                  H ;72He;72H 72He50Hv
  6974.                                  [s50H ;50Hv;50H 50Hv
  6975.                                  a34H ;34Ha;34H 34Ha
  6976.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6977. PDX-SS.TXT   N  23008  05-29-94  ____/:___/\____/\____/\____/\_ __/\___/\ /\ 
  6978.                                  \  ___  \__ /\_  _ \ __ /\_ _ \\ __ /\_ Y / 
  6979.                                   \/__/  /l  \/ __/_/ l_ \/ _j  \ l_ \/  _ \ 
  6980.                                   / \___/ __  \ \  \_ __  \     /     \  /  \
  6981.                                   \   |\___l__/_/\  /__l__/____/______/_/_NeB
  6982.                                  ==\__:===========\/======================\/=
  6983.                                     * COMPLETE DOCS FOR SENSIBLE SOCCER *    
  6984.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  6985. CP-AGAIN.LHA P 212578  05-29-94           _________/\_______  _______
  6986.                                          / ___/   / ___/    \/ / ___/\
  6987.                                         / /\_/ / /__  / / / / / /\__\/
  6988.                                     ___/____/___/____/_/_/_/_/____/\___
  6989.                                    / _  / / __  / __  /_  __/ ___/ ___/\
  6990.                                   / ___/ /   __/ __  /\/ /\/ _/\/__  /\/
  6991.                                  /_/\_/_/_/\_\/_/\/_/ /_/ /____/____/ /
  6992.                                  \_\/ \_\_\/\_\_\/\_\/\_\/\____\____\/
  6993.                                            PR0UDLY PR3S3NTS:
  6994.                                       =>>> A SMALL AGA-1NTRO <<<=
  6995.                                  [-------------------[    Tim Wellens]------]
  6996. GDH_QUIT.TXT N  31474  05-29-94  ---------------------------
  6997.                                  »»»» GODHEAD OF REFLEX ««««
  6998.                                   Leaves the scene for good
  6999.                                    No fake, I'm really out.
  7000.                                       Read why here...
  7001.                                  ---------------------------
  7002.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  7003. SPORTVFC.DOC N  21318  05-29-94  U S Robotics Press Release on the
  7004.                                  new 28.8 V.FAST SPORTSTER modems!
  7005.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  7006. THERACE5.LHA P  63613  05-29-94  ********************************************
  7007.                                  *    `THE RACE'  V 1.5   *
  7008.                                  *  OriginalWare game for up to 4 players   *
  7009.                                  *  Compatible from Amiga 500 to 4000/40    *
  7010.                                  * HD installable. WB 1.x to 3.x compatible *
  7011.                                  ********************************************
  7012.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  7013. TRZ-EL1A.DMS P 454732  05-30-94   _____  /\_______________________ TRSi aNd  
  7014.                                   \    \/     /   __   \_____    /  zENIth  .
  7015.                                  . \_/     \_/    |/  _/    ____/__ r bACk  :
  7016.                                  :  /   .:  \    :/    \_  /  .   / aGaiN!  :
  7017.                                  :mk\.::::._/__.::\_____/___.::._/   wITh   :
  7018.                                  `------------------------------------------'
  7019.                                    - ELFMANiA FROM RENEGADE - [DiSK 1A/2] -
  7020.                                  [-------------------[          DRACS]------]
  7021. TRZ-EL1B.DMS P 444523  05-30-94    - ELFMANiA FROM RENEGADE - [DiSK 1B/2] -
  7022.                                  [-------------------[          DRACS]------]
  7023. TRZ-EL2A.DMS P 444373  05-30-94    - ELFMANiA FROM RENEGADE - [DiSK 2A/2] -
  7024.                                  [-------------------[          DRACS]------]
  7025. TRZ-EL2B.DMS P 403742  05-30-94    - ELFMANiA FROM RENEGADE - [DiSK 2b/2] -
  7026.                                  --------------------------------------------
  7027.                                  [-------------------[          DRACS]------]
  7028. IMCODES.TXT  N   5545  05-30-94      IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2025
  7029.                                       - THE LEVELCODES -
  7030.                                  [«»]                   FRaNKy/ReFLeX    [«»]
  7031. AMIQWK.LHA   P 197102  05-30-94  A GREAT QWK Mail reader!
  7032.                                  [-------------------[           rudy]------]
  7033. ADDBOOK.LHA  P 129937  05-31-94  ADDRESS & TELEPHONE BOOK V1.4 
  7034.                                  ø -[HiGh&HaWk]-  ¤MeÐe££¦N¤  ©¦V¦£ Wa® BB$ ø
  7035.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7036. BBAGAFIX.LHA P 135393  05-31-94  BubbleBobble Aga Fix
  7037.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7038. DOGFIGHT.LHA P  70955  05-31-94  Up to 4 players, based on Apple][ game
  7039.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7040. F1GP101.LHA  P  88180  05-31-94  Editor for Formula 1 Grand Prix version 1.1 
  7041.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7042. FIXSISOC.LHA P  35374  05-31-94  Fix per Sierra Soccer (A1200)
  7043.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7044. GIN-CDWB.LHA P1278375  05-31-94  .-----.  _____________/\___________  .-----.
  7045.                                  |    ./ /  __________//\\_________¬\ \    ||
  7046.                                  |   // /.  |  \      \__/  |    |   \ \   ¡|
  7047.                                  |  // //   ¦  .\     / ¦\  ||   |    \ \  :|
  7048.                                  |  / //    :   \\   /  : \ ||   |    .\ \ .|
  7049.                                  | .\ \     ¡    \\_/      \|.   |     \\ \ |
  7050.                                  |  \\ \____.      /\______/l____|      \\_\|
  7051.                                  |____\ GIN l_____/ Presents '94 l________/ 
  7052.                                           [-----------------------]
  7053.                                   Incredible Crash Dummies Ecs/Aga/WB Version
  7054.                                   Req.    1 meg chip & 1.5 fast
  7055.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7056. HLM_ELTR.DMS P  25210  05-31-94      :__.      /\_______  :                  
  7057.                                     _|  | /\  /. \      \/|  ___.__.__  /\   
  7058.                                    / |  |/. \/ |  \_.   / |__\  |  |  \/  \  
  7059.                                   /  .  / | (_____/ |  /  |  /  |  |  \/   \ 
  7060.                                  (___| (______)  (____(_____(______|  ||____)
  7061.                                      `--'     Proudly Presents     `--'
  7062.                                               Elfmania Trainer
  7063.                                  (((((- SKid ROw -)))))(((((- blaCK BEarD -))
  7064. PDX-H2A1.DMS P 731755  05-31-94  _\______
  7065.                                    \____ \___  _____  _________  ______  ___
  7066.                                     /  / / _ \| __  \/ _ \___  \/ . \_ \/ _/
  7067.                                   _/ ___/  .  \  /  /  .  \  \  \ |  \\/ /
  7068.                                   \  /  \__|__/__\  \__|__/_____/____// /\_
  7069.                                    \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/==
  7070.                                  HEIMDALL II AGA From CORE DESIGN       [1/7]
  7071.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7072.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  7073. PDX-H2A2.DMS P 780095  05-31-94  Heimdall II *aga* from Paradox
  7074.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7075.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  7076. PDX-H2A3.DMS P 724476  05-31-94   
  7077.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7078.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  7079. PDX-H2A4.DMS P 849039  05-31-94   
  7080.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7081.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  7082. PDX-H2A5.DMS P 797155  05-31-94   
  7083.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7084.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸
  7085. PDX-H2A6.DMS P 807958  05-31-94  HEIMDALL II AGA FROM CORE DESIGN       [6/7]
  7086. PDX-H2A7.DMS P 795660  05-31-94   
  7087.                                  --*---------H00k+KicKeD+aSS+AgaiN--------*--
  7088.                                  ¸±±áᑑññ¦¦‡‡††ø|ø|h00k|ø|ø††‡‡¦¦ññ‘‘áá±±¸